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San Fermin

San Fermín ist Spaniens
größtes Straßenfest

Pamlonas bestes Preis-Leistungs-Verhältnis
und wildester
Running of the Bulls Campingplatz



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    San Fermin

    Seit 2008 hat Stoke Travel den wildesten Campingplatz in Pamplona, wo Reisende Spaniens größtes Straßenfest genießen können. Eine Woche voller Wildheit, Spaß und Tanz in der ganzen Stadt. Plus, jeden Morgen können Sie Ihr Glück vor einigen ziemlich großen Bullen versuchen (dieser Teil ist optional, die Party ist es nicht).

    Die Stiertreiben/San Fermin 2025 Termine:

    5. – 15. JULI
    Die Eröffnungsparty ist am 6. JULI (Sie möchten einen Tag vorher ankommen)
    Es gibt jeden Morgen Stiertreiben vom 7. – 15. JULI
    Abschlussparty am Abend des 15. JULI

    Unsere Stiertreiben-Pakete umfassen:

    🏕️ Campingunterkunft in Doppelzelten mit Campingmatten und Schlafsäcken

    🍳🍾 Leckeres warmes und kaltes Frühstücksbuffet und bodenlose Mimosen jeden Morgen

     🍻🍷 Offene Bier-, Wein- und Sangria-Bar zwischen 10:00 und 22:00 Uhr (15 €/TAG)

    ⚡ 24-Stunden-Stromstationen zum Aufladen Ihrer Geräte

    💃 Musik den ganzen Tag, mit DJs, Live-Bands und Poolpartys

    🐂 Zugang zu allen San Fermin-Veranstaltungen, einschließlich des chupinazo (Eröffnungszeremonie) und des täglichen encierro (Stiertreiben)

    🕵 Möglichkeiten, Pamplona, das nahe gelegene San Sebastian oder die Umgebung von Navarra zu erkunden.

    San Fermin in Pamplona, Spanien, ist weltweit als das Stiertreiben bekannt. Was die meisten Menschen jedoch nicht wissen, ist, dass es bei diesem Ereignis um viel mehr geht als nur um diese fünf Minuten Mut/Dummheit. Kommen Sie und genießen Sie Spaniens größtes und typischstes Straßenfest mit uns, während wir die Traditionen, das Essen, die Getränke, die Musik und die FIESTA genießen!

    Stoke Travel kommt seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt nach Pamplona für San Fermin und ist die schönere Campingoption von San Fermin. Eine großartige Gruppe von Reisenden aus der ganzen Welt, eine offene Bar zwischen 10:00 und 22:00 Uhr, die Bier, Wein und Sangria serviert, lokale Wein- und Käseverkostung zur Begrüßung und der größte Spaß, da Sie mit gleichgesinnten Reisenden aus der ganzen Welt zusammen sein werden.

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    Die Stiertreiben 2025 Pakete

    Es ist eine stadtweite, mit Sangria getränkte Straßenparty mit Live-Musik, DJs, Feuerwerk, Essen und vielen spanischen Vergnügungen.

    Die Reise von Stoke Travel nach Pamplona umfasst riesige Campingplatzpartys, Ihren Aufenthalt in All-Inclusive-Campingunterkünften mit Campingmatten und Schlafsäcken, leckere warme und kalte Frühstücksbuffets und bodenlose Mimosen jeden Morgen, offene Bier-, Wein- und Sangria-Bar zwischen 10:00 und 22:00 Uhr (nur 15 €/Tag), lokale Käse- und Weinverkostung für Ihre Willkommensparty, eine aufgeschlossene internationale Menge mit neuen besten Freunden aus der ganzen Welt, Stoke Chillout-Campingplatz, großartige Reiseführer, die Ihr San Fermin besonders machen, und ein unvergessliches Erlebnis! 

    San Fermin 2025 in Pamplona

    Das Stiertreiben, für das Pamplona und San Fermin berüchtigt sind, ist nicht jedermanns Sache – einschließlich unserer – aber wir hindern niemanden daran, es auszuprobieren oder anzusehen und sich eine eigene Meinung über die Tradition zu bilden. Was Stoke Travel wirklich begeistert, sind die anderen 23 Stunden und 55 Minuten, in denen die Stiere nicht laufen und die Stadt tobt, denn die Pamplona San Fermin Party ist für absolut jeden. Vom ersten – und größten – Tag des Festivals am 5. Juli scheinen die Straßenpartys, Clubs, Bars und alle Arten von Restaurants nie aufzuhören. In jedem Stadtplatz, Park und Plaza gibt es Live-Bands und DJs. Nachts gehen die Feuerwerke los und Sie feiern mit absoluten Legenden aus Pamplona, ganz Spanien und der ganzen Welt. Es ist wirklich eine der größten Partys, die es gibt

    Für eine Geschichte des San Fermin Festivals und des Stiertreibens gehen Sie hier.

    Ihre Reise zum Stiertreiben

    Und wir haben noch nicht einmal das San Fermin Camping von Stoke Travel erwähnt, das für viele Reisende der Lieblingsteil des Festivals ist. Unser grasiger, flussseitiger, schattiger Campingplatz verfügt über einen Swimmingpool und viel Platz zum Entspannen. Sie werden viele neue aufgeschlossene internationale Freunde treffen und die perfekte Umgebung finden, um sich außerhalb von Sanfermines zu entspannen oder zu feiern. Wir werden auch Ihr Zelt bereits in unserem Campingplatz aufstellen, Ihr Bett mit einer Campingmatte und einem Schlafsack vorbereiten, um darin einzuschlafen. Unsere Camp-Köche servieren jeden Morgen heiße und leckere Brunch-Buffets mit unbegrenzten Mimosen, sodass Sie bereit sind, die Nacht durchzutanzen. Und wie immer haben wir vor Ort unbegrenztes Bier, Wein und Sangria im Angebot. Treffen Sie uns dort!


    In diesem Jahr besuchen wir eine unserer Lieblingsveranstaltungen im Kalender des Baskenlandes erneut – Bilbao BBK Live. Das Festival findet vom 11. Juli bis zum 13. Juli statt und bietet ein internationales Line-up von über 60 Acts, BBK Live ist nur einen Steinwurf von Pamplona entfernt. Wenn Sie planen, mit uns bei San Fermin zu feiern, können Sie ein BBK Live-Ticket und Camping zu Ihrem hinzufügen – wir stellen Ihnen sogar das Doppelzelt, Campingmatten und den Schlafsack gegen eine Kaution zur Verfügung. Entdecken Sie auch unsere inklusiven Pakete unten, bei denen wir Sie von unserem Bull’s Campingplatz zum BBK Live Campingplatz und sogar zu unserem San Sebastian Surf House danach bringen können.

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    Please make sure you’ve already selected your pick-up time for your arrival day, if you have not, check the times below and email info@stoketravel.com. Bookings close 24 hours before departure. 


    The beauty about Stoke is we don’t tie you down with strict itineraries to follow so this is a rough guide to your time at San Fermin.

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    July 5th

    Stoke Travel San Vino campsite opens

    8:00am  Campsite Opens

    9:00am – 1:00am – Enjoy what the campsite has to offer from things like DJs, sporting competitions, the pool, food and wine tasting!

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    July 6th

    Opening Ceremony

    8:00am – 10:00am – Freshly cooked bottomless brunch will be served

    10:00am – Head with our guides to the centre of Pamplona on the campsite bus for the opening ceremony

    12:00pm – A speech will be given then a proper ceremony will start which includes neck ties and wine!

    *If you arrive at the campsite after 8:30am you will miss the 9am bus into Pamplona City Centre so it’s better to go straight to the opening ceremony at 12pm then come to the campsite after!

    5:30pm – Afternoon bus back to the campsite to keep the party going!

    6:00pm – 9:00pm – Enjoy what the campsite has to offer from things like DJs, sporting competitions, the pool, food and wine tasting!

    1:00am – Morning – Parties until the sun comes up!

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    July 7th

    It’s the first bull run (boo), but also the second day of partying in Pamplona

    5:30am – Buses will be transporting people to town to prepare for the race, and are available from the ticket booth at the campsite. You can use this system to go into town throughout the day for parties, concerts and the fireworks displays

    7:00am – Participants in the bull races needs to be in place, ready to run!

    *If you are not in your spot by 7:30am, you will be not allowed to run*

    8:00am – The race begins!

    11:00am -1:00pm – Freshly cooked bottomless brunch will be served

    1:00 pm – 9:00pm – Stay at camp and float down the river with a drink in hand. Or hit up the town’s many bars, restaurants, street parties, ceremonies, concerts and wine tastings that will all provide a local and international, gastronomical experience.

    9:00 pm- Enjoy the crazy, never ending street party on Pamplona. There will be live bands and DJs will be in every city square, park and plaza!

    11:00pm – Firework show begins! There are firework shows every night at 11pm.

    1:00am – Morning – Parties until the sun comes up!

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    July 8th

    5:30am – Buses will be transporting people to town to prepare for the race, and are available from the ticket booth at the campsite. You can use this system to go into town throughout the day for parties, concerts and the fireworks displays

    7:00am – Participates in the bull races needs to be in place, ready to run!

    *If you are not in your spot by 7:30am, you will be not allowed to run*

    8:00am – The race begins!

    11:00am -1:00pm – Freshly cooked bottomless brunch will be served

    1:00pm – 10:00pm – Party at the stoke bar, live DJ and open bar!

    10:00pm – Morning – Parties until the sun comes up at the camp`site’s bar! 

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    July 9-13

    5:30am – Buses will be transporting people to town to prepare for the race, and are available from the ticket booth at the campsite. You can use this system to go into town throughout the day for parties, concerts and the fireworks displays

    7:00am – Participates in the bull races needs to be in place, ready to run!

    *If you are not in your spot by 7:30am, you will be not allowed to run*

    8:00am – The race begins!

    11:00am -1:00pm – Freshly cooked bottomless brunch will be served

    1:00 pm – 9:00pm – Stay at camp and float down the river with a drink in hand. Or hit up the town’s many bars, restaurants, street parties, ceremonies, concerts and wine tastings that will all provide a local and international, gastronomical experience.

    9:00 pm- Enjoy the crazy, never ending street party on Pamplona. There will be live bands and DJs will be in every city square, park and plaza! (Every couple of days, we’ll head into town!)

    11:00pm – Firework show begins! There are firework shows every night at 11pm.

    1:00am – Morning – Parties until the sun comes up!

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    July 14th

    Closing Ceremony

    5:30am – Buses will be transporting people to town to prepare for the race, and are available from the ticket booth at the campsite. You can use this system to go into town throughout the day for parties, concerts and the fireworks displays

    7:00am – Participates in the bull races needs to be in place, ready to run!

    *If you are not in your spot by 7:30am, you will be not allowed to run*

    8:00am – The race begins!

    9:00am -12:00pm – Freshly cooked bottomless brunch will be served

    5:00pm – 9:00 pm – Enjoy what the campsite has to offer from things like DJs, sporting competitions, food and wine tasting!

    11:00pm – Firework show begins! There are firework shows every night at 11pm.

    1:00am – Morning – Parties until the sun comes up!

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    July 15th

    campsite closes

    8:00am – 10:00am – Freshly cooked bottomless brunch will be served

    All day: Enjoy what our campsite and what Pamplona has to offer. It’s your last chance to take in the amazing street parties, meet new mates and drink your bloody heart out!

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    Campsite Address

    Camping Molino

    Pamplona, Spain

    Carretera Mendigorría

    larraga s/n, 31150 Mendigorría, Navarra

    Daily buses will be transporting people to town to enjoy the San Fermin festival, and are available from the ticket booth at the campsite. You can use this system to go into town throughout the day for the bull run, for the parties, concerts and the fireworks displays.

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    Questions and queries? Ask away. Enter in the Ask a Question tab and we will try to come up with something helpful here.

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    What should we bring?

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    Are there shuttles to and from the campsite to Pamplona?

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    Is the campsite near Pamplona?

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    Who do we see when we arrive?

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    What’s the bottomless brunch like?

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    What are the tents like?

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    What amenities are available at the campsite?

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    What’s the deal with the open bar?

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    Do the tents have power points and that kind of thing?

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    What do you mean by camping?

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    Camping Accommodation

    Camping Accommodation

    Twin-share pre-erected tents with foam mats and sleeping bags

    Delish Cooked Breakfast With Bottomless Mimosas

    Delish Cooked Breakfast With Bottomless Mimosas

    A tasty breakfast, vegetarians can be catered for

    Open & Unlimited Beer, Wine & Sangria Bar

    Open & Unlimited Beer, Wine & Sangria Bar

    Completely open bar from 10am until 10pm

    Welcome Party With Local Cheese & Wine Tasting

    Welcome Party With Local Cheese & Wine Tasting

    Sample the region's best wine and cheese when you arrive and get to know your fellow travellers

    Party Atmosphere

    Party Atmosphere

    Stoke daily campsite parties

    Awesome Guides

    Awesome Guides

    Awesome guides

    Festival Entry

    Festival Entry

    Entry to Running o the Bulls
    Use 2 or more nights from your Stoke Travel Passport

    It's time for a fiesta!

    July 4 - 15Ultimate Running of the Bulls AdventureSTART ANY DAY AND STAY FOR 4 PLUS NIGHTS
    280/Per Person Per Package

    Flexible terms, group payments

    Meet Us There
    July 4 - 15Ultimate Running of the Bulls AdventureSTART ANY DAY AND STAY FOR 4 PLUS NIGHTS


    • Welcome drink on arrival
    • Hot brunch with bottomless mimosas served 11am – 1pm every morning
    • Coffee and tea station open from 9am until 1pm
    • Sleep in pre-erected twin share tents, all set up for you with camping mats and a sleeping bag
    • Access to all campsite facilities including pool, laundry, and restaurant
    • Access to hot showers free of charge
    • Pre-bull run snacks (we’ll give ya fruit and muffins as you’re getting onto the bus)
    • Festival info & tips
    • 10% off your stay at San Sebastian Surf House 
    • 10% off Stoke Swag – tees, hoodies, beanies, party shirt


    • Unlimited beer and sangria available for only €15 a day


    • Traditional white and red San Fermin Tour outfits (€40)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€30 per night)
    • Dorm room upgrade (€10 per night)
    • Bull Run balcony reservation (€150 – €300 per person – subject to availability)
    • Pamplona Express Bus transfers between the city and campsite (€5 one way with Stoke, €7 for public)
    • BBK Live ticket and camping (€265, or see our inclusive packages)

    For add-ons not available in the booking stage, please reach out to us to enquire (some add-ons are subject to limited availability)

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    July 4 - 15Running of the Bulls Meet Us ThereMEET US AT OUR SAN FERMIN CAMPSITE
    80/Per Person Per Night

    2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

    Meet Us There
    July 4 - 15Running of the Bulls Meet Us ThereMEET US AT OUR SAN FERMIN CAMPSITE


    • Welcome drink on arrival
    • Hot brunch with bottomless mimosas served 11am – 1pm every morning
    • Coffee and tea station open from 9am until 1pm
    • Sleep in pre-erected twin share tents, all set up for you with camping mats and a sleeping bag
    • Access to all campsite facilities including pool, laundry, and restaurant
    • Access to hot showers free of charge
    • Pre-bull run snacks (we’ll give ya fruit and muffins as you’re getting onto the bus)
    • Festival info & tips


    • Unlimited beer and sangria available for only €15 a day


    • Traditional white and red San Fermin Tour outfits (€40)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€30 per night)
    • Dorm room upgrade (€10 per night)
    • Bull Run balcony reservation (€150 – €300 per person – subject to availability)
    • Pamplona Express Bus transfers between the city and campsite (€5 one way with Stoke, €7 for public)
    • BBK Live ticket and camping (€265, or see our inclusive packages)

    For add-ons not available in the booking stage, please reach out to us to enquire (some add-ons are subject to limited availability)

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    July 4 - 15Running of the Bulls BYO (Bring your own) Van PackageMeet us there
    90/Per Person Per Night

    Flexible terms, group payments

    Meet Us There
    July 4 - 15Running of the Bulls BYO (Bring your own) Van PackageMeet us there


    • Site for van
    • Welcome drink on arrival
    • Hot brunch with bottomless mimosas served 11am – 1pm every morning
    • Coffee and tea station open from 9am until 1pm
    • Access to all campsite facilities including pool, laundry, and restaurant
    • Access to hot showers free of charge
    • Pre-bull run snacks (we’ll give ya fruit and muffins as you’re getting onto the bus)
    • Festival info & tips


    • Unlimited beer and sangria available for only €15 a day


    • Traditional white and red San Fermin Tour outfits (€40)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€30 per night)
    • Dorm room upgrade (€10 per night)
    • Bull Run balcony reservation (€150 – €300 per person – subject to availability)
    • Pamplona Express Bus transfers between the city and campsite (€5 one way with Stoke, €7 for public)
    • BBK Live ticket and camping (€265, or see our inclusive packages)

    For add-ons not available in the booking stage, please reach out to us to enquire (some add-ons are subject to limited availability)

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    June 26th – June 9thSan Vino, Surf & BullsMeet Us At Our San Vino Campsite
    515per package

    (flexible bookings, low deposit, and group payments)

    Ride With Us
    June 26th – June 9thSan Vino, Surf & BullsMeet Us At Our San Vino Campsite

    This 13 day packages is stuffed with the best Spain has to offer, and is sure to be the wildest week-and-a-bit of your life. Scroll down to see all inclusions.

    First, we’re hitting our San Vino party campsite in Spain, where we stay up all night before we soak ourselves silly in the middle of a full-on wine fight in the mountains of La Rioja. Thousands of litres of red wine, flying through the air with zero regard for your outfit or dignity. By 10am, you’ll be drenched purple, slurring your words, and have a vendetta against a 70 year old Spanish woman with a weed sprayer.

    Then we’re off to our San Sebastián Surf House, where it’s surf, sun, and beers in hand as you chill with a sick crowd who’ll make you feel right at home. We surf all day and we party all night. We hike the hills behind the house and stumble through the San Sebastian old town streets. For certified shred dawgs and beachbums alike, a few days in our secluded animal house is the perfect intermission for your holiday of benders.

    Finally, we’ll wrap up this absolute shitshow with the opening weekend of San Fermin (Running of the Bulls) in Pamplona. Experience city wide fiestas, before the most terrifying five minutes of your life, with angry bulls charging you down narrow streets. Recover from the near-death experiences at our campsite with live music, DJs, a dip in the pool, and even more partying , you’ll get so pissed you forget you nearly died that morning. It’ll be the most epic, idiotic experience you probably shouldn’t tell your grandkids about.


    • 4 nights accommodation in pre-erected two person tents with camping mats and sleeping bags at San Vino
    • Breakfast daily with bottomless mimosas
    • Guides to the world’s best (only?) wine fight
    • Transfers from San Vino to the San Sebastian Surf House
    • 5 nights hostel dorm accommodation at San Sebastian Surf House
    • 5 days surf with board, wetsuit, and lessons provided
    • Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Surf House
    • Transfers from the San Sebastian Surf House to our San Fermin Camp in Pamplona
    • 4 nights camping accommodation at our San Fermin camp in Pamplona
    • Breakfast daily at Pamplona campsite 
    • Awesome guides into the San Fermines festivities
    • Massive campsite party and festival vibes nightly


    • Unlimited beer and sangria is available for only €15 a day
    • Traditional white and red San Fermin Tour outfits (€40)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€30 per night)
    • Dorm room upgrade (€10 per night – Bulls campsite only)
    • Bull Run balcony reservation (€150 – €300 per person – subject to availability)
    • Pamplona Express Bus transfers between the city and campsite (€5 one way with Stoke, €7 for public)
    • Party trips, pintxo tours, hiking, paintball, paragliding, horse riding, yoga, sidra house dinners, pub crawls, cliff jumping – contact surf@stoketravel.com for more information (dependent on availability) 
    • Chuck on BBK Live at the end there to see Kylie Minogue, with a ticket and camping add on (€265, or see our inclusive packages)

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    9 - 15 JulyBulls, BBK & SurfMeet us at our Bulls Pamplona campsite
    583/per package

    (flexible bookings, low deposit, and group payments)

    Ride With Us
    9 - 15 JulyBulls, BBK & SurfMeet us at our Bulls Pamplona campsite


    • 2 nights camping accommodation at our Bulls camp in Pamplona
    • Breakfast daily at Pamplona campsite (dinner available for purchase)
    • Awesome guides into the San Fermines festivities
    • Massive campsite party and festival vibes nightly
    • Bilbao BBK Live ticket 
    • 3 nights accommodation at BBK Live campsite with tent, sleeping bag and camping mat hired out at a 100 deposit – returned once you return the camping gear)
    • 2 nights accommodation at San Sebastian Surf House
    • 2 days surf with board, wetsuit, and lessons provided
    • Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Surf House


    • Unlimited beer and sangria is available for only €15 a day
    • Traditional white and red San Fermin Tour outfits (€40)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€30 per night)
    • Dorm room upgrade (€10 per night)
    • Bull Run balcony reservation (€150 – €300 per person – subject to availability)
    • Pamplona Express Bus transfers between the city and campsite (€5 one way with Stoke, €7 for public)
    • BBK solo tent upgrade (€30)

    For add-ons not available in the booking stage, please reach out to us to enquire (some add-ons are subject to limited availability)


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    July 7 - 13Bulls & BBKMeet us at our Bulls Pamplona campsite
    425/per package

    (flexible bookings, low deposit, and group payments)

    Meet Us There
    July 7 - 13Bulls & BBKMeet us at our Bulls Pamplona campsite


    • 2 nights camping accommodation at our Bulls camp in Pamplona
    • Breakfast daily at Pamplona campsite (dinner available for purchase)
    • Awesome guides into the San Fermines festivities
    • Massive campsite party and festival vibes nightly
    • Bilbao BBK Live ticket 
    • 4 nights accommodation at BBK Live campsite with tent, sleeping bag and camping mat hired out at a 100 deposit – returned once you return the camping gear)

    ADD ON

    • Unlimited beer and sangria at Pamplona campsite (€15/day)
    • Traditional white and red San Fermin outfits (€40)
    • Solo tent upgrade (€30 per night)
    • Bulls campsite transfers to and from Pamplona centre (€5 one way/€10 return)

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    June 26 – July 13San Vino, Surf, Bulls & BBKThe Whole Paella
    782/per package

    17 nights of getting stoked at our best ever price

    Ride With Us
    June 26 – July 13San Vino, Surf, Bulls & BBKThe Whole Paella


    • 4 nights camping accommodation at San Vino
    • Breakfast daily with bottomless mimosas
    • Guides to the world’s best (only?) wine fight
    • Transfers from San Vino to the San Sebastian Surf House
    • 5 nights accommodation at San Sebastian Surf House
    • 5 days surf with board, wetsuit, and lessons provided
    • Breakfast, lunch and dinner at the Surf House
    • Transfers from the San Sebastian Surf House to our San Fermin Camp in Pamplona
    • 5 nights camping accommodation at our San Fermin camp in Pamplona
    • Breakfast daily at Pamplona campsite 
    • Awesome guides into the San Fermines festivities
    • Massive campsite party and festival vibes nightly
    • Bilbao BBK Live ticket 
    • 3 nights accommodation at BBK Live campsite with tent, sleeping bag and camping mat hired out at a 100 deposit – returned once you return the camping gear)

    ADD ON

    • Unlimited beer and sangria at San Vino, the San Sebastian Surf House and San Fermin (€15/day)
    • BBK Solo tent upgrade (€30)
    • Party trips, pintxo tours, hiking, paintball, paragliding, horse riding, yoga, sidra house dinners, pub crawls, cliff jumpin – contact surf@stoketravel.com for more information (dependent on availability) 

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          San Fermin

          Start Date: 2025-07-05 End Date: 2025-07-15

          Select your package
          Ultimate Running of the Bulls Adventure
          • €280 /Per Person Per Package
          • July 4 - 15

          View My Trip

          Running of the Bulls Meet Us There
          • €80 /Per Person Per Night
          • July 4 - 15

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          Running of the Bulls BYO (Bring your own) Van Package
          Meet us there
          • €90 /Per Person Per Night
          • July 4 - 15

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          San Vino, Surf & Bulls
          Meet Us At Our San Vino Campsite
          • €515 per package
          • June 26th – June 9th

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          Bulls, BBK & Surf
          Meet us at our Bulls Pamplona campsite
          • €583 /per package
          • 9 - 15 July

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          Bulls & BBK
          Meet us at our Bulls Pamplona campsite
          • €425 /per package
          • July 7 - 13

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          San Vino, Surf, Bulls & BBK
          The Whole Paella
          • €782 /per package
          • June 26 – July 13

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