Are you a beginner snowboarder who doesn’t want to suck? Here’s all you need to know so you don’t blow in the snow this winter.
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7 Ways To Prepare For Your Andorra Trip
With winter upon us you’d think we’d be snuggling up on the sofa, or heading south to Morocco. But you’d be wrong, ‘cause at Stoke the party never stops. And winter is good for some things. Snowboarding and skiing, for example. And although ‘tax-free white powder and free flowing booze’ may sound like a Wolf Of Wall Street Scene, we promise our Andorra weekender offers unparalleled opportunity for debauchery and first tracks alike. And how to prepare? Read on…
Watch Videos On Youtube.
A cheaper but less effective way of learning the basics (or a new trick) than getting a lesson.
Go Backpacking In South-East Asia.
Most snowboarding websites recommend that you do a one minute wall sit or twenty squats per day in order to prepare your leg muscles, but this is just as effective. One rookie tourist error = three days squatting above drop toilet. You do the math.
Another excellent way to prepare yourself for the “on piste” part of your Andorra trip. Although in the nocturnal hours you may have to break a few of the clean-living blood pledges you made when you signed your life away for $40 per hour.
Find A Friend.
Find someone who’s good at whatever it is you want to learn, and if you’re lucky they’ll teach you. Or just find someone with a sense of humour to struggle alongside.
Go Shopping.
Make sure you have the right equipment to have a good time on the slopes. If you’re coming on our trip you won’t need to buy a board or ski equipment (they can be rented), but you will need a ski jacket and pants (or a retro, 80’s jumpsuit), and ski goggles. If you can’t borrow them or find anything second hand on Milanuncios, then head to Decathlon, a sports shop with super cheap equipment (things like goggles start at about eight euros).
Work On Your French/Spanish Pickup Lines.
But think of something original and witty ‘cos we’re a sophisticated bunch with a reputation to upkeep. “Voulez vous couchez avec moi, ce soir?” is just soo passe. Think more along the lines of “si besarte fuera pecado, caminaría feliz por el infierno…” (if kissing you was a sin, I would happily walk through hell).
So if you feel adequately prepared, and fancy a spontaneous weekend of skiing, snowboarding and Sangria in the next couple of months, then head over here to check out our trips. And feel free to let us know how these tips go for you in the comments below.