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    Backpacker Travel | Top 15 Festivals of Europe


    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    9 years ago | April 6, 2016

    Backpacker Travel | Top 15 Festivals of Europe

    Backpacker Travel is a fan of our Running of the Bulls trip in Pamplona and King’s Day Festival in Amsterdam! Are you?

    Tip number 7: The Running Of The Bulls

    If you’re a no bulls**t kind of person, this is the festival for you. Yes, there’s dancing in the streets and excessive consumption of sangria. Yes, there’s fireworks and passionate romances with fiery locals. But yes, there’s also the insane and adrenaline-spiking bolt from boulder-sized, steam-snorting, ground-pounding, all-leather-and-no-suede-bulls!

    For a week in July, thousands storm Pamplona to test their mettle against stampeding herds through the constructed gauntlet that leads to the arena. A word to the wise – good running shoes and a shot of tequila will set you on the right path to get through this with your bones intact. Or you can just watch from the sidelines. Also exciting, plus less chance of getting a hoof to the head.

    Ready to run? Check out Stoke Travel’s all-inclusive Running of the Bulls trips

    Tip number 10: King’s Day Festival Amsterdam

    The Dutch have a few things they do particularly well. Legalizing illegal things. Making cheese. Beers. Canals. Bicycle lanes. The color orange. And partying on boats to celebrate their current regent’s birthday.

    At the end of April every year, orange is the new black and thousands of Dutchies and every other nationality under the sun take to boats in Amsterdam armed with beer and clad in their national colour to celebrate their Netherlandiness. There’s fireworks, hash cakes, pancakes and croquettes and there’s a whole lot of fun to be had.

    Do some Amsterdamage with Stoke Travel’s King’s Day trip and find it out yourself!

    Do you want to read other Stoke Travel tips? Or all the other tips? Do not hesitate, it is worth it! Check it here:

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