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    Posted by Stoke Media Team
    7 years ago | July 24, 2018


    Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest beer festival, so what are you waiting for?

    Life is full of parties! When you were born, it’s likely your dad went out and got drunk. Soon after your mum did too. You don’t remember your first birthday, but there was a party that went by unappreciated by you. Christmases were parties based on parents lying to you in order to keep your behaviour in check. School dances were parties where boys and girls stood on opposite sides of the hall and were reluctant to touch each other; older school dances became parties where boys and girls stood against the wall on the same side of the hall and enthusiastically touched each other.

    Parties! And on some level almost all of them involved beer, either in the hands of your young parents, or in your trembling teenaged hands, or your teachers once the school disco was over and the frisky adolescent hormones had cleared the air.

    We’re no mathemastaticians, but it seems like from day one the following equation could describe human existence:

    Living = partying and partying = beer

    Then we get old enough to openly and freely drink beer and party and while we sometimes shun the amber ale for stronger, or more situation specific substitutions, we always have a place in our life for drinking beer. Hot days. Pre drinking. In the shower. Once you’ve moved onto vino and jäger bombs and vodka and soda water with a dash of lime, beer will still be the go-to staple social lubricant/erection deterrent.

    Given beer’s influence on our parties, and partying’s indelible connection to our lives, it makes crystal clear sense that we’d be interested in a party devoted exclusively to the imbibing of brewskis. We can skip the occasion, cease pretending to be interested in cousins’ confirmations, your grandma’s college graduation, the finalising of your parents’ divorce, and get straight and unadulteratedly into the tippling of loudmouth juice.  

    Oktoberfest is now a global phenomenon. The world over, one can find gatherings of people worshipping German, or any, beer. Cities have Oktoberfests, villages do too. North America, South America. Asia. Africa. Australia. All over Europe. Sometimes there are Oktoberfests in October and sometimes they’re in other months entirely. It doesn’t matter, all that matters is that there is beer, and plenty of it, and it’s delicious.

    But there is absolutely nothing like the orginal. The OG. The mack daddy of brew fests. Germany’s Oktoberfest, that started as a royal wedding celebration and turned into a global party phenomena. If life is partying and partying is done with beer, then heading to Munich’s hallowed beer halls is a pilgrimage we must all take at least once in our lives. It could be said that you haven’t really lived until you’ve stood on a table surrounded by thousands of Bavarians and globe travelling beer lovers and put away a litre of Germanic dancing juice.

    It’s not just the Oktoberfest in Munich is the original Oktoberfest, it’s also the best! The best Oktoberfest beers, brewed where you will be drinking it. The best ambience, with beer halls that house 10,000 people and more. The best beer drinking food, like giant pretzels and perfectly seasoned meats and vegetables and the greatest in German cuisine.

    Then there are the Oktoberfest traditions, the tradition that exists to make the drinking of the beer an even more pleasurable experience. There are the beer drinking costumes, the lederhosen and dirndls that exist only to get you in the mood for partying. There are the oompa bands in each and every beer hall who know the songs to play to get your already high spirits soaring.

    But the thing that really separates Oktoberfest Munich from its global imitators is the sheer size. More than seven million people will attend Oktoberfest this year. Seven million! That’s about as many people that live in Bulgaria, and greater than the population of Fiji, Slovenia and Jamaica combined, all convening on Munich in order to drink beer.

    Seven million people, every year. At Stoke Travel alone we have 2,000+ staying with us on the big nights. The sheer magnitude of Oktoberfest makes it a festival you just have to visit. The population of Hong Kong getting together to celebrate beer, which in its own way is a celebration of life itself. You’d be crazy not to join us this year, and we know that you’re not at all crazy. You’re beautiful, and we want to celebrate you.

    Life = partying = beer and the world’s biggest beer party is probably the best way to live your life this September and October. Stoke Travel fills up for this festival, so you’d better be booking soon Check out our Oktoberfest packages.

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