Ibiza is fantastic and you’re just going to love it. Is it the greatest place in the world? If you like having fun, then it may as well be. It’s…
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You might think that being on the old continent Stoke Travel were immune to the hedonistic charms of Spring Break, but you would think wrong. We love Spring Break, not because…
If you think that Spring Break is for beer-ponging frat types perpetually in short shorts and bare chest then you’d be right! It’s totally for them and their string bikini…
A local copywriter has been given the unenvious task of making Easter sound cool, without offending former, current and future guests who may follow one of the monotheistic religions. “Oh…
ibiza 2019spring breakA crisis meeting has been held at the Rhode Island family home of Brian Wheeler, 22, after the outgoing young traveller recently quoted a hit song as the…
North American study abroad student, Sally Peterson, 20, has justified yet another drunken weekend away as being beneficial not only to her time in Europe, but also to her education…
We know it can be hard to imagine a time in Ibiza that wouldn’t be better spent partying. Trust us when we say that there’s plenty of champagne and, ahem……
spring bAn American student studying in Barcelona has taken leave from her studying commitments in order to enjoy the island paradise of Ibiza. Maddie Cochran, 21, felt that after half…
Drug use has been categorically proven to enhance basically every single experience imaginable. That’s what they’re designed to do after all and that’s why there are angels out there…
The Mediterranean is heating up and there’s no better way to make the most of the long summer than with a sneaky Barcelona trip. But what to pack? Chances are…