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Andorra Ski Weekenders

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    Every weekend from JAN 23 – MAR 17

    We hope you’re as excited for Andorra ski weekends as we are!

    #stoketravel #getstoked #andorraskiweekender

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    Sants-Montjuïc, 08014 Barcelona
    10am check in for a 11am departure

    ski run address 

    Pal-Arsinal Ski Resort – Pal Arinsal Estacion De Ski Snow 

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    Andorra Ski stay includes

    • Private Return (Round Trip) Transport from Barcelona to Andorra (11am Friday morning. Check in at least 30 minutes early).
    • 3 days 2 nights
    • Stay in 3* or 4* hotel in Andorra
    • Daily delicious hot buffet breakfast
    • 3 course welcome dinner with wine included
    • 2 Day Ski Pass for Pal-Arinsal
    • Ski equipment – boots, skis & poles (option to upgrade to Snowboard €20)
    • Après Ski Party with DJ at the bottom of the mountain
    • Hamper treats in every room

    Optional upgrades and add ons

    • 2 day Snowboard €20,
    • 2 day Ski Insurance €24
    • 2 day Ski classes €85 (3 hours per day)
    • Double room upgrade €20pppn subject to availability

    *Note in the case that we change hotels because of capacity some amenities may not apply


    Your Barcelona stay includes

    • Thursday & Sunday stay in our partner hostel in Barcelona
    • Breakfast everyday in Barcelona
    • 1 dinner in Barcelona
    • Free Barcelona walking tour
    • Nights out in Barcelona

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    Don’t forget

    • Cash
    • Passport
    • Let us know of any rooming requests prior to the trip at the email below



    • Ski insurance – €24 (Highly recommended)
    • Snowboard rental – €20 surcharge
    • 2 day ski classes – €85
    • Double-room upgrade per night – €20 pppn (€40 per person for entire trip)
    • Barcelona City Break (additional night in Barcelona) –  €45, including breakfast 

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    • We will ski in the resort of Pal-Arinsal: 63 kms of runs: 4 green, 16 blue, 16 red, 5 black
    • Andorra is a tax free principality meaning that shopping is tax free. If you want to go shopping we recommend you do so Friday afternoon after we arrive. It’s the only time you’ll really get when we’re not on the slopes or partying
    • We highly recommended Ski insurance.  We have a discounted Insurance package available for €24 which covers you whilst skiing only (note it does not cover falling off a table whilst drunk on a night out)
    • If you do have your own ski/snowboard equipment you qualify for a discount of €20 euros
    • Never been skiing before? No worries, a bunch of us will be doing ski classes, they are 3 hours on the Saturday and 3 hours on the Sunday, so you’ll not only learn to ski/board properly, but you’ll also have time pre/post lessons to try out the slopes on your own or with your mates
    • You can choose who you room with, we have 3/4/5 bed rooms allocated to us, so be sure to let us know who you want to room with beforehand if you have a preference. Email info@stoketravel.com to do so 
    • As Andorra isn’t part of the EU, the free data roaming doesn’t apply there. There is wifi in the hotel and bars (including on the mountain) but if you’re someone that needs to be constantly online and don’t want the exorbitant roaming fees, look into getting an international data plan (or international e-sim) for the weekend

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    • Free Wi-FI
    • 24-hour reception
    • Tourist information
    • Luggage storage
    • Laundry service
    • Ironing service
    • Room service
    • Bar
    • Vending machine (snacks)

    (facilities are dependent on resort availability)

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    *If at any time you feel unsafe, please don’t hesitate to contact any member of the Stoke Travel crew

    As far as situations go, a Stoke Travel trip is amongst the safest. Unlike in the ‘real’ world, everybody here is intent on having a good time with new and old friends – your fellow Stokies are way more likely to hold your hair back while you puke than steal your wallet.

    That being so, we’re more in danger of hurting ourselves while on a Stoke Travel trip than falling foul of our fellow travellers. Here’s a quick little guide to partying safe with Stoke Travel.

    1. We are living through a health epidemic, and while it isn’t of any particular danger to us, the greater community can really benefit from us being sensible. Wash your hands, cough into your elbow, avoid touching your face, and don’t stop living your normal life unless the local authorities, or health specialists, advise you to do so. And if you come down with a cough, fever AND shortness of breath stay home, call the hospital, and await further instructions. 
    2. Drink plenty of water – There’s a high chance after a big day on the slopes you’ll hit the beers, meaning you’re probably going to have a plenty big hangover, but you can really limit it by smashing a few cups of water throughout the day and evening.
    3. Remember to eat – We’re going to hook you up with 2 hearty breakfasts and one dinner, and as the bare minimum that should keep your stomach lined and engine running. Do not skip these meals, even if you are suffering horrifically from one of the aforementioned hangovers. We also strongly advise getting a lunch in there too, maybe even every day. Being out on that fresh pow is hungry work! 
    4. Don’t push yourself beyond your limits – As far as the ski runs go, there are some that are pretty advanced. Make sure you stick to your level of expertise, at least until you feel truly confident enough to level up. The same goes for any hectic tricks you might be thinking about trying. Even if you’re trying to impress someone, only do what you know you can do safely. Broken bones don’t impress anyone, especially not your mother. 
    5. Get insurance – If you don’t have your own travel insurance that covers snow sports, we highly recommend it. If you want to add on two day ski Insurance with us for €26, contact info@stoketravel.com
    6. Wear the appropriate gear – Snow sports are no joke, neither is being freezing cold. Make sure you come prepared and have packed appropriately to make sure your ears, fingers and toes stay warm and you can shred comfortably. 
    7. Stay with the group, or at least with your friends if you can help it – Being out on the snow by yourself is no fun anyway, but you know what they say, there’s safety in numbers. If anything goes wrong, having people around to help you is way better than being alone. 
    8. Don’t be a creep – Like, seriously, has that ever worked out for you? Similarly, if you see somebody being a creep and making people uncomfortable let us know and we’ll have a friendly word to them. Sometimes they just don’t realise how gross they are.
    9. Yes means yes, and only yes means yes. Consent matters. At a very basic level if you hit on somebody and they say no then you’ve just got to cop that. They’re just not that into you. It sucks for about three seconds, but you’re literally surrounded by hundreds of young, like-minded travellers. Suck it up and move on. When you do find somebody who’s into you and you want to move through the bases, make sure you get consent. It really, really, really, really, really does matter.  
    10. If you see somebody having a bad time, make sure they’re ok – We are all brothers and sisters and gender non-specific relations out here. If you see somebody struggling in any way, check on them, grab a Stoke staff member and just do what any decent human being would do.

    Staying safe at Stoke Travel is super easy, but sometimes we get a little out of control and forget the basics. If you ever find yourself in any kind of situation do not hesitate to contact Stoke staff, or security, and we’ll sort you out immediately. We’re here to help – help you have the best time possible. Mwah.

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    • A ski suit or suitable clothes and jacket to ski in because you can’t hire ski wear at the slopes 
    • Socks and gloves
    • Passport/ID to cross borders – you can not come without it 
    • Warm clothes to sleep in
    • Something awesome to party in
    • A camera
    • Condoms (better safe than sorry!)
    • Cash
    • Gloves
    • Sunscreen
    • Sunglasses
    • A water bottle to fill up 

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    Arrival and Check-In at Hostel

    • Arrive at Barcelona and check in at the hostel
    • Welcome dinner at the hostel to get to know your new mates 
    • Night out on the town with hostel pub crawl or early to bed, early to rise


    Arrival and Check-In

    • 10am check-in in front of Hotel Catalonia in Plaça d’Espanya for bus pick up
    • Arrive at our Andorra hotel for welcome party in the lobby 
    • Welcome dinner & wines at the hotel to meet your new mates 
    •  “Hour of Power” open bar at our favourite nightspot followed by whatever happens, or early to bed early to rise (for some) (hour of power may be Saturday night – depending on our accommodation)


    Ski, Board, Après-Ski

    • Breakfast at the hotel
    • Head to ski pistes- Meet at at anytime at our favorite mountain drinks venue
    • The day on the slopes
    • Après Ski Party with DJ and “Schnappy Hour”, open-air danceparty in the village, a night on the town if you want it.


    Breaky, Ski, Back to BCN

    • Breakfast at the hotel – Check out before breakfast and leave your bags at reception. We wont have time to check out after breakfast, as we’ll be heading directly to the slopes to make the most of the last day
    • Head to ski pistes
    • Get in some precious hours of skiing/boarding
    • Evening return to Barcelona, exhausted & exhilarated, arrival back at Hostel.
    • Hot Dinner at Hostel, nights rest before heading home in the morning



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