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Oktoberfest 2024



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    Oktoberfest 2024

    DEPUIS 2008, STOKE TRAVEL propose LE PLUS important, Le PLUS FOu, le plus inclusif et Le MEILLEUR voyage à l’oktoberfest à munich – et nos package pour l’oktoberfest 2024 ne sont pas différents

    L’édition 2024 de l’oktoberfest se déroulera du 21 septembre au 6 octobre
    notre  camping “stoketoberfest” sera ouvert du 20 septembre au 7 octobre
    Choisissez entre nos packages “mi-semaine”, “week-end” ou “experience ultime” à partir de 65€/nuit (minimum 2 nuits)

    Package les packages stoke travel tout-inclus comprennent 

    🎟️  Les tickets d’entrée au festival de l’Oktoberfest

    🏕️  L’hébergement en tente dans notre camping Stoke Travel (matelas et sac de couchage inclus). Surclassement possible : glamping, tentes solo, tipis de groupe… Options de transport disponibles également.

    🍳🍾  Un délicieux petit-déjeuner cuisiné tous les matins avec thé, café et mimosa illimité

    💃  Nos soirées de camping de renommée mondiale avec des groupes live, des DJ, des jeux d’alcools et des soirées avec des milliers de personnes du monde entier

    🍻 Open Bar (bière, sangria, vin et soft) pour 15 € seulement par jour

    🥴 Des guides géniaux pour vous guider jusqu’au bar

    🌎👫👭👬🌏  Et un groupe de voyageurs internationaux avec qui faire la fête.

    L’Oktoberfest de Munich est le plus grand festival folklorique du monde, où chaque année des millions d’amateurs de bière se réunissent pour boire, danser et célébrer la meilleure bière du monde. Stoke Travel accueillera les voyageurs, les groupes d’étudiants, les expatriés et les amateurs de bière du 21 septembre au 6 octobre 2024, dans notre camping dédié, formule tout compris.

    Stoke Travel est le premier tour opérateur de Munich et le premier choix d’hébergement pour l’Oktoberfest, avec des amoureux de la bière par millier qui séjournent et trinquent avec nous chaque soir. Faisant de Stoke Travel le meilleur rapport qualité-prix pour célébrer la fête de la bière à Munich en 2024.

    Si vous ne pensez pas que Stoketoberfest est fait pour vous, 
    découvrez notre option de camping plus basique (et osons-nous dire moins amusante) à Munich.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    LA 2ème meilleure fête de la bière de munich

    Où dormir pendant l’Oktoberfest ?

    Le camping de Stoke Travel (appelé « Stoketoberfest ») est le meilleur choix pour assister à l’Oktoberfest. Entre dormir sous une tente ou dans un dortoir blindé, le choix est vite fait non ? Alors que tous les hébergements de Munich sont pris d’assaut, le camping de Stoke Travel offre l’option la plus économique et la plus fêtarde. Lieu aux nombreux souvenirs, le camping est également très bien relié aux transports en commun pour un accès facile au festival. 

    En plus de l’hébergement et des repas, la fête continue avec des DJ et groupes live tous les soirs au camping. Musique, danse, jeux d’alcool… Vous pourrez boire autant de bière et de sangria que vous le souhaitez à l’open bar. Et vous pourrez même acheter votre tenue traditionnelle de l’Oktoberfest !   

    Avoir sa place au camping de Stoke Travel, ça veut dire : explorer Munich, profiter un maximum de la fête de la bière, et continuer les festivités chaque soir avec d’autres voyageurs internationaux, à trinquer et à danser. Il n’est pas rare de se faire de nouveaux amis, ou de rencontrer l’amour de sa vie sur le camping !  

    Partez avec nous et réservez notre forfait tout inclus pour l’Oktoberfest ! À votre arrivée, votre hébergement en tente, avec matelas gonflable et sac de couchage, vous attendra, et notre chef vous cuisinera un bon petit déjeuner tous les matins pour faire le plein d’énergie. Vous pourrez également compter sur notre équipe du tonnerre pour vous guider à tout moment.

    En 2022, des groupes de musique internationaux nous ont rejoint, comme Wicked Things et Bread Gang DJs  d’Australia, Mega Events DJs du Royaume-Uni, Pearl the Girl (DJ set)  d’Australia, The Guinness Brothers d’Ireland/Portugal et Slim Radio des Pays-Bas. Nous avions également notre folle soirée d’ouverture, des spectacles folkloriques… En bref, nos fêtes au camping étaient les plus épiques en dehors des tentes à bière. Attendez-vous à un programme encore plus lourd en 2024 ! 


    Qu’est-ce que L’Oktoberfest ?

    L’Oktoberfest est la plus grande fête de la bière au monde, attirant chaque année plus de six millions de personnes au parc des expositions Theresienwiese à Munich, en Allemagne. Plus de sept millions de litres de bière bavaroise seront bues, accompagnée par de délicieuses spécialités allemandes comme les bretzels. Découvrez l’ambiance des grandes tentes à bière décorées pour l’occasion, chope de bière en main, à danser et chanter sur les bancs au son des orchestres interprétant les musiques bavaroises traditionnelles. L’Oktoberfest, c’est également la plus grande fête foraine du monde, avec des attractions et des lieux de restauration que vous n’êtes pas près d’oublier !

    Mais la chose la plus géniale concernant l’Oktoberfest de Munich, c’est l’ambiance ! Faire la fête avec d’autres amoureux de la bière, locaux ou voyageurs internationaux, à boire des litres et des litres de bière, ça n’a pas de prix !

    Pour plus d’informations sur la fête de la bière, cliquez ici pour découvrir notre guide ultime.


    Stoke Travel a mis en place au sein de son camping un endroit réservé aux femmes. Un îlot de tentes où seules les femmes, seules ou en groupe, pourront rester. Il y aura également une plus grande surveillance et une salle de bain privée, afin que vous puissiez dormir et vous préparer en toute tranquillité. Cette initiative vise à encourager davantage de femmes à venir seule ou en groupe célébrer la fête de la bière (un évènement souvent considéré, à tort, comme principalement masculin), sans se soucier d’être accueillis aux côtés d’hommes ivres, qui pètent et qui ronflent… Bien sûr, rester au camping des femmes est totalement facultatif. 

    billets pour l’oktoberfest et réservations de tables

    Vous n’avez pas besoin d’acheter des billets pour assister à l’Oktoberfest, l’accès à toutes les tentes à bière est gratuit et ouvert à tous. Parfois, il y a une file d’attente  et il est très rare que vous ne puissiez pas rentrer car il y a trop de monde (seulement les week-ends et à certaines heures). Pour éviter ça, certaines personnes réserve des tables, ce que nous pouvons faire mais nous ne pensons pas que ça soit nécessaire. Les tables que vous pouvez réserver sont situées loin de la zone de fête principale et nécessite une dépense minimale en nourriture – c’est donc une bonne idée si vous voulez mangez quelque chose avec quelques bières avant de rejoindre la fête. Notre conseil : vous rendre aux tentes à bières tôt pour avoir les meilleures tables, proches des groupes de musique, ou, si vous ne pouvez pas vous levez à temps, y aller en plus petits groupes, rejoindre les tables d’autres personnes et vous faire de nouveaux amis (vous ne pouvez pas acheter de bière dans les tentes à bière si vous n’avez pas de table).


    Partir à l’Oktoberfest avec Stoke Travel comprend :

    • L’entrée gratuite dans toutes les tentes à bières et foires du festival
    • Le petit déjeuner et l’hébergement en camping
    • Les animations, guides et notre open bar pour seulement 15 € par jour. 
    • En supplément : Le transport en autocar privé depuis l’Italie, Amsterdam, Prague et Paris, et nos cars de nuit au départ de Barcelone et de Londres. 

    Rejoignez-nous aussi longtemps que vous le souhaitez du 20 septembre au 7 octobre 2024.


    Les détenteurs d’un “Passeport Stoke Travel” sont éligibles pour un séjour tout compris de 2 nuits ou plus. Découvrez en quoi consiste le passeport Stoke Travel ici. Votre univers va changer…



    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Voici un itinéraire approximatif si vous réservez votre circuit tout inclus à la fête de la bière (package “Retrouvez-nous sur place”). Avec Stoke Travel, faites ce que vous voulez, quand vous le souhaitez, à votre façon.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    8h-10h - Brunch

    Régalez-vous avec un copieux petit déjeuner préparé par le chef, avec thé, café et mimosa à volonté. De quoi prendre des forces pour la journée à venir…

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    À partir de 9h - Direction l'Oktoberfest

    À nous les mythiques tentes de brasseurs et la fête foraine ! De la plus festive à la plus gastronomique, les tentes de bière se distinguent par leur grandeur et leur type de divertissement. Notre équipe sera là pour vous aider et vous guider. Retrouvez nous à la tente “Augustiner-Festhalle“, nous serons certainement en train de profiter des chopes de bière et de la délicieuse cuisine locale.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    À partir de 20h - La fête continue au camping

    La journée n’est pas terminée ! La massive fête du camping de Stoketoberfest commence. La bière et la sangria couleront à flot et la musique résonnera dans le camping pour une ambiance des plus festives, avec DJ live et activités carnavalesques. On vous a dit qu’on était le meilleur camping du coin ?

    Vous pouvez aussi retourner profiter des stands et grands manèges de la fête foraine de l’Oktoberfest, ou bien repartir pour une tournée de bière !

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    23h - Le repos du guerrier

    L’Oktoberfest ferme ses portes pour la nuit. Et comme nous avons sûrement pris notre première bière à 8 heures du matin, il est grand temps pour nous aussi de profiter d’un repos bien mérité… Avant de remettre ça le lendemain bien sûr ! (à moins que vous ayez encore de l’énergie pour continuer les festivités au camping !) 

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Trip Type:


    Où et quand sera célébrée la fête de la Bière en 2024 ? 

    En 2024, la 189e Oktoberfest se tiendra au parc des expositions Theresenwiese, à Munich, en Bavière, en Allemagne. Selon la tradition, le premier baril de bière sera ouvert par le maire de Munich à midi pile, le 20 septembre 2024, dans la tente Schottenhamel. « Ozapt is ! » (« La bière est tirée ») annoncera le maire ! S’en suit alors douze coups de canon pour annoncer l’ouverture de toutes les autres tentes.

    Les dernières mousses seront versées le 6 Octobre à 22h30, avant la fermeture du festival à 23h30. 

    Se rendre à l’Oktoberfest

    L’Oktoberfest se déroule dans le parc des expositions Theresenwiese, situé dans le centre de Munich, à quelques pas de la Hauptbahnhof ou de la gare centrale de Munich. La meilleure façon d’y aller est par les transports en commun, les stations de U-Bahn les plus proches étant Theresenwiese et Goetheplatz, ou la station de S-Bahn de Hackerbrücke.

    Depuis le camping de Stoke Travel, il y a un court trajet en bus et en S-Bahn, prenant d’abord le bus 159 ou 164 pendant cinq minutes jusqu’à la station de S-Bahn Untermenzing, puis le S2 ou S4 S-Bahn jusqu’à Hackerbrücke. La durée totale du trajet est de 30-45 min, en fonction des correspondances. Prenez une bière pour le trajet !

    Adresse du camping Stoke Travel

    Campingplatz Obermenzing
    Lochausenerstrase 59,
    Munich, Allemagne

    comment SE RENDRE AU CAMPING ? 

    Prenez le bus depuis AmsterdamBarcelone, l’Italie, Londres ou Prague. Ou retrouvez-nous directement là-bas ! Consultez Omio pour les meilleurs tarifs sur les bus, les trains et les vols à travers l’Europe. Une fois arrivée à Munich, il est très facile de prendre les transports en commun jusqu’au camping.

    directions en METRO

    Directions depuis l’aéroport de Munich

    Si vous arrivez à l’aéroport, vous pouvez prendre le train S1 ou S8. Si vous prenez le train S1, descendez à la gare de Laim pour changer pour le S2 en direction de Petershausen. Si vous prenez le train S8, vous pouvez changer à n’importe quelle gare entre Ostbahnhof et Laim vers la S2 en direction de Petershausen. Une fois sur le S2, descendez à la station Untermenzing. Juste devant la gare, prenez le bus 164 pour trois arrêts jusqu’à Campingplatz Obermenzing.

    Directions depuis le centre ville de Munich
    Une fois arrivé à la Hauptbahnhof, ou dans une station de métro de Munich, prenez le métro S1 jusqu’à la station de métro Laim, puis prenez la S2 en direction de Peterhausen et descendez à Untermenzing. Juste devant la gare, prenez le bus 164 pour trois arrêts jusqu’à Campingplatz Obermenzing. Il suffit de demander au chauffeur ou de jeter un œil sur la carte de l’itinéraire du bus. Sautez du bus, vous êtes arrivé.

    Directions pour les tentes à Bière
    Pour vous rendre dans les bars à bière, vous pouvez prendre le bus 164 jusqu’à Untermenzing ou le bus 159 jusqu’à Pasing. De là, vous montez dans le train SBahn jusqu’à Hackerbrücke, il vous suffit de suivre la mer des dirndls et des lederhosen jusqu’aux bières.


    Le plus cool des transports pour se rendre à la fête de la bière est sans doute en Van ou Camping Car. Nous avons réservé des emplacements pour les camping car au sein du camping, à retrouver ici. Veuillez noter que si vous venez en voiture, le stationnement au camping est très limité, vous devrez donc vous garer sur la route à environ 1 minute en voiture.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)




    Voici quelques-unes de vos questions les plus fréquemment posées. Si vous ne trouvez pas la réponse que vous cherchez, entrez votre question ci-dessous et nous vous répondrons dès que possible.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Ask A Question

    Que faut-il ramener ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Y a-t-il des navettes depuis et vers l’Oktoberfest?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    À qui s’adresser à l’arrivée au camping ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Comment est le petit déjeuner?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Peut-on choisir nos tentes ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Quelles sont les équipements disponibles au camping ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Où pouvons-nous acheter les tenues traditionnelles de l’Oktoberfest ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Peut-on réserver une table dans les tentes à bières ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Si nous campons, cela signifie-t-il que nous serons attaqués par des animaux sauvages ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Les tentes ont-elles de l’eau chaude, des ordinateurs portables, des prises électriques, des lits king-size ou des réfrigérateurs ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Quelles sont les heures d’arrivée et de départ du camping ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Comment retirer de l’argent liquide ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Où puis-je avoir accès à l’open bar ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Y a-t-il des coffres forts sur le camping ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Fait-il froid à Munich en Septembre ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Avez-vous des photos des Dirndls et Lederhosen que vous vendez ?

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Hébergement en camping

    Hébergement en camping

    Tentes double avec matelas et sac de couchage



    Un petit-déjeuner cuisiné avec mimosas à volonté tous les matins

    Super Guides

    Super Guides

    Des guides pour vous orienter

    Ambiance festive

    Ambiance festive

    Musique, danse et animations

    Soirées de camping

    Soirées de camping

    Fêtes massives du camping de Stoke Travel avec des groupes live et des DJ

    Boissons de bienvenue

    Boissons de bienvenue

    Boissons de bienvenue pour commencer la fête

    Entrée à l'Oktoberfest

    Entrée à l'Oktoberfest

    Entrée à l'Oktoberfest et au camping

    Groupes de musique et DJ

    Groupes de musique et DJ

    En live sur la scène du camping
    Réservez maintenant, payez plus tard
    Oktoberfest 2024 : Prix des packages
    280Par personne et par forfait

    Conditions flexibles, paiements de groupe



    • 4 nuits en tente double aménagées avec matelas et sac de couchage
    • 10 % de réduction sur le stand de souvenirs de Stoke Travel
    • Visite à vélo de Munich (valeur 25 €) – Merci de confirmer l’heure et la date au moins 24 h en avance
    • Brunch cuisiné tous les matins de 8h à 11h, mimosas, thé et café à volonté ainsi que le déjeuner
    • Des guides Stoke Travel pour vous aider et vous orienter 
    • Votre ticket d’entrée pour l’Oktoberfest
    • Une boisson de bienvenue et des bretzel allemand pour bien démarrer le festival
    • Fêtes organisées au camping toute la semaine. Profitez des plus grandes fêtes du jeudi au dimanche avec des DJ, des groupes, des artistes et des magiciens internationaux
    • Food trucks, spectacle, beer pong et autres activités et animations
    • Salle de bain privée pour les femmes
    • Sécurité en continue sur site
    • Arrivée et retours à tout moment
    • Bouchons d’oreille à votre disposition


    • Alcool illimité – Open bar (bière, sangria, vin, boisson gazeuse, thé et café) +15 € par jour
    • Tente individuelle +30 € / nuit.
    • Tenue traditionnelle de l’Oktoberfest : Dirndl (pour les femmes) 70 €, Lederhosen (pour les hommes) 90 €. Profitez de 20% de réduction si vous les acheter en ligne !
    • Douches chaudes (pour les plus courageux les douches froides sont gratuites). Le jeton est à 1 € (1 jeton = 6 minutes de bonheur)
    • Tipis privés pour 8 personnes 640 € par nuit
    • Billets pour l’Oktoberfest 7s (plus grand évènement allemand de Rugby), le 21 et 22 septembre : +29 €
    • Réservations de tables à la fête de la bière et coupons repas et boissons – envoyez un e-mail à info@stoketravel.com pour plus d’informations sur les prix et la disponibilité des tables.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    65Par personne par nuit

    2 nuits minimum, conditions flexibles, paiements de groupe



    • Tente double aménagées avec matelas et sac de couchage
    • Brunch cuisiné tous les matins de 8h à 11h, mimosas, thé et café à volonté
    • Des guides Stoke Travel pour vous aider et vous orienter 
    • Votre ticket d’entrée pour l’Oktoberfest
    • Une boisson de bienvenue et des bretzel allemand pour bien démarrer le festival
    • Fêtes organisées au camping toute la semaine. Profitez des plus grandes fêtes du jeudi au dimanche avec des DJ, des groupes, des artistes et des magiciens internationaux
    • Food trucks, spectacle, beer pong et autres activités et animations
    • Salle de bain privée pour les femmes
    • Sécurité en continue sur site
    • Arrivée 24h/24, 7j/7
    • Bouchons d’oreille à votre disposition


    • Alcool illimité – Open bar (bière, sangria, vin, boisson gazeuse, thé et café) +15 € par jour
    • Tente individuelle +30 € / nuit.
    • Tenue traditionnelle de l’Oktoberfest : Dirndl (pour les femmes) 70 €, Lederhosen (pour les hommes) 90 €. Profitez de 20% de réduction si vous les acheter en ligne !
    • Douches chaudes (pour les plus courageux les douches froides sont gratuites). Le jeton est à 1 € (1 jeton = 6 minutes de bonheur)
    • Tipis privés pour 8 personnes 640 € par nuit
    • Billets pour l’Oktoberfest 7s (plus grand évènement allemand de Rugby), le 21 et 22 septembre : +29 €
    • Réservations de tables à la fête de la bière et coupons repas et boissons – envoyez un e-mail à info@stoketravel.com pour plus d’informations sur les prix et la disponibilité des tables.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    80Par personne par nuit

    2 nuits minimum, conditions flexibles, paiements de groupe



    • Tente double aménagées avec matelas et sac de couchage
    • Brunch cuisiné tous les matins de 8h à 11h, mimosas, thé et café à volonté
    • Des guides Stoke Travel pour vous aider et vous orienter 
    • Votre ticket d’entrée pour l’Oktoberfest
    • Une boisson de bienvenue et des bretzel allemand pour bien démarrer le festival
    • Fêtes organisées au camping toute la semaine. Profitez des plus grandes fêtes du jeudi au dimanche avec des DJ, des groupes, des artistes et des magiciens internationaux
    • Food trucks, spectacle, beer pong et autres activités et animations
    • Salle de bain privée pour les femmes
    • Sécurité en continue sur site
    • Arrivée 24h/24, 7j/7
    • Bouchons d’oreille à votre disposition


    • Alcool illimité – Open bar (bière, sangria, vin, boisson gazeuse, thé et café) +15 € par jour
    • Tente individuelle +30 € / nuit.
    • Tenue traditionnelle de l’Oktoberfest : Dirndl (pour les femmes) 70 €, Lederhosen (pour les hommes) 90 €. Profitez de 20% de réduction si vous les acheter en ligne !
    • Douches chaudes (pour les plus courageux les douches froides sont gratuites). Le jeton est à 1 € (1 jeton = 6 minutes de bonheur)
    • Tipis privés pour 8 personnes 640 € par nuit
    • Billets pour l’Oktoberfest 7s (plus grand évènement allemand de Rugby), le 21 et 22 septembre : +29 €
    • Réservations de tables à la fête de la bière et coupons repas et boissons – envoyez un e-mail à info@stoketravel.com pour plus d’informations sur les prix et la disponibilité des tables.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    20 SEPT. - 7 OCT.PLUS DE CONFORTOffrez-vous un séjour plus confortable
    110Par personne par nuit

    2 nuits minimum, conditions flexibles, paiements de groupe

    20 SEPT. - 7 OCT.PLUS DE CONFORTOffrez-vous un séjour plus confortable


    • Espace pour votre van (pas d’alimentation disponible)
    • Brunch cuisiné tous les matins de 8h à 11h, mimosas, thé et café à volonté
    • Des guides Stoke Travel pour vous aider et vous orienter 
    • Votre ticket d’entrée pour l’Oktoberfest
    • Une boisson de bienvenue et des bretzel allemand pour bien démarrer le festival
    • Fêtes organisées au camping toute la semaine. Profitez des plus grandes fêtes du jeudi au dimanche avec des DJ, des groupes, des artistes et des magiciens internationaux
    • Food trucks, spectacle, beer pong et autres activités et animations
    • Salle de bain privée pour les femmes
    • Sécurité en continue sur site
    • Arrivée et retours à tout moment
    • Bouchons d’oreille à votre disposition


    • Alcool illimité – Open bar (bière, sangria, vin, boisson gazeuse, thé et café) +15 € par jour
    • Tente individuelle +30 € / nuit.
    • Tenue traditionnelle de l’Oktoberfest : Dirndl (pour les femmes) 70 €, Lederhosen (pour les hommes) 90 €. Profitez de 20% de réduction si vous les acheter en ligne !
    • Douches chaudes (pour les plus courageux les douches froides sont gratuites). Le jeton est à 1 € (1 jeton = 6 minutes de bonheur)
    • Tipis privés pour 8 personnes 640 € par nuit
    • Billets pour l’Oktoberfest 7s (plus grand évènement allemand de Rugby), le 21 et 22 septembre : +29 €
    • Réservations de tables à la fête de la bière et coupons repas et boissons – envoyez un e-mail à info@stoketravel.com pour plus d’informations sur les prix et la disponibilité des tables.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    20 SEPT. - 7 OCT.Venez en VanRetrouvez-nous là bas et dormez dans votre van
    95Par personne par nuit

    2 nuits minimum, conditions flexibles, paiements de groupe

    Meet Us There
    20 SEPT. - 7 OCT.Venez en VanRetrouvez-nous là bas et dormez dans votre van


    • Grande tente deluxe tout confort (pour 1 ou 2 personnes) où vous pouvez vous tenir debout, vous étirer, vous habiller… avec table de chevet, miroir et poubelle
    • Lit avec matelas gonflables, draps, oreillers et sacs de couchage
    • Electricité, éclairage et WIFI gratuit (sur demande)
    • Brunch cuisiné tous les matins de 8h à 11h, mimosas, thé et café à volonté
    • Des guides Stoke Travel pour vous aider et vous orienter 
    • Votre ticket d’entrée pour l’Oktoberfest
    • Une boisson de bienvenue et des bretzel allemand pour bien démarrer le festival
    • Fêtes organisées au camping toute la semaine. Profitez des plus grandes fêtes du jeudi au dimanche avec des DJ, des groupes, des artistes et des magiciens internationaux
    • Food trucks, spectacle, beer pong et autres activités et animations
    • Salle de bain privée pour les femmes
    • Sécurité en continue sur site
    • Arrivée et retours à tout moment


    • Alcool illimité – Open bar (bière, sangria, vin, boisson gazeuse, thé et café) +10 € par jour
    • Tenue traditionnelle de l’Oktoberfest : Dirndl (pour les femmes) 70 €, Lederhosen (pour les hommes) 90 €. Profitez de 20% de réduction si vous les achetez en ligne !
    • Douches chaudes (pour les plus courageux les douches froides sont gratuites). Le jeton est à 1 € (1 jeton = 6 minutes de bonheur)
    • Billets pour l’Oktoberfest 7s (plus grand évènement allemand de Rugby), le 21 et 22 septembre : +29 €
    • Visite à vélo de Munich pour découvrir les spots principaux de la ville, avec arrêt pour le déjeuner et prendre des bières (non inclus dans le prix) +25 €
    • Réservations de tables à la fête de la bière et coupons repas et boissons – envoyez un e-mail à info@stoketravel.com pour plus d’informations sur les prix et la disponibilité des tables.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Compléments disponibles

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Available During Booking
    Oktoberfest Dirndl set

    Looks good, feels good in this Oktoberfest Dirndl set

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Available During Booking
    Lederhosen (Traditional Clothing)

    Looks good, feels good in this traditional Lederhosen set

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Available During Booking
    Unlimited beer & sangria

    Add on unlimited unlimited beer & sangria to your booking

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Available During Booking
    Munich’s Best Bike Tour

    2 hours bike tour
    The Eisbach Wave, beer garden for lunch & a stein and much much more.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    Oktoberfest 2024 Photos

    DJ Teletanko

    Stoketoberfest mainstage
    Tous les week-end

    Mowgli Wild Boys

    Stoketoberfest mainstage
    Tous les week-end

    Sex Cinema

    Tente ou divertissement
    Tous les week-end

    Wicked Things

    Stoketoberfest mainstage
    Tous les week-end


    Stoketoberfest mainstage
    Tous les week-end

    Sons Of Med

    Stoketoberfest mainstage
    Tous les week-end


    Stoketoberfest mainstage
    Tous les week-end

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

    The directions to the campgrounds were good as were the directions/transportation/beer bong sendoffs from the campgrounds to the festival. The camping in October is a little cold, but the tents were set up well with mattresses and sleeping bags so no complaints, the atmosphere was great, Oktoberfest was a party from the moment i woke up in the morning to the moment i put in my earplugs and tried to pass out at night!

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Atmosphere was 10/10. Loosest , most fun weekend of my life! Could have been warned about how much f*cking fun it was!!! FOOD ROCKED. Being camping you expect pretty dodge food but it was great. Bacon made my life.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    One hell of a party, Would be nice if a pillow was included in the tent, but the food was tasty.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    The staff were some I the best people on the while trip, super friendly and welcoming. I found you through a friend who went last year. As promised by her it was awesome, and it sure was!!!

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    The check-in was good, I liked how the people took you to your tent. The atmosphere was awesome!

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    The booking process is really practical and fast. The atmosphere was amazing, the best experience that can had in Oktoberfest! The people, everybody is so helpful, nice and fun; who was working and who was just enjoying too, everybody was really nice! The breakfast is wonderful, really good! Big lines, but when I ate, make worths.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Absolutely awesome! great staff and great people everywhere! i loved the Signs and Themes everywhere. Fun sayings everywhere! music was also very very nice.


    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    The atmosphere is why I’ll always use Stoke Travel. I felt welcomed, check-in was painless!


    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    The atmosphere was so good! Everyone was so friendly! And YES the food was perfect, much better than I was expecting. Eggs and bacon are the perfect pre-drinking/hangover food.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    The party you provided was awesome a real neat set up, we met some real cool people from all over the world! Way better than expected. We had a hamburger one night and the open bar was definitely worth the 10€.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Let me say the beer bong on arrival was fantastic and the laid-back and friendly crew even better. Only suggestion would be keep doing what you are doing!

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    So fun, the rain bummed people out, so the music should have been cranked to 11 and to dance. Could have closed the bars at 1 instead of 12 also (which would really mean close at 2 because you guy are too awesome).

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel was fantastic! The hosts were so welcoming and even helped me with cleaning up an unfortunate situation that involved vomit in my tent. The hosts wanted to make sure we were set from the start, and had an awesome time. The heated bathrooms are nice, and definitely search those out right when you get there because the temp drops at night. Snag a pair of earplugs for the sleeping at night, since you are mighty close to other tents. Overall awesome experience with stoke travel and thanks for the incredible hospitality!! Cheers!

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Best friking time of my life. Thank you, Stoke!!!

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    The atmosphere was so much fun that I missed my flight! The best Oktoberfest experience. Ever.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Our group met so many fun people at Oktoberfest. It’s probably the best party I’ve ever been to and the unlimited booze was a big bonus!

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    There was a real friendly atmosphere created by the Stoke Travel staff. It was a great way to get us in the party spirit before entering Oktoberfest.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    We loved everything about Oktoberfest; from the amazing energy at the campsite to getting drunk with strangers that became great friends! I can’t wait to go back.

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    The Stoke Travel campsite outside of the festival was as fun as Oktoberfest itself!

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)


    Leave A Review

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    Comment s’habiller pour l’Oktoberfest ?

    Outre la bière, la délicieuse cuisine allemande et l’ambiance de folie, l’autre côté hyper fun de l’Oktoberfest est de porter le vêtement traditionnel bavarois. Deux mots à retenir : dirndl…

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    Quel est le meilleur moment pour se rendre à l’Oktoberfest ?

    Si vous voulez vivre la plus festive des expériences culturelles et boire des litres de bières allemandes, alors rendez-vous à la fête de la bière la plus connue au monde…

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

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    Tout savoir sur la Fête de la Bière à Munich

    Vous êtes un petit nouveau dans le monde de l’Oktoberfest ? Ou peut-être voulez-vous simplement devenir un expert dans le domaine et tout savoir sur cette fameuse Fête de la…

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    TOP 5 des spécialités allemandes à tester à l’Oktoberfest

    La plus grande Fête de la Bière au monde se prépare à Munich (aka l’Oktoberfest), et chez Stoke Travel, on planifie déjà de battre nos records en terme de concours…

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

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    8 choses qui t’arriveront à l’Oktoberfest

    Une chose est sûre si tu fais la Fête de la Bière à Munich, c’est que tu vas boire des litres de bière allemande, manger tout un tas de Bretzels…

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

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    7 anecdotes marrantes sur la Fête de la Bière de Munich

    Vous devez surement connaître le principe de l’Oktoberfest de Munich : de bonnes grosses chopes de bière pour célébrer la Fête de la Bière la plus connue au monde !…

    4.7/5 - (18 votes)

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    Travel Deals, Insider Info, Gossip, and More

    Sign-up for The Morning After

      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

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      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

      4.7/5 - (18 votes)

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        4.7/5 - (18 votes)

        4.7/5 - (18 votes)

        4.7/5 - (18 votes)

        4.7/5 - (18 votes)

        4.7/5 - (18 votes)

        4.7/5 - (18 votes)

        4.7/5 - (18 votes)

        Ask A Question

          4.7/5 - (18 votes)

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          4.7/5 - (18 votes)

          4.7/5 - (18 votes)

          4.7/5 - (18 votes)

          4.7/5 - (18 votes)

          4.7/5 - (18 votes)

          4.7/5 - (18 votes)

          4.7/5 - (18 votes)

          Oktoberfest 2024

          Year Round

          Select your package
          • €280 Par personne et par forfait
          • 20 SEPT. - 7 OCT.

          View My Trip

          • €65 Par personne par nuit

          View My Trip

          • €80 Par personne par nuit
          • 20 SEPT. - 7 OCT.

          View My Trip

          Offrez-vous un séjour plus confortable
          • €110 Par personne par nuit
          • 20 SEPT. - 7 OCT.

          View My Trip

          Venez en Van
          Retrouvez-nous là bas et dormez dans votre van
          • €95 Par personne par nuit
          • 20 SEPT. - 7 OCT.

          View My Trip

          Not sure which package you selected? Contact Us

          OKTOBERFEST 2024

          MAAR als je toch al je Oktoberfest 2024 reis wil boeken kunnen wij dat ook voor je regelen. Lees verder om te zien wat wij je kunnen aanbieden.

          Stoke Travel’s all-inclusive Oktoberfest pakket bevat:

          🎟️ Oktoberfest ticket (festival toegang)

          🏕️Accommodatie in een tweepersoonstent met matras en slaapzak. Eventueel ook glamping (glamorous camping) upgrades, eenpersoons tenten, tenten voor grote groepen (max 8 pers) en allerlei opties voor transport in het weekend. Alle tenten zijn al voor je opgezet dus je kan gelijk je lederhosen aantrekken en gaan!

          🍳🍾 Iedere dag een bottomless brunch met mimosas en een warm ontbijtbuffet

          💃Ons wereldberoemde Stoketoberfest heeft op de camping live bands, DJ’s en andere entertainment

          🍻 €10 all-you-can drink bier, wijn en sangria bar

          🥴 Gidsen die je naar de leukste bierhal brengen

          🌎👫👭👬🌏 Een internationale groep met mensen die allemaal dezelfde mindset hebben om mee te feesten

          Oktoberfest in München is het grootste volksfeest ter wereld, waar elk jaar miljoenen bierliefhebbers komen om te drinken, dansen en natuurlijk te feesten. In 2024 wordt de 189ste editie van Oktoberfest gevierd tussen 21 september en 6 oktober. Onze Oktoberfest camping is geopend vanaf 15 september t/m 4 oktober, waarin er 3 drukke weekenden zijn en 3 iets rustigere, maar absoluut geweldige midweken.

          Stoke Travel is de grootste organisatie die bierliefhebbers van een accommodatie en variërende tours in München voorziet. Er zijn dagelijks duizenden Stokies al aan het feesten en genieten tijdens Oktoberfest, wat Stoke Travel de beste keus maakt voor je trip naar München in 2024.

          Als je denkt dat Stoketoberfest niet iets voor jou is, 
          bekijk dan onze meer eenvoudige (en laten we zeggen minder leuke) kampeeroptie in München.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          OKTOBERFEST 2024

          Het Oktoberfeest in München is het authentieke en ‘s werelds grootste bierfestival van de wereld. Dit legendarische Duitse feest is gebaseerd op het brouwen, drinken en vieren van bier. De sfeer die er heerst is dat er geen regels zijn, en als je geen party-pooper bent dan moet dit bovenaan je bucketlist staan.

          Stoke Travel is de beste keuze voor een onvergetelijke Oktoberfest ervaring volgens reizigers, studenten en alle bierliefhebbers die het liefst een wild feest ervaren. Het enige wat jij moet doen is langstkomen, wij zorgen ervoor dat de biertjes koudstaan en voor nieuwe vrienden van over de hele wereld. 


          Oktoberfest is ‘s werelds grootste bier festival. Op haar Theresienwiese kermis, die jaarlijks 7 miljoen bezoekers trekt, wordt er ook ongeveer 7 miljoen liter bier weggedronken. Oktoberfest moet zich houden aan de Duitse wetgeving waardoor er geen conserveermiddelen of kunstmatige toevoegingen in het bier zitten. Natuurlijk zou het geen Duits feest zijn zonder heerlijk traditioneel eten zoals pretzels, bratwurst en schnitzels zo groot dat ze niet op je bord passen.

          Er zal gedanst worden op tafels, met Duitse Oompah bands op de achtergrond. Je zult vrienden maken van over de hele wereld waarmee je kan zingen, drinken en dansen. Als je even genoeg hebt van de bierhallen kun je naar de gigantische kermis die ernaast ligt. Er zijn allerlei attracties  zoals spookhuizen en achtbanen die zelfs de sterkste magen op de proef zullen nemen.

          Maar hetgeen waar je het meest van zult gaan houden zijn natuurlijk de meegereisde bierliefhebbers en party animals, die jij je persoonlijke groep vrienden mag noemen. Je zult omringd zijn door locals uit München en reizigers van de andere kant van de wereld. Maar het belangrijkste is dat je omringd bent door bier, héél veel bier.

          Meer informatie over Oktoberfest lees je hier.


          Stoketoberfest is de Oktoberfest camping van Stoke Travel. Het is München haar enige goedkope optie voor accommodatie en tevens haar wildste feest. Stoketoberfest ligt gewoon in de stad en is dus goed te bereiken met het openbaar vervoer. 

          De camping is waar je slaapt, eet, jezelf klaarmaakt voor Oktoberfest, maar bovenal is het de plek waar iedere avond de afterparty van de bierhallen is. Iedere nacht kun je genieten van live bands en DJ’s en je kunt zo veel bier, wijn en sangria drinken als je wil. Stoketoberfest zou niet compleet zijn zonder een plek waar je de traditionele dirndls en lederhosen kan krijgen. Trek ze snel aan om helemaal klaar te zijn voor onze drankspellen zoals beerpong, flip cup of om een rondje te draaien aan the Wheel of Misfortune. waardoor je ze misschien al weer heel snel uit hebt getrokken. Oh, en er is ook een dansvloer die dag en nacht doorgaat. Wanneer je met Stoke Travel verblijft zul je onder andere het prachtige München en de dansvloer ontdekken. 

          Alle pakketten die wij aanbieden zijn all inclusive, dus voor je tent, slaapzak en luchtbed hebben wij gezorgd. Elke ochtend wanneer je wakker wordt hebben onze chefs een heerlijk ontbijt voor je klaarstaan. De Stoke Travel crew en gidsen wijzen je namelijk in de avond de weg naar het feest op camping en in de bierhallen en ze zullen er voor zorgen dat je het uitstekend naar je zin hebt. Onze bar is open en oneindig, dus je kan er zo veel bier, sangria, wijn, koffie thee en andere drankjes pakken als je wil voor maar €10 per dag.

          In 2019 waren er optredens van bands als Wicked Things uit Australië, Mowgali Wild Boys van de UK, DJ Teletanko uit Canada, Deadbeat uit Nieuw-Zeeland en Sons of Med uit Barcelona. Onze feesten op de camping zijn de wildste feesten buiten de bierhallen en je kan nog meer verwachten in 2024!

          Er zijn nog meer activiteiten zoals een Shisha Lounge waar je kunt chillen, onze beroemde Opening Party, Speakeasy, circusacts, The Wheel of Misfortune en meer. Klik hier voor meer informatie over de unieke Stoke Travel Oktoberfest ervaring.


          Voor de eerste keer in München, zal Stoke Travel tijdens Oktoberfest 2024 een Ladies Island organiseren. Dit is een plekje op de camping waar enkel vrouwen mogen komen. Deze safe zone zal extra beveiligd worden en heeft een make-up kamer zodat de dames zich in alle rust kunnen voorbereiden op het feest van Oktoberfest. Dit initiatief is om de allenreizende of groepen vrouwen aan te moedigen voor Oktoberfest. Oktoberfeest wordt vaak gezien als een domein van mannen, maar wij laten zien dat bier geen voorkeur heeft voor geslacht. Hier kunnen vrouwen dus verblijven zonder te hoeven slapen tussen de schetende, onhandige en dronken mannen. Natuurlijk is het verblijf op dit stukje van de camping geheel optioneel.


          Als je met Stoke Travel boekt zijn al je Oktoberfest tickets geregeld. Je krijgt o.a. gratis toegang tot de bierhallen en kermis. Voor Oktoberfest zijn er Stoke Travel bussen die vanuit Amsterdam, Italië, Praag, Parijs en Barcelona vertrekken. In de bus vanaf Barcelona is het zelfs mogelijk om je stoel om te toveren naar een bed om heerlijk uitgerust aan te komen op locatie. Onze all-inclusive Oktoberfest trips zijn alles waar je niet op zoek bent, met eten en accommodatie, entertainment en ervaren gidsen inbegrepen. De beroemde bier, wijn en sangria bar is altijd geopend voor alle gasten voor slechts €10 per dag. Alles wat je nodig hebt voor je Oktoberfest verblijf, hebben wij voor je geregeld.

          Ga met ons mee voor zo lang als je wilt tussen 18 september en 5 oktober. We zullen op je wachten in München, of reis gemakkelijk met ons mee vanaf Barcelona, Amsterdam, Praag of Italië.


          Als je een Stoke Travel paspoort bezit heb je recht op 2 of meer nachten all-inclusive verblijf. Weet je niet wat een Stoke Travel paspoort is? Klik hier! Je wereld zal veranderen.



          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Een dag op Stoketoberfest

          This is a rough itinerary with everything in the Meet Us There package. The beauty of staying with Stoke Travel is that you can do whatever you like, whenever you like, your way. 

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          8-10am - Bottomless brunch

          Onze chef maakt heerlijk warm ontbijt met bottomless mimosas

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          9am onwards - Op weg naar de Oktoberfest bierhallen

          Op weg naar de Oktoberfest bierhallen voor een dag vol gezelligheid. Vraag de Stoke gidsen waar je het beste heen kunt of zoek ons op in de Augustiner-Festhalle tent!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          8pm onwards - Party time

          De Stoketoberfest camping party kan beginnen; het bier en sangria zal gedronken worden en de muziek zal de voetjes van de vloer krijgen. Verwacht live bands, DJs en carnavalactiviteiten.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          11pm - De afterparty begint wanneer

          Oktoberfest dicht gaat voor de nacht. Als je de dag hebt overleeft kun je je klaarmaken voor het feest op de camping.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Oktoberfest 2024 informatie


          De weg naar Oktoberfest

          Het Oktoberfest wordt gehouden op de Theresenwiese kermis, wat in het centrum van München is. Het is een klein stukje lopen vanaf de Hauptbahnhof of München’s centrale station. De beste manier om er te komen in met het openbaar vervoer, de U-Bahn stations zijn Theresenwiese en Goetheplatz of het S-Bahn station Hackerbrücke.

          Vanaf de Stoketoberfest camping is het een kort ritje met de S-Bahn en bus. Eerst nemen we de 159 of 164 bus voor 5 minuten naar Untermenzing S-Bahn station en dan de S2 of S4 S-Bahn Hackerbrücke voor 10 minuten.

          Stoketoberfest camping adres

          Campingplatz Obermenzing
          Lochausenerstrase 59,

          Hoe kom ik in München?

          Neem met ons de bus van Amterdam, Barecelona, Italië, London of Praag of meet ons op locatie! Check Omio for de beste bus, trein, vlucht ticket deals in Europa. Als je eenmaal in München bent is het super makkelijk om openbaar vervoer te scoren naar de camping. 


          Vanaf München Airport

          Als je aankomt op het vliegveld kun je de S1 of S8 trein nemen. Als je de S1 trein neemt, stap dan uit bij station Laim om over te stappen op de S2 richting Petershausen. Als je de S8 trein neemt kun je van richting veranderen bij station Untermenzing. Vanaf daar neem je de 164 bus naar de derde halte Campingplatz Obermenzing.

          Vanaf München centrum

          Als je op de Hauptbahnhof of een ander metro station bent, neem dan de underground S1 naar Laim metro station. Neem vanaf daar de S2 naar Peterhausen en stap uit bij Untermenzing. Neem de 164 bus aan de overkant en stap uit bij de derde halte: Campingplats Obermenzing. Vraag de buschauffeur of neem een kijkje op de kaart. Eenmaal uit de bus sta je direct op het terrein, zo makkelijk kan het zijn!

          Naar de bierhallen

          Om naar de bierhallen te gaan neem je bus 164 naar Untermenzing of bus 159 naar Pasing. Daar kun je de S-Bahn nemen naar Hackerbrücke en vanaf dat punt kun je de zee van lederhosen en dirndls volgen naar de bierhallen.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          Hieronder zijn een paar van de meest gestelde vragen te zien. Zit je vraag er niet bij? Stel hem! Schrijf hem in de Ask a Question popup en we reageren zo snel mogelijk.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Ask A Question

          Wat moeten we meenemen?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Zijn er shuttle bussen vanaf en naar Oktoberfest

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Wie zien we wanneer we aankomen?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Hoe ziet het ontbijt eruit?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Wat als ik geen 20 meter wil lopen en per sé de tent naast mijn vriend wil hebben

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Welke voorzieningen worden er geboden op de camping?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Waar kan ik Lederhosen en Dirndls kopen?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Kunnen we een tafel reserveren in een bierhal?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Als we aan het kamperen zijn, worden we dan aangevallen door wilde dieren?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Hebben de tenten warm water, laptops, laadpalen, king size beds en koelkasten?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Wanneer kan ik inchecken?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Hoe kom ik aan cash geld?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Waar kan ik mijn unlimited drank krijgen?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Zijn er lockers?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Gaat het koud worden?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Heb je een foto van de Lederhosen of Dirndls die jullie verkopen?

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          There's More

          Camping Accommodatie

          Camping Accommodatie

          Bottomless brunch

          Bottomless brunch

          Heerlijk warm ontbijt met unlimited mimosas iedere ochtend

          Geweldige gidsen

          Geweldige gidsen

          Gidsen die je direct naar de Oktoberfest bierhallen brengen



          Met internationals

          Camping Parties

          Camping Parties

          Stoketoberfest camping parties met spetterende live bands en DJs



          Welkomstdrankjes om het feest te beginnen

          Festival Entrée

          Festival Entrée

          Entrée tot Oktoberfest en Stoketoberfest

          Live bands & DJs

          Live bands & DJs

          The Warves en bass producer Deadbeat hebben vorig jaar de Stoke Soundcheck Battle of the Bands gewonnen en komen terug samen met meer acts
          Gebruik 2 of meer nachten van je Stoke Travel Paspoort
          Select a Package
          Oktoberfest 2024 Tickets, Tours & Trips
          280/ Per Persoon Per Pakket

          Flexibele voorwaarde, group payments



          • Twee- of driepersoons tenten zijn al voor je opgezet met een opblaasbaar matras en slaapzak (eenpersoons tent en teepee upgrades beschikbaar)
          • Bottomless brunch iedere ochtend tussen 08:00-11:00 met warme hapjes, unlimited mimosas, koffie en thee
          • Gidsen die je rechtstreks naar de beste bierhal leiden met handige tips
          • Gratis Oktoberfest entrée
          • Welkomstdrankje en pretzel bij aankomst
          • De hele week is er feest op de camping. Geniet van de beste feesten tussen donderdag en zaterdag met live bands, DJs, optreden en goochelaars
          • Food tricks, shisha lounge, Duits funhouse, speakeasy, hangout plekken, beer pong en meer entertainment
          • Speciale make-up kamer voor de dames om zich Oktoberfest ready te maken
          • 24hr security op de camping
          • 24hr check-in
          • Oordopjes ter beschikking


          • Unlimited drank – Open bar met bier, sangria, frisdrank, wijn, koffie en thee voor €15 per dag
          • Solo tent upgrade – Wil je de tent niet met iemand delen? Of denk je dat je iemand mee naar je eigen tent neemt ‘s nachts? Upgrade naar een eenpersoonstent voor €30 per nacht
          • Glamping – Als je wat meer luxe en comfort wenst, kun je kiezen om voor glamping. Je zult dan verblijven in grote tent waar je in kan staan en slapen in een warm bed. Bedank ons later maar… €150 per persoon per nacht (solo, twin, triple, quadriple tenten beschikbaar)
          • Traditionele Oktoberfest outfits – Je zult erg opvallen wanneer je in je normale kleding zondagsoutfit komt aankakken in de bierhal. Zorg ervoor dat je er op en top uitziet tijdens dit traditionele evenement. Stoke Travel heeft voor je gezorgd en heeft een complete lederhosen €90 en dirndl €70 winkel. 20% KORTING ALS JE VOORAF KOOPT!
          • Warme douches – Het kan koud zijn in München in deze tijd van het jaar, dus er iets niets lekkerder dan een warme douch. Het is heerlijk om je zonden weg te wassen van de afgelopen nacht. Het warme water wordt ontgrendeld met een munt, deze zijn €1 bij de receptie en ze geven je 6 minuten genot.
          • Privé 8 persoons teepee – Ben je met een grote groep en wil je Oktoberfest samen vieren? Wat vind je van het idee om een grote sleepover te houden? Neem een 8 persoons teepee tent voor €640 per nacht
          • Oktoberfest 7s ticket – Rugby 7’s is een van de twee varianten rugby ter wereld. Haar naamt komt van het aantal spelers waarmee het gespeeld wordt en het is geweldig om naar te kijken. Als je deze sport live wilt zien met haar geweldige sfeer, kom dan met ons mee! – Beschikbaar 21 & 22 september voor €29
          • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
          • Oktoberfest tafel reserveren – Wil je in de bierhallen wachten of duwen voor een comfortablele zitplek? Geen probleem, wij kunnen een mooie plek voor je regelen in de bekenste bierhallen. De prijs heeft eten en biertokens inbegrepen. mail info@stoketravel.com voor prijzen, beschikbaarheid en meer informatie.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          65/ Per Person Per Nacht

          minimaal 2 nachten, flexibele voorwaarden, group payments

          Meet Us There


          • Twee- of driepersoons tenten zijn al voor je opgezet met een opblaasbaar matras en slaapzak (eenpersoons tent en teepee upgrades beschikbaar)
          • Bottomless brunch iedere ochtend tussen 08:00-11:00 met warme hapjes, unlimited mimosas, koffie en thee
          • Gidsen die je rechtstreks naar de beste bierhal leiden met handige tips
          • Gratis Oktoberfest entrée
          • Welkomstdrankje en pretzel bij aankomst
          • De hele week is er feest op de camping. Geniet van de beste feesten tussen donderdag en zaterdag met live bands, DJs, optreden en goochelaars
          • Food tricks, shisha lounge, Duits funhouse, speakeasy, hangout plekken, beer pong en meer entertainment
          • Speciale make-up kamer voor de dames om zich Oktoberfest ready te maken
          • 24hr security op de camping
          • 24hr check-in
          • Oordopjes ter beschikking


          • Unlimited drank – Open bar met bier, sangria, frisdrank, wijn, koffie en thee voor €15 per dag
          • Solo tent upgrade – Wil je de tent niet met iemand delen? Of denk je dat je iemand mee naar je eigen tent neemt ‘s nachts? Upgrade naar een eenpersoonstent voor €30 per nacht
          • Traditionele Oktoberfest outfits – Je zult erg opvallen wanneer je in je normale kleding zondagsoutfit komt aankakken in de bierhal. Zorg ervoor dat je er op en top uitziet tijdens dit traditionele evenement. Stoke Travel heeft voor je gezorgd en heeft een complete lederhosen €90 en dirndl €70 winkel. 20% KORTING ALS JE VOORAF KOOPT!
          • Warme douches – Het kan koud zijn in München in deze tijd van het jaar, dus er iets niets lekkerder dan een warme douch. Het is heerlijk om je zonden weg te wassen van de afgelopen nacht. Het warme water wordt ontgrendeld met een munt, deze zijn €1 bij de receptie en ze geven je 6 minuten genot.
          • Privé 8 persoons teepee – Ben je met een grote groep en wil je Oktoberfest samen vieren? Wat vind je van het idee om een grote sleepover te houden? Neem een 8 persoons teepee tent voor €640 per nacht
          • Oktoberfest 7s ticket – Rugby 7’s is een van de twee varianten rugby ter wereld. Haar naamt komt van het aantal spelers waarmee het gespeeld wordt en het is geweldig om naar te kijken. Als je deze sport live wilt zien met haar geweldige sfeer, kom dan met ons mee! – Beschikbaar 21 & 22 september voor €29
          • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
          • Oktoberfest tafel reserveren – Wil je in de bierhallen wachten of duwen voor een comfortablele zitplek? Geen probleem, wij kunnen een mooie plek voor je regelen in de bekenste bierhallen. De prijs heeft eten en biertokens inbegrepen. mail info@stoketravel.com voor prijzen, beschikbaarheid en meer informatie.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          80/ Per Person Per Nacht

          minimaal 2 nachten, flexibele voorwaarden, group payments

          Meet Us There


          • Twee- of driepersoons tenten zijn al voor je opgezet met een opblaasbaar matras en slaapzak (eenpersoons tent en teepee upgrades beschikbaar)
          • Bottomless brunch iedere ochtend tussen 08:00-11:00 met warme hapjes, unlimited mimosas, koffie en thee
          • Gidsen die je rechtstreks naar de beste bierhal leiden met handige tips
          • Gratis Oktoberfest entrée
          • Welkomstdrankje en pretzel bij aankomst
          • De hele week is er feest op de camping. Geniet van de beste feesten tussen donderdag en zaterdag met live bands, DJs, optreden en goochelaars
          • Food tricks, shisha lounge, Duits funhouse, speakeasy, hangout plekken, beer pong en meer entertainment
          • Speciale make-up kamer voor de dames om zich Oktoberfest ready te maken
          • 24hr security op de camping
          • 24hr check-in
          • Oordopjes ter beschikking


          • Unlimited drank – Open bar met bier, sangria, frisdrank, wijn, koffie en thee voor €15 per dag
          • Solo tent upgrade – Wil je de tent niet met iemand delen? Of denk je dat je iemand mee naar je eigen tent neemt ‘s nachts? Upgrade naar een eenpersoonstent voor €30 per nacht
          • Glamping – Als je wat meer luxe en comfort wenst, kun je kiezen om voor glamping. Je zult dan verblijven in grote tent waar je in kan staan en slapen in een warm bed. Bedank ons later maar… €150 per persoon per nacht (solo, twin, triple, quadriple tenten beschikbaar)
          • Traditionele Oktoberfest outfits – Je zult erg opvallen wanneer je in je normale kleding zondagsoutfit komt aankakken in de bierhal. Zorg ervoor dat je er op en top uitziet tijdens dit traditionele evenement. Stoke Travel heeft voor je gezorgd en heeft een complete lederhosen €90 en dirndl €70 winkel. 20% KORTING ALS JE VOORAF KOOPT!
          • Warme douches – Het kan koud zijn in München in deze tijd van het jaar, dus er iets niets lekkerder dan een warme douch. Het is heerlijk om je zonden weg te wassen van de afgelopen nacht. Het warme water wordt ontgrendeld met een munt, deze zijn €1 bij de receptie en ze geven je 6 minuten genot.
          • Privé 8 persoons teepee – Ben je met een grote groep en wil je Oktoberfest samen vieren? Wat vind je van het idee om een grote sleepover te houden? Neem een 8 persoons teepee tent voor €640 per nacht
          • Oktoberfest 7s ticket – Rugby 7’s is een van de twee varianten rugby ter wereld. Haar naamt komt van het aantal spelers waarmee het gespeeld wordt en het is geweldig om naar te kijken. Als je deze sport live wilt zien met haar geweldige sfeer, kom dan met ons mee! – Beschikbaar 21 & 22 september voor €29
          • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
          • Oktoberfest tafel reserveren – Wil je in de bierhallen wachten of duwen voor een comfortablele zitplek? Geen probleem, wij kunnen een mooie plek voor je regelen in de bekenste bierhallen. De prijs heeft eten en biertokens inbegrepen. mail info@stoketravel.com voor prijzen, beschikbaarheid en meer informatie.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          15 SEPTEMBER - 4 OKTOBERCOMFORT PLUSTrakteer uzelf op een comfortabeler verblijf
          110/ Per Person Per Nacht

          minimaal 2 nachten, flexibele voorwaarden, group payments

          15 SEPTEMBER - 4 OKTOBERCOMFORT PLUSTrakteer uzelf op een comfortabeler verblijf


          • Tweepersoons gedeelde "comfort plus" tenten met extra ruimte en staanplaatsen. Extra comfortabele matras en twee slaapzakken per persoon (solo-upgrades en triple share beschikbaar)
          • Comfort Plus goodiebag in je tent
          • Bottomless brunch iedere ochtend tussen 08:00-11:00 met warme hapjes, unlimited mimosas, koffie en thee
          • Gidsen die je rechtstreks naar de beste bierhal leiden met handige tips
          • Gratis Oktoberfest entrée
          • Welkomstdrankje en pretzel bij aankomst
          • De hele week is er feest op de camping. Geniet van de beste feesten tussen donderdag en zaterdag met live bands, DJs, optreden en goochelaars
          • Food tricks, shisha lounge, Duits funhouse, speakeasy, hangout plekken, beer pong en meer entertainment
          • Speciale make-up kamer voor de dames om zich Oktoberfest ready te maken
          • 24hr security op de camping
          • 24hr check-in
          • Oordopjes ter beschikking


          • Unlimited drank – Open bar met bier, sangria, frisdrank, wijn, koffie en thee voor €15 per dag
          • Solo tent upgrade – Wil je de tent niet met iemand delen? Of denk je dat je iemand mee naar je eigen tent neemt ‘s nachts? Upgrade naar een eenpersoonstent voor €40 per nacht
          • Traditionele Oktoberfest outfits – Je zult erg opvallen wanneer je in je normale kleding zondagsoutfit komt aankakken in de bierhal. Zorg ervoor dat je er op en top uitziet tijdens dit traditionele evenement. Stoke Travel heeft voor je gezorgd en heeft een complete lederhosen €90 en dirndl €70 winkel. 20% KORTING ALS JE VOORAF KOOPT!
          • Warme douches – Het kan koud zijn in München in deze tijd van het jaar, dus er iets niets lekkerder dan een warme douch. Het is heerlijk om je zonden weg te wassen van de afgelopen nacht. Het warme water wordt ontgrendeld met een munt, deze zijn €1 bij de receptie en ze geven je 6 minuten genot.
          • Oktoberfest 7s ticket – Rugby 7’s is een van de twee varianten rugby ter wereld. Haar naamt komt van het aantal spelers waarmee het gespeeld wordt en het is geweldig om naar te kijken. Als je deze sport live wilt zien met haar geweldige sfeer, kom dan met ons mee! – Beschikbaar 21 & 22 september voor €29
          • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
          • Oktoberfest tafel reserveren – Wil je in de bierhallen wachten of duwen voor een comfortablele zitplek? Geen probleem, wij kunnen een mooie plek voor je regelen in de bekenste bierhallen. De prijs heeft eten en biertokens inbegrepen. mail info@stoketravel.com voor prijzen, beschikbaarheid en meer informatie.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          95/ Per Persoon Per Nacht

          minimaal 2 nachten, flexibele voorwaarden, group payments



          • Space for your van (non-powered)
          • Bottomless brunch iedere ochtend tussen 08:00-11:00 met warme hapjes, unlimited mimosas, koffie en thee
          • Gidsen die je rechtstreks naar de beste bierhal leiden met handige tips
          • Gratis Oktoberfest entrée
          • Welkomstdrankje en pretzel bij aankomst
          • De hele week is er feest op de camping. Geniet van de beste feesten tussen donderdag en zaterdag met live bands, DJs, optreden en goochelaars
          • Food tricks, shisha lounge, Duits funhouse, speakeasy, hangout plekken, beer pong en meer entertainment
          • Speciale make-up kamer voor de dames om zich Oktoberfest ready te maken
          • 24hr security op de camping
          • 24hr check-in
          • Oordopjes ter beschikking


          • Unlimited drank – Open bar met bier, sangria, frisdrank, wijn, koffie en thee voor €15 per dag
          • Solo tent upgrade – Wil je de tent niet met iemand delen? Of denk je dat je iemand mee naar je eigen tent neemt ‘s nachts? Upgrade naar een eenpersoonstent voor €30 per nacht
          • Traditionele Oktoberfest outfits – Je zult erg opvallen wanneer je in je normale kleding zondagsoutfit komt aankakken in de bierhal. Zorg ervoor dat je er op en top uitziet tijdens dit traditionele evenement. Stoke Travel heeft voor je gezorgd en heeft een complete lederhosen €90 en dirndl €70 winkel. 20% KORTING ALS JE VOORAF KOOPT!
          • Warme douches – Het kan koud zijn in München in deze tijd van het jaar, dus er iets niets lekkerder dan een warme douch. Het is heerlijk om je zonden weg te wassen van de afgelopen nacht. Het warme water wordt ontgrendeld met een munt, deze zijn €1 bij de receptie en ze geven je 6 minuten genot.
          • Privé 8 persoons teepee – Ben je met een grote groep en wil je Oktoberfest samen vieren? Wat vind je van het idee om een grote sleepover te houden? Neem een 8 persoons teepee tent voor €640 per nacht
          • Oktoberfest 7s ticket – Rugby 7’s is een van de twee varianten rugby ter wereld. Haar naamt komt van het aantal spelers waarmee het gespeeld wordt en het is geweldig om naar te kijken. Als je deze sport live wilt zien met haar geweldige sfeer, kom dan met ons mee! – Beschikbaar 21 & 22 september voor €29
          • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! €25
          • Oktoberfest tafel reserveren – Wil je in de bierhallen wachten of duwen voor een comfortablele zitplek? Geen probleem, wij kunnen een mooie plek voor je regelen in de bekenste bierhallen. De prijs heeft eten en biertokens inbegrepen. mail info@stoketravel.com voor prijzen, beschikbaarheid en meer informatie.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Beschikbare add-ons

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Available During Booking
          Oktoberfest Dirndl set

          Looks good, feels good in this Oktoberfest Dirndl set

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Available During Booking
          Lederhosen (Traditional Clothing)

          Looks good, feels good in this traditional Lederhosen set

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Available During Booking
          Unlimited beer & sangria

          Add on unlimited unlimited beer & sangria to your booking

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Available During Booking
          Munich’s Best Bike Tour

          2 hours bike tour
          The Eisbach Wave, beer garden for lunch & a stein and much much more.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          OKTOBERFEST 2024 Photos

          DJ Teletanko

          Stoketoberfest mainstage
          Ieder Weekend

          Mowgli Wild Boys

          Stoketoberfest mainstage
          Ieder Weekend

          Sex Cinema

          Ieder Weekend

          Wicked Things

          Stoketoberfest mainstage
          Ieder Weekend


          Stoketoberfest mainstage
          Ieder Weekend

          Shisa Lounge

          Shisha marque

          Sons Of Med

          Stoketoberfest mainstage
          Ieder Weekend


          Stoketoberfest mainstage
          Ieder Weekend

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          The directions to the campgrounds were good as were the directions/transportation/beer bong sendoffs from the campgrounds to the festival. The camping in October is a little cold, but the tents were set up well with mattresses and sleeping bags so no complaints, the atmosphere was great, Oktoberfest was a party from the moment i woke up in the morning to the moment i put in my earplugs and tried to pass out at night!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          Atmosphere was 10/10. Loosest , most fun weekend of my life! Could have been warned about how much f*cking fun it was!!! FOOD ROCKED. Being camping you expect pretty dodge food but it was great. Bacon made my life.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          One hell of a party, Would be nice if a pillow was included in the tent, but the food was tasty.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          The staff were some I the best people on the while trip, super friendly and welcoming. I found you through a friend who went last year. As promised by her it was awesome, and it sure was!!!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          The check-in was good, I liked how the people took you to your tent. The atmosphere was awesome!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          The booking process is really practical and fast. The atmosphere was amazing, the best experience that can had in Oktoberfest! The people, everybody is so helpful, nice and fun; who was working and who was just enjoying too, everybody was really nice! The breakfast is wonderful, really good! Big lines, but when I ate, make worths.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          Absolutely awesome! great staff and great people everywhere! i loved the Signs and Themes everywhere. Fun sayings everywhere! music was also very very nice.


          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          The atmosphere is why I’ll always use Stoke Travel. I felt welcomed, check-in was painless!


          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          The atmosphere was so good! Everyone was so friendly! And YES the food was perfect, much better than I was expecting. Eggs and bacon are the perfect pre-drinking/hangover food.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          The party you provided was awesome a real neat set up, we met some real cool people from all over the world! Way better than expected. We had a hamburger one night and the open bar was definitely worth the 10€.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          Let me say the beer bong on arrival was fantastic and the laid-back and friendly crew even better. Only suggestion would be keep doing what you are doing!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          So fun, the rain bummed people out, so the music should have been cranked to 11 and to dance. Could have closed the bars at 1 instead of 12 also (which would really mean close at 2 because you guy are too awesome).

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel was fantastic! The hosts were so welcoming and even helped me with cleaning up an unfortunate situation that involved vomit in my tent. The hosts wanted to make sure we were set from the start, and had an awesome time. The heated bathrooms are nice, and definitely search those out right when you get there because the temp drops at night. Snag a pair of earplugs for the sleeping at night, since you are mighty close to other tents. Overall awesome experience with stoke travel and thanks for the incredible hospitality!! Cheers!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          Best friking time of my life. Thank you, Stoke!!!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          The atmosphere was so much fun that I missed my flight! The best Oktoberfest experience. Ever.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          Our group met so many fun people at Oktoberfest. It’s probably the best party I’ve ever been to and the unlimited booze was a big bonus!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          There was a real friendly atmosphere created by the Stoke Travel staff. It was a great way to get us in the party spirit before entering Oktoberfest.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          We loved everything about Oktoberfest; from the amazing energy at the campsite to getting drunk with strangers that became great friends! I can’t wait to go back.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          The Stoke Travel campsite outside of the festival was as fun as Oktoberfest itself!

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)


          Leave A Review

          Squeeze Every Last Drop
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          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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          OKTOBERFEST 2024 Articles

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Handy German Phrases For Germany’s Oktoberfest

          We’re gonna need more than ein stein, Einstein. Oktoberfest is fast approaching and all things Germanic are on our minds again. It’s easy for us to slip into the German…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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          Fun Oktoberfest Facts

          You already know the Oktoberfest basics – big beers at the world’s biggest beer festival; German culture, or better still Bavarian culture, on display; more than seven million people in…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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          Stoke Travel Officially The Biggest And Best At Oktoberfest

          Here’s why According to TourRadar, Stoke Travel is officially the best tour operator in Munich for Oktoberfest. We’d always known that, but it was nice to have it confirmed officially….

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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          How Much Does Oktoberfest Cost? Is It Worth It?

          Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest beer festival, and the original beer fest and so it rightfully has a cemented position on almost everybody’s travel bucket list. We all want to…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Read More


          Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest beer festival, so what are you waiting for? Life is full of parties! When you were born, it’s likely your dad went out and got…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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          Oktoberfest in Spring?

          If being in Munich in September just doesn’t fit with your plans, you can experience all the same delights at Springfest.

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Read More


          The Cos and the Pros, the Prosts and the Hosts, the Steins and the Neins, which is the better festival? It’s Springfest vs. Oktoberfest Germany. A mass of central land…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Read More

          Oktoberfest Food: Top 10 Things To Eat In Munich

          Most people don’t even think about food at Munich’s Oktoberfest, focusing more on the festival’s reputation as a gratuitous, beer-soaked orgy of new friends and oompah music. And they’re right,…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Read More

          German Purity Laws: Do Oktoberfest Beers Give You Less Of A Hangover?

          Oktoberfest is almost upon us, and with it the season that we again start hearing things about the “purity laws” relating to German beers. The purity laws are often wheeled out…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Read More


          Ein Prosit! Ein Prosit is German for “cheers”, something you’ll be doing often at a beer drinking festival. Oktoberfest is Germany’s unashamedly boozy beer festival filled with all the stereotypes…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Read More

          Eight Tips For Surviving Oktoberfest

          Oktoberfest is so close you can pretty much smell the pretzels and almost hear the drinking chants somewhere way off in the distance. But you’re a little Oktoberfest virgin, and…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

          Read More

          Things To Do In Munich That Aren’t Oktoberfest

          Whether you’re in Munich for Oktoberfest or otherwise, you will find that there are plenty of things to see and do in the Bavarian capital that don’t necessarily involve drinking…

          4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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          Travel Deals, Insider Info, Gossip, and More

          Sign-up for The Morning After

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

            4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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              4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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              4.5/5 - (11 votes)

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              Ask A Question

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                4.5/5 - (11 votes)

                OKTOBERFEST 2024

                Start Date: 2024-09-20 End Date: 2024-10-07

                Select your package
                • €280 / Per Persoon Per Pakket
                • 15 September – 4 Oktober

                View My Trip

                • €65 / Per Person Per Nacht
                • Maandag tot en met woensdagavond

                View My Trip

                • €80 / Per Person Per Nacht
                • 15 SEPTEMBER - 4 OKTOBER

                View My Trip

                COMFORT PLUS
                Trakteer uzelf op een comfortabeler verblijf
                • €110 / Per Person Per Nacht
                • 15 SEPTEMBER - 4 OKTOBER

                View My Trip

                • €95 / Per Persoon Per Nacht
                • 15 September - 4 Oktober

                View My Trip

                Not sure which package you selected? Contact Us

                Oktoberfest 2024: Festival della birra

                EIN PROSIT ALL’OKTOBERFEST 2024!

                Tutti sapete cos’è l’Oktoberfest 2024 di Monaco di Baviera. Il più grande festival della birra, con la più gustosa birra al mondo (servita a litro) accompagnata dall’abbondante cucina tedesca; un luna park simile a una Disneyland imbevuta di birra, in ampi capannoni dove gruppi musicali tedeschi, al ritmo della oompah, incoraggiano oltre 6 milioni di persone, provenienti da ogni angolo del mondo e unite dalla stessa mentalità festante, a ballare sui tavoli e dare il via ad amicizie destinate a durare per la vita.

                Durante ogni Oktoberfest, Stoke Travel ospita più viaggiatori di chiunque altro a Monaco. Migliaia e migliaia di persone da ogni parte del mondo fruiscono dei nostri pacchetti all-inclusive, che comprendono tende già montate con materassi gonfiabili e sacchi a pelo, una gustosa colazione ogni mattina e una sana e abbondante cena ogni sera, ottimi accompagnatori che mostrano come raggiungere i tendoni dell’Oktoberfest e come goderseli appieno, per non parlare della nostra famosa Stoketoberfest, ovvero il più grande evento che si svolge al di fuori dei capannoni della birra, alimentato dal nostro leggendario bar all’aperto con birra e sangria, per soli 10 euro al giorno. Un vero e proprio paradiso della birra in terra.

                Raggiungici, per tutto il tempo che desideri, dal 21 Settembre al 6 Ottobre. Ti aspetteremo a Monaco, o potrai approfittare del nostro treno Londra-Otkoberfest, o dei nostri bus andata e ritorno da Barcellona, Amsterdam, Praga , e dall’Italia.

                Se non pensi che lo Stoketoberfest faccia per te, 
                dai un'occhiata alla nostra opzione campeggio più semplice (e osiamo dire meno divertente) a Monaco.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Oktoberfest 2024: Festival della birra

                “Ein Prosit” è l’equivalente tedesco di “alla salute”, un’espressione che viene usata spesso durante un festival della birra. L’Oktoberfest è la festa tedesca della birra più sfacciata e alcolica, comprensiva di tutti gli stereotipi che ci si può aspettare, tra i quali:

                Gioiosi e felici uomini, spesso con pancetta da bevitore, autoctoni e non, giovani e meno giovani, comitive, gruppi di amici e colleghi di lavoro, tutti impegnati a cantare, bere, brindare, ballare e mangiare insieme. Amano l’Oktoberfest, e non hanno alcun problema ad accoglierci durante la festa. Raggiungili ai loro tavoli e lascia che il tempo scorra piacevolmente.

                Formose ragazze bavaresi che indossano dirndl scollati e portano ai tavoli pile di bicchieri di birra da un litro (le abbiamo viste portarne fino a 15 alla volta!) con un sorriso. Assicurati di dar loro una mancia.

                Musicisti rubicondi che al ritmo della oompah eseguono le canzoni della festa, da cantare tutti insieme, incoraggiando la folla a brindare, ballare e bere ancor di più, mentre il mare dei festaioli si stringe e si fa strada sopra e intorno ai tavoli. Queste band suonano le stesse canzoni ogni giorno; ma caspita, sono grandi canzoni.

                Turisti felici e con gli occhi annebbiati che brindano con elettrizzati bavaresi, con le braccia sulle loro spalle, farfugliando parole che forgiano nuove e grandi amicizie alcoliche.

                Cucine attive a tempo pieno da cui escono costanti flussi di polli perfettamente stagionati, carne di maiale inzuppata di sugo, pretzel delle dimensioni di un volante e ravanelli (ravanelli?), alla velocità e con l’efficienza di un fast food, ma con una qualità che sorprenderebbe anche le nonne più esperte nell’arte culinaria.

                La birra. Proprio come l’avete sempre immaginata: una delizia ambrata frizzante e fresca, priva di conservanti e prodotti artificiali e servita in bicchieri da un litro. Fidati di noi, dopo il primo litro ogni pensiero triste sarà trasformato in un confuso caleidoscopio di benessere, mentre alla fine del secondo litro sarai il miglior cantante e ballerino che i capannoni della birra abbiano mai visto. Quello che succede dopo, nessuno lo può sapere.

                Questo è soltanto ciò che accade nei capannoni della birra! Fuori da questi sacri tendoni ti aspetta un magico mondo di individui saltellanti e incespicanti che mangiano, bevono, giocano e testano i propri stomaci in giostre selvagge paragonabili a quelle dei migliori luna park del mondo.

                Tutto ciò rende l’Oktoberfest un evento che dovrebbe assolutamente essere in cima alla tua lista di cose da fare. Un’esperienza che chiunque, perfino gli astemi, dovrebbe provare almeno una volta nella vita. E quando succede, dovrebbe essere con Stoke Travel, perché nessun altro può farti godere il divertimento dell’Oktoberfest come noi.

                COS’È LA STOKETOBERFEST?

                Situata a Monaco, nelle vicinanze del quartiere Obermenzing, la Stoketoberfest è la manifestazione con cui la Stoke Travel accompagna l’Oktoberfest, nonché di gran lunga il nostro più grande evento dell’anno. La Stoketoberfest è una sistemazione all-inclusive a Monaco, la più grande festa che affianca l’Oktoberfest fuori dai capannoni della birra, una casa temporanea in cui vivere più incontri internazionali che in ogni altro luogo di Monaco, uno spazio sicuro in cui sei libero di essere come vuoi essere e di fare ciò che vuoi fare, il punto d’incontro per dare il via a tante nuove amicizie, il posto in cui i nostri cuochi riempiono e preparano il tuo stomaco prima e dopo un grande giorno di festa nei capannoni della birra, e una scatenata pista da ballo che ti farà sembrare di essere a Ibiza.

                La Stoketoberfest è il più grande evento della stagione festivaliera di Stoke Travel, un camping in cui possiamo offrire intrattenimento, alloggio, cibo, birra, balli, abiti tradizionali come i dirndl e i lederhosen, e, soprattutto, un luogo dove conoscere ogni notte più di 2500 persone, ognuna con una strada di vita diversa, provenienti da oltre 40 diverse nazioni e di ogni età, dai diciottenni fino alle loro nonne (che soggiornano gratis).

                L’ospitalità nel camping include tende già montate, sacchi a pelo e materassi gonfiabili. Le tende sono disponibili per tutti senza nessuna maggiorazione di prezzo. Se invece vuoi dormire nel lusso, forse la nostra opzione Glamping può fare al caso tuo, con ampi spazi e letti più confortevoli, elettricità e altri comfort. Al di fuori delle file di tende, la cucina della Stoketoberfest prepara colazioni e cene ogni giorno per tutti, mentre sullo Stoke Stage si alternano DJ, band e il nostro radio show (dove tu sei la star!) e la Stoke Spinning Wheel (la ruota della fortuna) ti offre l’opportunità di scambiare la tua biancheria intima con uno sconosciuto, bere dalla tua scarpa o vincere un viaggio gratis. Il tutto mentre ogni Stokie, membro dello staff oppure ospite, è sempre pronto a raccontarti una storia di viaggio, ascoltare le tue disavventure alcoliche del giorno prima o prepararti per un’altra grande giornata di festa nei capannoni della birra. Tutto ciò, e molto altro, è incluso in ogni soggiorno della Stoke Travel Oktoberfest.

                Poi c’è il bar, l’open bar, il bar “all you can drink”*, dove puoi bere birra e sangria illimitate con un sovrapprezzo di soli 10 euro al giorno, ricevendo in cambio tutta la fiducia liquida e il lubrificante sociale di cui ogni aspirante leggenda dell’Oktoberfest può avere bisogno. Se però la birra è l’ultima cosa che ti passa per la testa in quel momento, il chiosco del caffè può essere un tuo prezioso alleato, o forse ti piacerà l’idea di provare qualche costume tradizionale dell’Oktoberfest disponibile nel nostro negozio, dove potrai trovare un regalo per tutti a prezzi più bassi rispetto alla città.

                Questo è solo un assaggio di ciò che può offrire la Stoketoberfest. Ogni anno pensiamo a nuovi e pazzi modi per rendere il nostro piccolo angolo di Monaco ancora più confortevole per i viaggiatori. Siamo davvero orgogliosi di poter creare l’ambiente più divertente al di fuori dei confini della festa ufficiale, e poi riempirlo con miti come te. Sei curioso di sapere cosa abbiamo preparato quest’anno? Prenota un posto per l’Oktoberfest e vieni a scoprirlo con i tuoi occhi.

                Stoke Travel Passport Holders Oktoberfest

                Stoke Travel Passport holders are eligible for a 2 or more nights all-inclusive stay.
                Unsure what the Stoke Travel Passport is? Check it out here! Your universe will change.



                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                A Day At Stoketoberfest

                This is a rough itinerary with everything in the Meet Us There package. The beauty of staying with Stoke Travel is that you can do whatever you like, whenever you like, your way. 

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                8-10am - Bottomless brunch

                A chef prepared, hot breakfast with bottomless mimosas

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                9am onwards - Head to the beer halls

                Make your way to the Oktoberfest beer halls for a day full of antics. Ask the Stoke guides for directions, and meet us at the Augustiner-Festhalle tent!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                8pm onwards - Party time

                Massive Stoketoberfest campsite party begins; the beer and sangria will be flowing and the music will start pumping. Expect live bands, DJs and carnivalesque activities.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                11pm - After-party time

                Oktoberfest closes for the night and all those who have lasted the day head back to campsite to join the party

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Oktoberfest 2024 information

                Where and when is Oktoberfest 2024?

                in 2024 the 189th Oktoberfest will be held in the Theresenwiese fairgrounds, in Munich, Bavaria, Germany. The first beer keg will be tapped at midday on the 21st of September, and the first Maß, or litre of beer, is poured soon after. The first beer is tapped in the Schottenhamel beer tent by the Oberbürgermeister of Munich, who shouts the words O’zapfn and O’zapft is, to which the crowd responds Auf eine friedliche Wiesn!, “To a peaceful Wiesn (Oktoberfest)”. 

                On October the 6th the last call is at 10:30pm, and at 11:30pm the crowd will cry, Aus is und gar is und chad is, dass’ wahr is!, “it’s drunk and drunk fully and it’s a shame that it’s true”. 

                Arriving to Oktoberfest

                The Oktoberfest is held in the Theresenwiese fairgrounds, which is in central Munich a short walk from the Hauptbahnhof, or Munich central train station. The best way to arrive is by public transport, with the nearest U-Bahn stations being Theresenwiese and Goetheplatz, or the S-Bahn station of Hackerbrücke. 

                From the Stoketoberfest campsite it’s a short bus and S-Bahn ride, first taking the 159 or 164 bus for five minutes to Untermenzing S-Bahn station and then the S2 or S4 S-Bahn to Hackerbrücke about 10 minutes down the line.

                Stoketoberfest Campsite Address

                Campingplatz Obermenzing
                Lochausenerstrase 59,

                HOW TO GET THERE

                Take the Stoke bus from AmsterdamBarcelonaItaly, London or Prague. Or meet us there! Check out Omio for the best rates on buses, trains, and flights around Europe. Once you get to Munich, it is super easy to catch public transport to the campsite.

                METRO DIRECTIONS

                Directions from the Munich Airport
                If you arrive at the airport you can take the S1 train or S8 train. If you take the S1 train, get off at Laim train station to switch to the S2 towards Petershausen. If you take the S8 train, you can change at any station between Ostbahnhof and Laim to the S2 towards Petershausen. Once on the S2, jump off at station Untermenzing. Right outside the station hop on the 164 bus for three stops to Campingplatz Obermenzing.

                Directions from Munich city centre
                Once you’re at the Hauptbahnhof, or any Munich metro station, take the underground S1 to Laim metro station, then take the S2 towards Peterhausen and jump off at Untermenzing. Right outside the station hop on the 164 bus for three stops to Campingplatz Obermenzing. Just ask the driver or have a look on the bus route map. Jump off the bus and you’re at our doorstep. Too easy!

                Directions to the beer halls
                To get to the beer halls you can catch either the 164 bus to Untermenzing or the 159 bus to Pasing. From there you jump on the SBahn train to Hackerbrücke, there just follow the sea of the dirndls and lederhosen to the beer halls.

                WICKED CAMPERS

                The most WICKED, literally, way to get to Oktoberfest is in a Wicked Campervan. We have reserved spots for Wicked vans within the campsite. Check them out here. Please note that if you are coming by car, there is very limited parking at the campsite, so you will need to park down the road about a 1 minute drive away.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Below are some of our most frequently asked questions. Your question isn’t there? Ask away. Enter in the Ask a Question popup and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with the answers!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Ask A Question

                What should we bring?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Are there shuttles to and from Oktoberfest?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Who do we see when we arrive?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                What is the breakfast like?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                What if I don’t want to walk 20m and I want to be tented next to my friend?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                What amenities are offered at the camp site?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Where can we buy Lederhosens and Dirndls?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Can we reserve a table in beer halls?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                If we are camping does that mean we’ll be attacked by wild animals?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Do the tents have hot water, laptops, power-points, king size beds or fridges?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                When can I check in?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                How do get cash money?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Where can I get my unlimited booze from?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Are there lockers?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Will it be cold?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Do you have any photos of the Dirndls and Lederhosen you’re selling?

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                There's More

                Camping Accommodation

                Camping Accommodation

                Twin-share pre-erected tents with foam mats and sleeping bags

                Bottomless brunch

                Bottomless brunch

                A cooked breakfast with unlimited mimosas every morning

                Awesome Guides

                Awesome Guides

                Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls

                Party Atmosphere

                Party Atmosphere

                With an international vibe

                Campsite Parties

                Campsite Parties

                Massive Stoketoberfest campsite parties with live bands and DJs

                Welcome Drinks

                Welcome Drinks

                Welcome drinks to get the party started

                Festival Entry

                Festival Entry

                Entry to Oktoberfest and Stoketoberfest

                Live Bands & DJs

                Live Bands & DJs

                Joining us on our Stoke festival stage is the Stoke Soundcheck Battle of the Bands winner, The Wharves and drum and bass producer Deadbeat, with more acts TBC
                Use 2 or more nights from your Stoke Travel Passport
                Select a Package
                Oktoberfest 2024 Tickets, Tours & Trips
                20 September – 7 OctoberMidweek SpecialMonday-Wednesday nights
                65/ Per Person Per Night

                2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

                20 September – 7 OctoberMidweek SpecialMonday-Wednesday nights
                Midweek Special


                • Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group teepees available)
                • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                • Oktoberfest free entry
                • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                • 24-hour security on site
                • 24-hour check-in
                • Earplugs at your disposal


                • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                20 September – 7 OctoberUltimate OktoberfestStay for 4+ nights
                280/ Per Person Four Nights

                SAVE €10 a night! + Free Munich Bike Tour

                20 September – 7 OctoberUltimate OktoberfestStay for 4+ nights
                Ultimate Oktoberfest


                • 4+ nights camping accommodation in twin tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag
                • 10% off Stoke merch at the Swag tent 
                • Munich bike tour valued at €25 – PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR TIME AND DATE FOR THE BIKE TOUR AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE!
                • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                • Oktoberfest free entry
                • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                • 24-hour security on site
                • 24-hour check-in
                • Earplugs at your disposal


                • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                • Private 8-person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 


                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                20 September – 7 OctoberStandard PackageAny day
                80/ Per Person Per Night

                2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

                20 September – 7 OctoberStandard PackageAny day
                Standard Package


                • Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group teepees available)
                • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                • Oktoberfest free entry
                • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                • 24-hour security on site
                • 24-hour check-in
                • Earplugs at your disposal


                • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                20 September – 7 OctoberComfort PlusTreat yourself with a more comfortable stay
                110/ Per Person Per Night

                Twin share, single upgrades and triple share available on request

                20 September – 7 OctoberComfort PlusTreat yourself with a more comfortable stay
                Comfort Plus


                • Twin shared “comfort plus” tents with extra space and standing room. Extra comfortable camping mats and two sleeping bags per person (solo upgrades, and triple share available)
                • Comfort Plus goodie bag in your tent
                • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                • Oktoberfest free entry
                • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                • 24-hour security on site
                • 24-hour check-in
                • Earplugs at your disposal


                • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                20 September – 7 OctoberOktoberfest For GroupsBirthdays, hens and stags, work parties – we can get your group drunk
                1contact us via the contact form

                2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

                20 September – 7 OctoberOktoberfest For GroupsBirthdays, hens and stags, work parties – we can get your group drunk
                Oktoberfest For Groups


                • Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group teepees available)
                • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                • Oktoberfest free entry
                • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                • 24-hour security on site
                • 24-hour check-in
                • Earplugs at your disposal


                • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 


                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                20 September – 7 OctoberBYO (Bring Your Own) Van PackageMEET US THERE AND SLEEP IN YOUR VAN
                95/ Per Person Per Night

                2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

                Meet Us There
                20 September – 7 OctoberBYO (Bring Your Own) Van PackageMEET US THERE AND SLEEP IN YOUR VAN
                BYO (Bring Your Own) Van Package


                • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                • Oktoberfest free entry
                • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                • 24-hour security on site
                • 24-hour check-in
                • Earplugs at your disposal


                • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Thursday - Sunday, each weekItaly to Munich - Ride With UsGet a bus from Rome or Florence for a weekend stay at our hectic campsite
                290Per Person

                transport & 2 nights accomodation

                Ride With Us
                Thursday - Sunday, each weekItaly to Munich - Ride With UsGet a bus from Rome or Florence for a weekend stay at our hectic campsite
                Italy to Munich - Ride With Us

                Ride with us to and from Oktoberfest, with return busses running from either Rome or Florence.

                Buses depart from Rome at 5:15pm and Florence at 11pm every Thursday evening of the festival, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite Friday morning. Get your traditional German garb on, Consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our busses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to Florence around 10:30pm and Rome at 3am.

                *exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed

                Campsite accommodation Includes:

                • Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group teepees available)
                • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                • Oktoberfest free entry
                • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                • 24-hour security on site
                • 24-hour check-in
                • Earplugs at your disposal


                • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Available Add-Ons

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Available During Booking
                Oktoberfest Dirndl set

                Looks good, feels good in this Oktoberfest Dirndl set

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Available During Booking
                Lederhosen (Traditional Clothing)

                Looks good, feels good in this traditional Lederhosen set

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Available During Booking
                Unlimited beer & sangria

                Add on unlimited unlimited beer & sangria to your booking

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Available During Booking
                Munich’s Best Bike Tour

                2 hours bike tour
                The Eisbach Wave, beer garden for lunch & a stein and much much more.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Oktoberfest 2024: Festival della birra Photos

                DJ Teletanko

                Stoketoberfest mainstage
                Every Weekend

                Mowgli Wild Boys

                Stoketoberfest mainstage
                Every Weekend

                Sex Cinema

                Every Weekend

                Wicked Things

                Stoketoberfest mainstage
                Every Weekend


                Stoketoberfest mainstage
                Every Weekend

                Shisa Lounge

                Shisha marque

                Sons Of Med

                Stoketoberfest mainstage
                Every Weekend


                Stoketoberfest mainstage
                Every Weekend

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                The directions to the campgrounds were good as were the directions/transportation/beer bong sendoffs from the campgrounds to the festival. The camping in October is a little cold, but the tents were set up well with mattresses and sleeping bags so no complaints, the atmosphere was great, Oktoberfest was a party from the moment i woke up in the morning to the moment i put in my earplugs and tried to pass out at night!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Atmosphere was 10/10. Loosest , most fun weekend of my life! Could have been warned about how much f*cking fun it was!!! FOOD ROCKED. Being camping you expect pretty dodge food but it was great. Bacon made my life.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                One hell of a party, Would be nice if a pillow was included in the tent, but the food was tasty.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                The staff were some I the best people on the while trip, super friendly and welcoming. I found you through a friend who went last year. As promised by her it was awesome, and it sure was!!!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                The check-in was good, I liked how the people took you to your tent. The atmosphere was awesome!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                The booking process is really practical and fast. The atmosphere was amazing, the best experience that can had in Oktoberfest! The people, everybody is so helpful, nice and fun; who was working and who was just enjoying too, everybody was really nice! The breakfast is wonderful, really good! Big lines, but when I ate, make worths.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Absolutely awesome! great staff and great people everywhere! i loved the Signs and Themes everywhere. Fun sayings everywhere! music was also very very nice.


                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                The atmosphere is why I’ll always use Stoke Travel. I felt welcomed, check-in was painless!


                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                The atmosphere was so good! Everyone was so friendly! And YES the food was perfect, much better than I was expecting. Eggs and bacon are the perfect pre-drinking/hangover food.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                The party you provided was awesome a real neat set up, we met some real cool people from all over the world! Way better than expected. We had a hamburger one night and the open bar was definitely worth the 10€.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Let me say the beer bong on arrival was fantastic and the laid-back and friendly crew even better. Only suggestion would be keep doing what you are doing!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                So fun, the rain bummed people out, so the music should have been cranked to 11 and to dance. Could have closed the bars at 1 instead of 12 also (which would really mean close at 2 because you guy are too awesome).

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel was fantastic! The hosts were so welcoming and even helped me with cleaning up an unfortunate situation that involved vomit in my tent. The hosts wanted to make sure we were set from the start, and had an awesome time. The heated bathrooms are nice, and definitely search those out right when you get there because the temp drops at night. Snag a pair of earplugs for the sleeping at night, since you are mighty close to other tents. Overall awesome experience with stoke travel and thanks for the incredible hospitality!! Cheers!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Best friking time of my life. Thank you, Stoke!!!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                The atmosphere was so much fun that I missed my flight! The best Oktoberfest experience. Ever.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Our group met so many fun people at Oktoberfest. It’s probably the best party I’ve ever been to and the unlimited booze was a big bonus!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                There was a real friendly atmosphere created by the Stoke Travel staff. It was a great way to get us in the party spirit before entering Oktoberfest.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                We loved everything about Oktoberfest; from the amazing energy at the campsite to getting drunk with strangers that became great friends! I can’t wait to go back.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                The Stoke Travel campsite outside of the festival was as fun as Oktoberfest itself!

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)


                Leave A Review

                Squeeze Every Last Drop
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                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                Oktoberfest 2024: Festival della birra Articles

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

                Handy German Phrases For Germany’s Oktoberfest

                We’re gonna need more than ein stein, Einstein. Oktoberfest is fast approaching and all things Germanic are on our minds again. It’s easy for us to slip into the German…

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                Fun Oktoberfest Facts

                You already know the Oktoberfest basics – big beers at the world’s biggest beer festival; German culture, or better still Bavarian culture, on display; more than seven million people in…

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                Stoke Travel Officially The Biggest And Best At Oktoberfest

                Here’s why According to TourRadar, Stoke Travel is officially the best tour operator in Munich for Oktoberfest. We’d always known that, but it was nice to have it confirmed officially….

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                How Much Does Oktoberfest Cost? Is It Worth It?

                Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest beer festival, and the original beer fest and so it rightfully has a cemented position on almost everybody’s travel bucket list. We all want to…

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest beer festival, so what are you waiting for? Life is full of parties! When you were born, it’s likely your dad went out and got…

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                Oktoberfest in Spring?

                If being in Munich in September just doesn’t fit with your plans, you can experience all the same delights at Springfest.

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                The Cos and the Pros, the Prosts and the Hosts, the Steins and the Neins, which is the better festival? It’s Springfest vs. Oktoberfest Germany. A mass of central land…

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                Oktoberfest Food: Top 10 Things To Eat In Munich

                Most people don’t even think about food at Munich’s Oktoberfest, focusing more on the festival’s reputation as a gratuitous, beer-soaked orgy of new friends and oompah music. And they’re right,…

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                German Purity Laws: Do Oktoberfest Beers Give You Less Of A Hangover?

                Oktoberfest is almost upon us, and with it the season that we again start hearing things about the “purity laws” relating to German beers. The purity laws are often wheeled out…

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                WHAT IS OKTOBERFEST?

                Ein Prosit! Ein Prosit is German for “cheers”, something you’ll be doing often at a beer drinking festival. Oktoberfest is Germany’s unashamedly boozy beer festival filled with all the stereotypes…

                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                Eight Tips For Surviving Oktoberfest

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                Things To Do In Munich That Aren’t Oktoberfest

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                4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                Travel Deals, Insider Info, Gossip, and More

                Sign-up for The Morning After

                  4.6/5 - (11 votes)

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                      Oktoberfest 2024: Festival della birra

                      Start Date: 2024-09-20 End Date: 2024-10-07

                      Select your package
                      Midweek Special
                      Monday-Wednesday nights
                      • €65 / Per Person Per Night
                      • 20 September – 7 October

                      View My Trip

                      Ultimate Oktoberfest
                      Stay for 4+ nights
                      • €280 / Per Person Four Nights
                      • 20 September – 7 October

                      View My Trip

                      Standard Package
                      Any day
                      • €80 / Per Person Per Night
                      • 20 September – 7 October

                      View My Trip

                      Comfort Plus
                      Treat yourself with a more comfortable stay
                      • €110 / Per Person Per Night
                      • 20 September – 7 October

                      View My Trip

                      Oktoberfest For Groups
                      Birthdays, hens and stags, work parties – we can get your group drunk
                      • €1 contact us via the contact form
                      • 20 September – 7 October

                      View My Trip

                      BYO (Bring Your Own) Van Package
                      MEET US THERE AND SLEEP IN YOUR VAN
                      • €95 / Per Person Per Night
                      • 20 September – 7 October

                      View My Trip

                      Italy to Munich - Ride With Us
                      Get a bus from Rome or Florence for a weekend stay at our hectic campsite
                      • €290 Per Person
                      • Thursday - Sunday, each week

                      View My Trip

                      Not sure which package you selected? Contact Us


                      Oktoberfest Packages 2024

                      Since 2008, Stoke Travel has been the biggest, best, wildest and most-inclusive Oktoberfest Tour in Munich – AND Our Oktoberfest Munich 2024 accommodation packages are no different

                      OKTOBERFEST 2024 DATES:



                      🏕️ Accommodation in pre-erected twin-share tents with camping mattresses and sleeping bags (COMFORT PLUS, solo tents, and group teepee UPGRADES also available)
                      🍳🍾 brunch with bottomless mimosas every morning
                      💃 Our world-famous Stoketoberfest campsite parties with live bands, DJs, drinking games and 1000S OF PARTY ANIMALS FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD TO PARTY WITH
                      🍻 €15 all-you-can-drink beer, wine and sangria bar
                      🥴 Guides to TAKE you to Oktoberfest and make sure you’re having the best time
                      🌎👫👭👬🌏 Munich’s biggest group of beer lovers – An international crowd of like-minded travellers, students and expats to party with.


                      Munich’s Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest folk festival, where every year millions of beer lovers gather to drink, dance and celebrate the best beer in the world. Stoke Travel will host travellers, study abroad students, expats and beer lovers at our Oktoberfest all-inclusive camping accommodation.

                      Stoke Travel is the biggest Oktoberfest accommodation provider and tour operator in Munich, with 1000s of beer lovers staying and partying with us for every night, making Stoke Travel the most fun and best value choice for your trip to Oktoberfest in 2024.

                      If you don’t think that Stoketoberfest is for you, check out our more basic (and dare we say less fun) Munich camping option.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Oktoberfest camping packages in Munich

                      Stoketoberfest is Stoke Travel’s Oktoberfest camping accommodation, where you sleep in a private tent, and not a busy and boring hostel dorm. This is Munich’s only real budget accommodation option and also its wildest party, and all located inside Munich’s city limits. The Stoke Travel Oktoberfest camp is well connected to public transport and the place where legends are made, awesome and terrible decisions are interchanged, and we can let our hair down and be whoever we want to be.

                      The accommodation for our Oktoberfest packages includes a cooked brunch with bottomless mimosas. You and your group can choose from solo occupancy tents (for a small surcharge), or our standard twin-share tents. We also offer group tents for six-eight people, and Comfort Plus options for one, two, three or four people. 

                      In addition to being where you sleep, eat and get ready for the beer halls, our Oktoberfest camping is a wild party. Every night there’s a stage show featuring DJs and live bands. You can drink as much beer and sangria as you want at your own open bar. At Stoketoberfest you’ll find a place to buy your traditional Oktoberfest outfits – dirndls and lederhosen – and enjoy/punish yourself with drinking games like flip cup, beer pong, or maybe take a spin of our infamous Wheel Of Misfortune and losing your clothes. Oh, and there’s the dance floor that doesn’t stop day or night.

                      Oktoberfest 2023 Munich Party Campsite Accommodation

                      Stoketoberfest is also Munich’s biggest accommodation provider, and every year we host the most travellers, study abroad students, ex-pats and beer lovers and party animals from all over the world, with more than 2000 people staying and dancing with us on weekend nights. When you stay at Stoketoberfest you’ll be exploring Munich, making the most of Oktoberfest and losing it on the campsite dance floor with thousands of like-minded travellers from all corners of the globe. It’s not uncommon to meet your new best friends, your perfect dance-off partner, or the love of your life at our Stoketoberfest campsite.

                      Our Oktoberfest 2024 packages are all inclusive, so your tent, sleeping bags and sleeping mats are pre-prepared for your arrival, our chefs will cook you a hearty breakfast every morning so your stomach is lined and filled with healthy fuel. The Stoke Travel crew and guides will show you the party, both at our campsite and in the beer halls, and make sure you enjoy it. Our open and unlimited bar serves up German beer and Spanish sangria, wine, soft drink, tea and coffee  – an unlimited open bar for only €15 a day

                      Our on-site party is legendary and the perfect way to pre-game before the beer halls, or for our almost-all-night after parties (don’t worry, if you want to sleep the parties wrap up around 11pm in our main area and move to the front bar. Bands and Djs who have performed for us in previous years include international bands and DJs like Wicked Things from Australia, Bread Gang DJs from Australia, Mega Events DJs from the UK, Pearl the Girl (DJ set) from Australia, Tropical Zombie from Australia, The Guinness Brothers from Ireland/Portugal, Blank Space and The Moonjacks from the USA, Large Mirage from Australia, and Slim Radio from The Netherlands. Our campsite parties were the wildest celebrations outside of the beer halls. Expect even bigger and better for 2024.

                      Other activities include: our infamous opening party, VIP speakeasy with hard liquor, circus performers, Wheel of Misfortune and so much more!
                      Find out more about the Stoke Travel Oktoberfest experience.

                      Stoke Travel is Your best bet for an Oktoberfest tour 

                      Despite the name, Oktoberfest – the world’s biggest beer festival, attracting more than seven million people every year to the Theresienweise fairgrounds in Munich, Bavaria, Germany – mostly takes place in September (unsure about dates? See our article on when’s the best time to go to Oktoberfest). Once there they will drink more than seven million litres of perfect Bavarian beer, obeying German purity laws which mean Oktoberfest beers give less of a hangover, because they contain no preservatives or artificial additives. They will eat thousands of plates of hearty, German, Oktoberfest food including beer lover favourites like pretzels and bratwurst. They will dance on tables to German oompah bands and make new friends from all over the world and sing and drink and make temporary besties with complete strangers. They will leave the beer halls and then enjoy the carnival rides that rival the best amusement parks — roller coasters and swings and fun houses designed to thrill and excited and after all that beer and hearty food test even the strongest of stomachs.

                      But the thing to love the most about Oktoberfest is your fellow beer lovers and party animals. From Munich locals to travellers from all over Germany and the world, you’re going to be surrounded by thousands of new best friends, drinking litres and litres of beer, dancing on tables and generally being awesome/drunk/the best version of you/a sloppy mess.

                      For more Oktoberfest information, head here to our ultimate guide.


                      A special place for women at Oktoberfest

                      Stoke Travel will be establishing a Ladies’ Island again for Oktoberfest 2024. This is an “island” of tents where only groups of women, or female solo travellers, can stay. Within this safer space there will be extra security, and a powder room, so you can sleep with greater peace of mind, and enjoy a little extra space while getting prepared for the beer halls. This initiative is to encourage more female solo travellers and groups of women to Oktoberfest – an event that is often consider to be the domain of men, but we know that the love of beer doesn’t adhere to gendered boundaries – without worrying about being accommodated alongside farting, stumbling, drunken men. Of course, staying on Ladies’ Island is completely optional, and is offered with your Oktoberfest 2024 package at no additional cost. 

                      Munich’s Oktoberfest for Study Abroad students – it’s the unofficial fall semester launch party

                      Oktoberfest 2024 starts right when Fall Semester does, and so we always see 100s (if not 1000s) of study abroad students at Stoketoberfest, drinking beer from our open bar through funnels, playing flip-cup – just regular college party things. Given Munich’s central location and easy connections to all of Europe, whether you’re studying abroad in Florence, Rome, Prague, Barcelona, Paris, London – or anywhere in Europe – you will easily be able to get to Munich for Oktoberfest. AND seeing as though Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest folk festival you can convince your parents that it’s a cultural experience and not just you drinking delicious German beers by the quarter gallon (they might even pay for it, even though our packages are such good value you easily pay for it without their help). Why stay with Stoke Travel for Oktoberfest if you’re studying abroad? We are the biggest group of study abroad students in Munich, the best value, by far the most fun, and with plenty of experience working with students we’re completely safe and secure.
                      And if you’re coming from Rome or Florence check out our transport package below.

                      Oktoberfest for Stag dos, Hen dos or any group

                      Oktoberfest is the perfect place for your birthday, hen or stag do (bachelorette/bachelor party), sporting team end-of-year trip, university club piss up – basically any excuse to get your group together and head to Munich. Oktoberfest as a group will be the perfect place to bond over way too many beers, dancing on tables, and generally having the best time possible. Plus, staying at Stoketoberfest means you’ll be able to make new friends, not worry about your pre-and-post Oktoberfest parties – which happen on our campsite all day and night, and we definitely have enough space for you all. Plus, you won’t be the rowdiest crew at Stoketoberfest, so you can really have a good time. Find the Oktoberfest for groups package below and send us a contact form so we can work out the best package for you!
                      For more information on Oktoberfest for groups, check this out.

                      Oktoberfest Munich Tickets & Table reservations

                      You do not need to purchase tickets to attend Oktoberfest, and entry to all beer halls is free and open to everybody. Sometimes there are queues to get in and very rarely you might not because it’s just too busy (only on weekends and at certain times). To avoid this some people do reserve Oktoberfest tables and this is something that we can provide, but we don’t feel that it’s needed. The Oktoberfest tables that you can reserve are situated away from the main party area and require a minimum spend on food – so they are a great idea if you want to eat something and have a few chill beers before heading into the party. We recommend heading into the beer halls early, so we can get the best tables near the band, or if you can’t get up in time, to go in smaller groups, join other people’s tables and make new friends (you can’t buy beer inside the beer halls unless you’re attached to a table).

                      OKtoberfest Accommodation & TRansport Packages

                      Staying with Stoke Travel, all your Oktoberfest needs are sorted for a hassle-free stay and experience. Our all-inclusive Oktoberfest trips include your accommodation, tasty warm breakfasts, legendary parties and entertainment, free entry to all the beer halls and fairgrounds, a wicked festival crew to show you a good time before, during, and after your time in the halls, and our campsite’s infamous open beer and sangria bar – an additional cost of only €15 per day. Our Oktoberfest tours also currently run return sleeper coaches from Amsterdam, Eindhoven, and Utrecht for the weekends. Whatever you need for your Oktoberfest stay and experience, we’ve got you covered.
                      See all of your Oktoberfest 2024 transport options, here.



                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      A Day At Stoketoberfest

                      This is a rough itinerary with everything in the Meet Us There package. The beauty of staying with Stoke Travel is that you can do whatever you like, whenever you like, your way. 

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      8-10am - Bottomless brunch

                      A chef prepared, hot breakfast with bottomless mimosas

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      9am onwards - Head to the beer halls

                      Make your way to the Oktoberfest beer halls for a day full of antics. Ask the Stoke guides for directions, and meet us at the Augustiner-Festhalle tent!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      8pm onwards - Party time

                      Massive Stoketoberfest campsite party begins; the beer and sangria will be flowing and the music will start pumping. Expect live bands, DJs and carnivalesque activities.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      11pm - After-party time

                      Oktoberfest closes for the night and all those who have lasted the day head back to campsite to join the party


                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)




                      Trip Type:

                      Stoketoberfest is located in campingplatz obermenzing

                      Campingplatz Obermenzing
                      Lochausenerstrase 59,


                      Directions from the Munich Airport

                      If you arrive at the airport you can take the S1 train or S8 train. If you take the S1 train, get off at Laim train station to switch to the S2 towards Petershausen. If you take the S8 train, you can change at any station between Ostbahnhof and Laim to the S2 towards Petershausen. Once on the S2, jump off at station Untermenzing. Right outside the station hop on the 164 bus for three stops to Campingplatz Obermenzing.

                      Directions from Munich city centre

                      Once you’re at the Hauptbahnhof, or any Munich metro station, take the underground S1 to Laim metro station, then take the S2 towards Peterhausen and jump off at Untermenzing. Right outside the station hop on the 164 bus for three stops to Campingplatz Obermenzing. Just ask the driver or have a look on the bus route map. Jump off the bus and you’re at our doorstep. Too easy!

                      Directions to the Oktoberfest beer halls from our campsite

                      The Oktoberfest is held in the Theresenwiese fairgrounds, which is in central Munich a short walk from the Hauptbahnhof, or Munich central train station. The best way to arrive is by public transport, with the nearest U-Bahn stations being Theresenwiese and Goetheplatz, or the S-Bahn station of Hackerbrücke. 

                      From the Stoketoberfest campsite it’s a short bus and S-Bahn ride, first taking the 159 or 164 bus to Untermenzing S-Bahn station and then the S2 or S4 S-Bahn to Hackerbrücke. Total travel time is 30-45 minutes, very dependent on connections. Bring a beer for the journey!

                      HOW TO GET To Munich

                      Check out Omio for the best rates on buses, trains, and flights around Europe. Once you get to Munich, it is super easy to catch public transport to the campsite.

                      Check out our full guide to arriving to Oktoberfest.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)




                      Below are some of our most frequently asked questions. Your question isn’t there? Ask away. Enter in the Ask a Question popup and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible with the answers!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Ask A Question

                      What should we bring?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Are there shuttles to and from Oktoberfest?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Who do we see when we arrive?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      What is the breakfast like?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      What if I don’t want to walk 20m and I want to be tented next to my friend?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      What amenities are offered at the camp site?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Where can we buy Lederhosens and Dirndls?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Can we reserve a table in beer halls?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      If we are camping does that mean we’ll be attacked by wild animals?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Do the tents have hot water, laptops, power-points, king size beds or fridges?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      When can I check in?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      How do get cash money?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Where can I get my unlimited booze from?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Are there lockers?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Will it be cold?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Do you have any photos of the Dirndls and Lederhosen you’re selling?

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      There's More

                      Camping Accommodation

                      Camping Accommodation

                      Twin-share pre-erected tents with foam mats and sleeping bags

                      Awesome Guides

                      Awesome Guides

                      Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls

                      Party Atmosphere

                      Party Atmosphere

                      With an international vibe

                      Campsite Parties

                      Campsite Parties

                      Massive Stoketoberfest campsite parties with live bands and DJs

                      Welcome Drinks

                      Welcome Drinks

                      Welcome drinks to get the party started

                      Festival Entry

                      Festival Entry

                      Entry to Oktoberfest and Stoketoberfest

                      Live Bands & DJs

                      Live Bands & DJs

                      Joining us on our Stoke festival stage is the Stoke Soundcheck Battle of the Bands winner, The Wharves and drum and bass producer Deadbeat, with more acts TBC
                      Use 2 or more nights from your Stoke Travel Passport
                      Oktoberfest 2023 Tickets, Tours & Trips

                      See all our packages below and choose the best one for you (they’re all pretty great)

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      20 September – 7 OctoberMidweek SpecialMonday-Wednesday nights
                      65/ Per Person Per Night

                      2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

                      20 September – 7 OctoberMidweek SpecialMonday-Wednesday nights
                      Midweek Special


                      • Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group teepees available)
                      • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                      • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                      • Oktoberfest free entry
                      • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                      • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                      • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                      • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                      • 24-hour security on site
                      • 24-hour check-in
                      • Earplugs at your disposal


                      • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                      • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                      • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                      • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                      • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                      • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                      • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      20 September – 7 OctoberUltimate OktoberfestStay for 4+ nights
                      280/ Per Person Four Nights

                      SAVE €10 a night! + Free Munich Bike Tour

                      20 September – 7 OctoberUltimate OktoberfestStay for 4+ nights
                      Ultimate Oktoberfest


                      • 4+ nights camping accommodation in twin tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag
                      • 10% off Stoke merch at the Swag tent 
                      • Munich bike tour valued at €25 – PLEASE CONFIRM YOUR TIME AND DATE FOR THE BIKE TOUR AT LEAST 24 HOURS IN ADVANCE!
                      • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                      • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                      • Oktoberfest free entry
                      • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                      • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                      • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                      • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                      • 24-hour security on site
                      • 24-hour check-in
                      • Earplugs at your disposal


                      • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                      • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                      • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                      • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                      • Private 8-person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                      • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 


                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      20 September – 7 OctoberStandard PackageAny day
                      80/ Per Person Per Night

                      2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

                      20 September – 7 OctoberStandard PackageAny day
                      Standard Package


                      • Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group teepees available)
                      • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                      • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                      • Oktoberfest free entry
                      • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                      • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                      • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                      • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                      • 24-hour security on site
                      • 24-hour check-in
                      • Earplugs at your disposal


                      • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                      • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                      • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                      • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                      • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                      • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                      • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      20 September – 7 OctoberComfort PlusTreat yourself with a more comfortable stay
                      110/ Per Person Per Night

                      Twin share, single upgrades and triple share available on request

                      20 September – 7 OctoberComfort PlusTreat yourself with a more comfortable stay
                      Comfort Plus


                      • Twin shared “comfort plus” tents with extra space and standing room. Extra comfortable camping mats and two sleeping bags per person (solo upgrades, and triple share available)
                      • Comfort Plus goodie bag in your tent
                      • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                      • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                      • Oktoberfest free entry
                      • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                      • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                      • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                      • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                      • 24-hour security on site
                      • 24-hour check-in
                      • Earplugs at your disposal


                      • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                      • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                      • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                      • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                      • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                      • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      20 September – 7 OctoberOktoberfest For GroupsBirthdays, hens and stags, work parties – we can get your group drunk
                      1contact us via the contact form

                      2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

                      20 September – 7 OctoberOktoberfest For GroupsBirthdays, hens and stags, work parties – we can get your group drunk
                      Oktoberfest For Groups


                      • Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group teepees available)
                      • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                      • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                      • Oktoberfest free entry
                      • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                      • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                      • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                      • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                      • 24-hour security on site
                      • 24-hour check-in
                      • Earplugs at your disposal


                      • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                      • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                      • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                      • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                      • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                      • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                      • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 


                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      20 September – 7 OctoberBYO (Bring Your Own) Van PackageMEET US THERE AND SLEEP IN YOUR VAN
                      95/ Per Person Per Night

                      2 night min, flexible terms, group payments

                      Meet Us There
                      20 September – 7 OctoberBYO (Bring Your Own) Van PackageMEET US THERE AND SLEEP IN YOUR VAN
                      BYO (Bring Your Own) Van Package


                      • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                      • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                      • Oktoberfest free entry
                      • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                      • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                      • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                      • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                      • 24-hour security on site
                      • 24-hour check-in
                      • Earplugs at your disposal


                      • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                      • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                      • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                      • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                      • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                      • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Thursday - Sunday, each weekItaly to Munich - Ride With UsGet a bus from Rome or Florence for a weekend stay at our hectic campsite
                      290Per Person

                      transport & 2 nights accomodation

                      Ride With Us
                      Thursday - Sunday, each weekItaly to Munich - Ride With UsGet a bus from Rome or Florence for a weekend stay at our hectic campsite
                      Italy to Munich - Ride With Us

                      Ride with us to and from Oktoberfest, with return busses running from either Rome or Florence.

                      Buses depart from Rome at 5:15pm and Florence at 11pm every Thursday evening of the festival, arriving at our Stoketoberfest campsite Friday morning. Get your traditional German garb on, Consume copious amounts of beer, and party through the weekend with us. We’ll sort your ride home, with our busses ready to take you back to the city you travelled from, departing the campsite on Sunday, returning to Florence around 10:30pm and Rome at 3am.

                      *exact pick-up locations and times to be confirmed

                      Campsite accommodation Includes:

                      • Twin shared tents all set up for you with camping mats and sleeping bag (solo upgrades, comfort plus, and group teepees available)
                      • Brunch available every morning  from 8-11 am with cooked food, unlimited mimosas, tea and coffee
                      • Guides to direct you to the Oktoberfest beer halls with all the handy tips needed.
                      • Oktoberfest free entry
                      • Welcome drink and extra welcoming German pretzel to kick off your stay
                      • Campsite parties all week. Enjoy the biggest parties from Thursday to Sunday featuring international DJs, bands, and performers.
                      • Food trucks, shisha lounge, Burlesque German funhouse, hangout spaces, beer pong and more entertainment
                      • Powder room for the ladies, to make getting ready at the campsite easy
                      • 24-hour security on site
                      • 24-hour check-in
                      • Earplugs at your disposal


                      • Enjoy our open beer and sangria bar – Unlimited booze for only €15 a day
                      • Solo tent upgrade – Don’t wanna share your tent with a stranger? Have a feeling you’ll be bringing a stranger back? Upgrade to your own solo tent and sleep easy €30 per night
                      • Traditional Oktoberfest outfits – You’ll really stick out like a sore thumb if you’re not decked out in one of these, plus it’s always fun to dress up in your traditional German outfits and take pics for the ‘gram to make all your friends back home jealous… Dirndl set €70, Lederhosen set €90 onsite  – 20% OFF IF YOU PRE-PURCHASE
                      • Hot showers – It can get a little chilly in Munich around this time of year and what better way to warm your bones (and wash away your sins) than with a hot shower. In order to do this though, you need to purchase shower tokens, so have your coins at the ready €1 per token, or if you’re feeling brave cold showers are free! (1 token will give you 6 minutes of bliss)
                      • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                      • Munich bike tour – Feel like hopping on a bike and riding around picturesque Munich for a few hours, getting in some exercise and seeing the sights? We’ve got a treat for you. The boozy bike tour through Munich will take you to all the main attractions, is a pretty flat ride right through, and you get to stop for lunch and beers (not included in price), what’s not to love?! Book now on the Stoke App €25 per person
                      • Oktoberfest table bookings – Don’t want to push your way through to crowd and eye off tables? Reserve yourself your very own spot at a table in one of the infamous beer halls. Not only will you get a guaranteed table spot, but the price also includes food and beer tokens – email info@stoketravel.com for information on prices and table availability 

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Available Add-Ons

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Available During Booking
                      Oktoberfest Dirndl set

                      Looks good, feels good in this Oktoberfest Dirndl set

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Available During Booking
                      Lederhosen (Traditional Clothing)

                      Looks good, feels good in this traditional Lederhosen set

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Available During Booking
                      Unlimited beer & sangria

                      Add on unlimited unlimited beer & sangria to your booking

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Available During Booking
                      Munich’s Best Bike Tour

                      2 hours bike tour
                      The Eisbach Wave, beer garden for lunch & a stein and much much more.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Oktoberfest Packages 2024 Photos

                      Bread Gang

                      Stoketoberfest Mainstage
                      Every Weekend
                      More Info

                      Bread Gang

                      Stoketoberfest Mainstage
                      Every Weekend

                      Originally from the east coast of Australia, this dynamic duo has every town/city in the country eating out of their hands. After only 6 months on the internet, Bread Gang had clocked more than 100,000 followers and over 50 million views across Facebook, YouTube and Instagram thanks to their debut tour and hit YouTube series ‘Loosest City in Australia’. Fast forward 2 years and over a billion views, Bread Gang are closing in on 1 million followers! Living inside of an unpredictable and exciting adventure-comedy, the Bread Gang boys embrace every step of their journey with contagious humour and a unique outlook on life. The Gang treat each day as an opportunity to travel, laugh and entertain. After an enormous 2021 touring Australia as a headline act alongside artists such as Sneaky Sound System, Timmy Trumpet, Will Sparks, Jungle Giants, Hooligan Hefs, Bliss n Eso at the biggest clubs and festivals in the country, the boys are booking out 2022 right the way through while events such as Lunar Electric Music Festival, Liquid Kandy Music Festival, Oktoberfest Germany and many more are fighting to get them on their lineup.

                      See more of their antics here

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Large Mirage

                      Stoketoberfest mainstage
                      Every Weekend
                      More Info

                      Large Mirage

                      Stoketoberfest mainstage
                      Every Weekend

                      Large Mirage is a fresh rock group from Sydney, making waves in the Australian rock scene with their unique vintage sound and image, their virtuosic musicianship, memorable repertoire, and energetic live act. Taking influence from the psychedelic hard rock sounds of the 60s and 70s, the trio have shown their flare with their earliest releases ‘Going Insane’ and ‘Dream Machine’, but with their most recent projects are now pushing their own limits in songwriting and production.

                      Their latest single ‘When The Morning Shines’, released on May 5th, is their best-produced work to date. Composed, recorded, mixed and mastered entirely by members of the group, the third Large Mirage single is a unique demonstration of the band’s power pop attitude with a classic rock ‘n’ roll sound. The lineup consists of bassist/vocalist Blake Rochester, guitarist/vocalist Kolya Chan, and drummer/vocalist Daniel Croft.

                      See more of their stuff here

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      The Moonjacks

                      Stoketoberfest mainstage
                      Every Weekend
                      More Info

                      The Moonjacks

                      Stoketoberfest mainstage
                      Every Weekend

                      Somewhere on the outskirts of the Central California coast lies the dirty garage and rehearsal space of three Best Buds known as The Moonjacks. Originally formed in 2019 shortly after the trio graduated high school and inseparable ever since; the DIY youths have shared stages with the likes of Mexican Slum Rats, Hot Flash Heat Wave, and The High Curbs to name a few. Their infectious live show and ability to write digestible sun drenched ear-worms caught the attention of Indie Record Exec Brian Witkin, who signed them to San Diego’s Pacific Records in 2020. 
 Their first studio single “Sk8 Hi” was released In August of 2022 and gained traction organically before being picked up and placed on on “New Music Friday” And “Surf Rock Sunshine” by Spotify’s Editorial Playlist Curators. Their debut studio LP titled “Bad Guy Stuff” was released the following month to warm fan reception, underground acclaim, and major network television placements.

                      See more of their stuff here

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Blank Space

                      Stoketoberfest mainstage
                      Every Weekend
                      More Info

                      Blank Space

                      Stoketoberfest mainstage
                      Every Weekend

                      Blank Space is a collective of multi-instrumentalists Ryder Schwartz, Jackson Gilbert, Elijah Pressman, and Danny Cozmos. The Blank Space boys have created an energetic and loyal following all around California and have curated a sound that blends classic rock, indie, and jazz with their separate talents and styles meshing together. The four best friends met in college at San Diego State University in early 2022 and have now begun their journey of recording the music everyone has already fallen in love with. Whether it’s climbing rooftops, driving down the coast, or a peaceful night alone at home, Blank Space has a song or two for you.

                      See more of their stuff here

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      The directions to the campgrounds were good as were the directions/transportation/beer bong sendoffs from the campgrounds to the festival. The camping in October is a little cold, but the tents were set up well with mattresses and sleeping bags so no complaints, the atmosphere was great, Oktoberfest was a party from the moment i woke up in the morning to the moment i put in my earplugs and tried to pass out at night!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      Atmosphere was 10/10. Loosest , most fun weekend of my life! Could have been warned about how much f*cking fun it was!!! FOOD ROCKED. Being camping you expect pretty dodge food but it was great. Bacon made my life.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      One hell of a party, Would be nice if a pillow was included in the tent, but the food was tasty.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      The staff were some I the best people on the while trip, super friendly and welcoming. I found you through a friend who went last year. As promised by her it was awesome, and it sure was!!!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      The check-in was good, I liked how the people took you to your tent. The atmosphere was awesome!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      The booking process is really practical and fast. The atmosphere was amazing, the best experience that can had in Oktoberfest! The people, everybody is so helpful, nice and fun; who was working and who was just enjoying too, everybody was really nice! The breakfast is wonderful, really good! Big lines, but when I ate, make worths.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      Absolutely awesome! great staff and great people everywhere! i loved the Signs and Themes everywhere. Fun sayings everywhere! music was also very very nice.


                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      The atmosphere is why I’ll always use Stoke Travel. I felt welcomed, check-in was painless!


                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      The atmosphere was so good! Everyone was so friendly! And YES the food was perfect, much better than I was expecting. Eggs and bacon are the perfect pre-drinking/hangover food.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      The party you provided was awesome a real neat set up, we met some real cool people from all over the world! Way better than expected. We had a hamburger one night and the open bar was definitely worth the 10€.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      Let me say the beer bong on arrival was fantastic and the laid-back and friendly crew even better. Only suggestion would be keep doing what you are doing!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      So fun, the rain bummed people out, so the music should have been cranked to 11 and to dance. Could have closed the bars at 1 instead of 12 also (which would really mean close at 2 because you guy are too awesome).

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel was fantastic! The hosts were so welcoming and even helped me with cleaning up an unfortunate situation that involved vomit in my tent. The hosts wanted to make sure we were set from the start, and had an awesome time. The heated bathrooms are nice, and definitely search those out right when you get there because the temp drops at night. Snag a pair of earplugs for the sleeping at night, since you are mighty close to other tents. Overall awesome experience with stoke travel and thanks for the incredible hospitality!! Cheers!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      Best friking time of my life. Thank you, Stoke!!!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      The atmosphere was so much fun that I missed my flight! The best Oktoberfest experience. Ever.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      Our group met so many fun people at Oktoberfest. It’s probably the best party I’ve ever been to and the unlimited booze was a big bonus!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      There was a real friendly atmosphere created by the Stoke Travel staff. It was a great way to get us in the party spirit before entering Oktoberfest.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      We loved everything about Oktoberfest; from the amazing energy at the campsite to getting drunk with strangers that became great friends! I can’t wait to go back.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


                      The Stoke Travel campsite outside of the festival was as fun as Oktoberfest itself!

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)


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                      Squeeze Every Last Drop
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                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Oktoberfest Packages 2024 Articles

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

                      Handy German Phrases For Germany’s Oktoberfest

                      We’re gonna need more than ein stein, Einstein. Oktoberfest is fast approaching and all things Germanic are on our minds again. It’s easy for us to slip into the German…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Fun Oktoberfest Facts

                      You already know the Oktoberfest basics – big beers at the world’s biggest beer festival; German culture, or better still Bavarian culture, on display; more than seven million people in…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Stoke Travel Officially The Biggest And Best At Oktoberfest

                      Here’s why According to TourRadar, Stoke Travel is officially the best tour operator in Munich for Oktoberfest. We’d always known that, but it was nice to have it confirmed officially….

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      How Much Does Oktoberfest Cost? Is It Worth It?

                      Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest beer festival, and the original beer fest and so it rightfully has a cemented position on almost everybody’s travel bucket list. We all want to…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Oktoberfest is the world’s biggest beer festival, so what are you waiting for? Life is full of parties! When you were born, it’s likely your dad went out and got…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Oktoberfest in Spring?

                      If being in Munich in September just doesn’t fit with your plans, you can experience all the same delights at Springfest.

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      SPRINGFEST VS. OKTOBERFEST

                      The Cos and the Pros, the Prosts and the Hosts, the Steins and the Neins, which is the better festival? It’s Springfest vs. Oktoberfest Germany. A mass of central land…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Oktoberfest Food: Top 10 Things To Eat In Munich

                      Most people don’t even think about food at Munich’s Oktoberfest, focusing more on the festival’s reputation as a gratuitous, beer-soaked orgy of new friends and oompah music. And they’re right,…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      German Purity Laws: Do Oktoberfest Beers Give You Less Of A Hangover?

                      Oktoberfest is almost upon us, and with it the season that we again start hearing things about the “purity laws” relating to German beers. The purity laws are often wheeled out…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      WHAT IS OKTOBERFEST?

                      Ein Prosit! Ein Prosit is German for “cheers”, something you’ll be doing often at a beer drinking festival. Oktoberfest is Germany’s unashamedly boozy beer festival filled with all the stereotypes…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Eight Tips For Surviving Oktoberfest

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                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Things To Do In Munich That Aren’t Oktoberfest

                      Whether you’re in Munich for Oktoberfest or otherwise, you will find that there are plenty of things to see and do in the Bavarian capital that don’t necessarily involve drinking…

                      4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                      Travel Deals, Insider Info, Gossip, and More

                      Sign-up for The Morning After

                        4.8/5 - (27 votes)

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                            Oktoberfest Packages 2024

                            Start Date: 2024-09-20 End Date: 2024-10-07

                            Select your package
                            Midweek Special
                            Monday-Wednesday nights
                            • €65 / Per Person Per Night
                            • 20 September – 7 October

                            View My Trip

                            Ultimate Oktoberfest
                            Stay for 4+ nights
                            • €280 / Per Person Four Nights
                            • 20 September – 7 October

                            View My Trip

                            Standard Package
                            Any day
                            • €80 / Per Person Per Night
                            • 20 September – 7 October

                            View My Trip

                            Comfort Plus
                            Treat yourself with a more comfortable stay
                            • €110 / Per Person Per Night
                            • 20 September – 7 October

                            View My Trip

                            Oktoberfest For Groups
                            Birthdays, hens and stags, work parties – we can get your group drunk
                            • €1 contact us via the contact form
                            • 20 September – 7 October

                            View My Trip

                            BYO (Bring Your Own) Van Package
                            MEET US THERE AND SLEEP IN YOUR VAN
                            • €95 / Per Person Per Night
                            • 20 September – 7 October

                            View My Trip

                            Italy to Munich - Ride With Us
                            Get a bus from Rome or Florence for a weekend stay at our hectic campsite
                            • €290 Per Person
                            • Thursday - Sunday, each week

                            View My Trip

                            Not sure which package you selected? Contact Us

                            Oktoberfest 2024

                            Todo lo que necesitas saber sobre el Oktoberfest Munich, la fiesta de la cerveza más grande del mundo

                            Qué incluye el paquete “todo incluido” de Stoke Travel Oktoberfest:

                            🎟️ Tickets Oktoberfest (entrada al festival)

                            🏕️ Alojamiento en tiendas de campañas doble ya montadas y equipadas con colchonetas y sacos de dormir (glamping, tiendas individuales, y tipis grupales disponibles bajo petición, así como opciones de transporte)

                            🍳🍾 Desayunos calientes cada mañana y brunch con barra libre de mimosas 

                            💃Stoketoberfest: nuestras fiestas de campamentos con bandas en directo, DJ’s y entretenimiento 

                            🍻 15€ barra libre de cerveza, vino y sangría 

                            🥴 Guías para guiarte a las tiendas de cervezas 

                            🌎👫👭👬🌏 Un grupo de viajeros internacionales con los que salir de fiesta y divertirse. 

                            La edición número 188 de Oktoberfest se celebrará en 2024 desde el 21 de septiembre hasta el 6 de octubre. Nuestro “Stoketoberfest” camping está abierto desde viernes el 20 de septiembre hasta miércoles el 7 de octubre

                            El Oktoberfest en Múnich es el festival folclórico más grande del mundo, donde cada año se reúnen millones de amantes de la cerveza para beber, bailar y celebrar la mejor cerveza del mundo. Stoke Travel recibirá viajeros de todo el mundo, estudiantes de erasmus y amantes de la cerveza desde el 15 de septiembre hasta el 4 de octubre en nuestro campamento Oktoberfest con todo incluido. 

                            Stoke Travel es el mayor operador turístico y proveedor de alojamiento de Munich, con miles de amantes de la cerveza alojándose y divirtiéndose con nosotros, haciendo que Stoke Travel sea la empresa que ofrece más diversión al mejor precio, convirtiéndose así en tu mejor opción para tu viaje a Oktoberfest 2024.


                            Si no crees que el Stoketoberfest es para ti, echa un vistazo a nuestra opción más básica (y nos atrevemos a decir menos divertida) para acampar en Múnich.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            ¿Dónde dormir en Oktoberfest?

                            Stoketoberfest  es la mejor opción de alojamiento para quiénes decidan ir a Oktoberfest 2024.  Mientras los demás hoteles y hostales de la ciudad ofrecen alojamientos a precios exorbitantes, Stoke Travel te ofrece la opción más económica y fiestera de alojamiento. El camping está ubicado dentro de los límites de la ciudad de Múnich y está bien comunicado con el transporte público lo que facilita el acceso al festival. 

                            A parte de ser tu alojamiento, también es donde la fiesta continua una vez llegues de las tiendas de cervezas. El camping ofrece DJ’s, bandas en directo, juegos, barra libre de cerveza y sangría, pistas de baile, y, por si fuera poco, si se te ha olvidado tu traje tradicional (drindls y lederhosen), podrás comprarlo en el mismo camping. 

                            Alojarse en Stoketoberfest significa: explorar lo mejor de Múnich, aprovechar al máximo la fiesta de la cerveza y continuar con la fiesta en el camping, con viajeros de todas partes del mundo, bebiendo, bailando y disfrutando de una nueva experiencia. No es ninguna novedad que nuestros huéspedes hagan amistades que se llevan para toda la vida o conozcan al amor de su vida en nuestro camping. 

                            Nuestros paquetes son todo incluido. Cuando llegues ya tendrás preparada tu tienda de campaña con tu saco de dormir y colchoneta. Nuestro chef te preparará un buen desayuno cada mañana para que te llenes de energía. Contarás con nuestro maravilloso equipo para guiarte en el camping y en el festival.  Por 15€ extra al día, puedes añadir la opción de tener barra libre de cerveza alemana, sangría, vinos, refrescos y cafés en el camping. 

                            En 2019, tuvimos grupos internacionales en nuestra cartelera. Nos visitaron Wicked Things de Australia, Mowgali Wild Boys directamente desde Inglaterra, DJ Teletanko desde Canada, Deadbeat desde New Zealand y Sons of Med desde Barcelona. Nuestras fiestas en el camping fueron las celebraciones más épicas fuera del Oktoberfest. Esperamos poder celebrar más y mejor en el 2024.  

                            Descubre más sobre la experiencia en el camping de Stoke Travel en Oktoberfest  


                            ¿QUÉ ES EL OKTOBERFEST? 

                            Oktoberfest es la fiesta de la cerveza más grande del mundo, atrayendo a más de siete millones de personas cada año al recinto ferial de Theresienweise en Múnich, Alemania. Más de siete millones de litros de cerveza bávara son consumidos acompañados de las especialidades de la cocina alemana como los pretzeles o bratwurst. En el interior de las tiendas de cervezas, encontrarás a los asistentes con cerveza en mano, cantando y bailando encima de los bancos y mesas, al sonido de las orquestras alemanas que interpretan música tradicional bávara.  Oktoberfest es también uno de los parques de atracciones más grande del mundo con atracciones y puestos de comidas inolvidables. 

                            Pero la mejor parte del Oktoberfest es sin duda, conocer a todos los cerveceros/as y los amantes de la fiesta. Desde los que viven en Múnich hasta los viajeros internacionales, estarás rodeado de nuevos amigos, bebiendo litros de cerveza, bailando e interpretando tu mejor versión alemana.  

                            Para más información sobre la fiesta de la cerveza, haz clic aquí.


                            Por primera vez en Múnich, Stoke Travel establecerá un área solo para mujeres en su camping durante el Oktoberfest 2024. Se trata de una isla de tiendas de campaña donde solamente se podrán alojar grupos de mujeres o mujeres que viajen solas. En este espacio habrá más vigilancia, así como baños privados, para que puedas descansar con más tranquilidad y tener más espacio a la hora de arreglarte. Sabemos que el amor por la cerveza no tiene límites de géneros y esta iniciativa tiene como objetivo animar a más mujeres tanto en grupo como solas, a asistir a Oktoberfest (un evento que se considera erróneamente como mayoritariamente masculino) sin que tengan que preocuparse por hombres borrachos que roncan y se tiran pedos. Por supuesto, alojarse en este espacio es completamente opcional.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            UN DÍA TÍPICO EN LA FIESTA DE LA CERVEZA 

                            Este es el itinerario con el paquete “todo incluido”. Con Stoke Travel puedes hacer lo que quieras, cuando quieras y como quieras. 

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            8-10am - Brunch con barra libre de mimosas

                            Desayuno caliente preparado por un chef, servido con barra libre de mimosas. 

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            A partir de las 9:00 - De camino a Oktoberfest

                            Visita las tiendas de cervezas más grandes del mundo. Recuerda que tienes a tu disposición nuestro equipo de quías para ayudarte. Nos puedes encontrar en la tienda Augustiner-Festhalle para cualquier información que necesites.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            A partir de las 20:00 - Empieza la fiesta en el camping

                            Empieza nuestra fiesta en Stoketoberfest. Abrimos la barra de cerveza y sangría y la música calienta el ambiente. Podrás disfrutar de música en directo, DJ’s y actividades.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            11pm - Hora del “After”

                            El festival de Oktoberfest cierra sus puertas, puedes volver al campamento para descansar y recuperar fuerzas para el día siguiente. Si aún te queda energía, puedes reunirte con nosotros y continuar la fiesta en Stoketoberfest.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            OKTOBERFEST 2024 – INFORMACIÓN GENERAL 

                            ¿DÓNDE Y CUÁNDO SE CELEBRA LA FIESTA DE LA CERVEZA EN 2024? 

                            En 2024 la edición número 189 de Oktoberfest se celebrará en el recinto ferial de Theresenwiese, Múnich, Alemania. Siguiendo la tradición, el primer barril de cerveza se abrirá por el alcalde de Múnich a las 12:00 horas del primer sábado del festival (16 de septiembre) en la tienda de Schottenhamel. Una vez abierto el primer barril, el alcalde anuncia con un grito “O’zapft is” (La traducción es algo como: ¡hora de la fiesta!) 


                            Las últimas cervezas del festival se servirán el domingo 4 de octubre a las 22:30 justo antes del cierre del festival a las 23:30 horas. 

                            ¿Cómo llegar al Oktoberfest?

                            El Oktoberfest se celebra en el recinto ferial Theresenwiese, que se encuentra en el centro de Múnich, a pocos pasos del Hauptbahnhof, o la estación central de trenes de Múnich. La mejor manera de llegar es en transporte público, con las estaciones de U-Bahn más cercanas como Theresenwiese y Goetheplatz, o la estación de S-Bahn de Hackerbrücke.

                            Desde el camping Stoketoberfest hay un corto trayecto en autobús y S-Bahn, primero cogiendo el autobús 159 o 164 durante cinco minutos hasta la estación Untermenzing S-Bahn y luego el S2 o S4 S-Bahn a Hackerbrücke unos 10 minutos. 


                            Dirección del camping Stoketoberfest

                            Campingplatz Obermenzing
                            Lochausenerstrase 59,

                            CÓMO LLEGAR AL CAMPING

                            Coge el autobús que ofrece Stoke desde Amsterdam, Barcelona, Italia, Londres o Praga. ¡O si no, nos vemos directamente en el camping! Echa un vistazo en la web de Omio para obtener las mejores tarifas en autobuses, trenes y vuelos en toda Europa. Una vez llegues a Múnich, es muy fácil llegar al camping en transporte público. 


                            DIRECCIONES AL CAMPING

                            Direcciones desde el aeropuerto de Múnich

                            Si llegas al aeropuerto, puedes coger las líneas S1 o S8. Si coges la línea S1, debes bajar en la estación de trenes de Laim para hacer transbordo a la línea S2 dirección Petershausen. Si coges la línea S8, puedes hacer transbordo en cualquier estación entre Ostbahnhof y Laim hacía la línea S2 dirección Petershausen. Una vez en la línea S2, debes bajar en la estación Untermenzing. Justo afuera de la estación, súbete al autobús de la línea 164, son tres paradas hasta Campingplatz Obermenzing.  


                            Direcciones desde el centro de la ciudad de Múnich

                            Una vez estés en el Hauptbahnhof, o en cualquier estación de metro de Múnich, coge la línea S1 hasta la estación de metro Laim, luego coge la línea S2 dirección Peterhausen y bájate en Untermenzing. Justo afuera de la estación, súbete al autobús de la línea 164 durante tres paradas hasta llegar a Campingplatz Obermenzing. ¡La parada está justo en la entrada del camping, es súper fácil llegar!


                            Direcciones para llegar a las tiendas de cervezas – Oktoberfest 

                            Para llegar a las tiendas de cervezas, puedes coger el autobús 164 dirección Untermenzing o el autobús 159 dirección a Pasing. Desde allí, debes coger el tren SBahn hacia Hackerbrücke, luego solo debes seguir a la multitud de drindls y lederhosen hacía las tiendas de cervezas.  


                            CAMPing caRS – CARAVANAS 

                            La manera más guay de llegar a Oktoberfest es sin duda en una caravana. Tenemos un espacio de parking reservado especialmente para las caravas reservadas a través de Wicked Campers. Puedes verlas aquí.  Si vienes en coche, la zona de aparcamiento es muy limitada y deberás aparcar en las afueras del camping (a 1 minuto en coche). 

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            PREGUNTAS FRECUENTES

                            A continuación, se presentan algunas de nuestras preguntas más frecuentes. ¿Tu pregunta no está aquí? Envía tu pregunta haciendo clic en el botón de “haz una pregunta” y te contestaremos lo antes posible.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            Ask A Question

                            ¿Qué debo traer?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Hay transporte hacia y desde el Oktoberfest?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Por quién preguntar al llegar al camping?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Cómo es el desayuno?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Puedo elegir mi tienda de campaña?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Qué servicios se ofrecen en el campamento?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Dónde podemos comprar Lederhosens y Dirndls?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Podemos reservar una mesa en las tiendas de cervezas del festival?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            Si estamos acampando, ¿seremos atacados por animales salvajes?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Las tiendas de campaña tienen agua caliente, portátiles, enchufes, camas extragrandes o nevera?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Cuándo es el check-in y el check-out?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Cómo obtener dinero en efectivo?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Cómo puedo beber ilimitadamente?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Hay taquillas? 

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Hace frío?

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            ¿Tenéis fotos de los dirndls y lederhosen disponibles? 

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            There's More

                            Alojamiento en Camping

                            Alojamiento en Camping

                            Tienda twin ya montada con colchonetas y sacos de dormir

                            Brunch con barra libre

                            Brunch con barra libre

                            Un delicioso desayuno preparado cada mañana y servido con barra libre de mimosas



                            Equipo de guías para guiarte en las tiendas de Oktoberfest

                            Ambiente fiestero

                            Ambiente fiestero

                            Viajeros internacionales, música y actividades

                            Fiestas en el Camping

                            Fiestas en el Camping

                            La gran fiesta de Stoketoberfest con bandas en directo y DJ’s

                            Bebidas de Bienvenida

                            Bebidas de Bienvenida

                            Bebida de bienvenida para empezar la fiesta

                            Tickets para el festival

                            Tickets para el festival

                            Entrada al Oktoberfest y Stoketoberfest

                            Bandas en directo y DJ’s

                            Bandas en directo y DJ’s

                            Cartelera internacional
                            Puedes utilizar 2 o más noches de tu pasaporte Stoke Travel
                            Select a Package
                            Oktoberfest 2024 Boletos, Tours y Viajes
                            280/ Por Persona Por Paquete

                            Términos flexibles, pagos grupales



                            • 4 noches de alojamiento en carpas compartidas dobles o triples, todo preparado para usted con colchón autoinflable y saco de dormir
                              10% de descuento en Stoke Merch en la carpa Swag
                            • Recorrido en bicicleta por Múnich valorado en € 25: ¡CONFIRME SU HORA Y FECHA PARA EL TOUR EN BICICLETA AL MENOS 24 HORAS DE ANTELACIÓN!
                            • Brunch sin fondo todas las mañanas disponible de 8 a 11 de la mañana con comida cocinada, mimosas ilimitadas, té y café, ¡y con este incluso arrojaremos el almuerzo todos los días!
                            • Guías para dirigirlo a las cervecerías Oktoberfest con todos los consejos prácticos necesarios.
                            • Entrada gratuita al Oktoberfest
                            • Bebida de bienvenida y pretzel alemán extra acogedor para comenzar su estancia.
                            • Fiestas de camping toda la semana. Disfruta de las fiestas más grandes de jueves a domingo con DJs internacionales, bandas, artistas y magos.
                            • Food trucks, shisha lounge, burlesque German funhouse, bares clandestinos, lugares de reunión, beer pong y más entretenimiento
                            • Polvo para que las damas puedan prepararse fácilmente en el campamento
                            • Seguridad las 24 horas en el sitio
                            • 24hr check-in
                            • Tapones para los oídos a su disposición
                            • Actualización ilimitada de bebidas: cerveza, sangría, refrescos, té y café de 8:00 a 23:00, SOLO 10 € por noche


                            • Bebida ilimitada: barra libre de cerveza, sangría, vino, refrescos, té y café € 15 por día
                            • Actualización de carpa individual: ¿no quieres compartir tu carpa con un extraño? ¿Tiene la sensación de que traerá de vuelta a un extraño? Actualícese a su propia tienda de campaña individual y duerma fácilmente € 30 / noche
                            • Glamping: si eres un fanático de las cosas buenas de la vida, es posible que desees considerar la posibilidad de actualizar a glamping. Pasarás el rato en una tienda de campaña en la que podrás pararte, dormir en una cama y mantenerte caliente. Puede agradecernos más tarde … € 150 por persona por noche (solo, doble, triple y cuádruple disponibles)
                            • Trajes de Oktoberfest tradicionales: realmente sobresaldrás como un pulgar adolorido si no estás vestido con uno de estos, además, siempre es divertido vestirte con tus atuendos tradicionales alemanes y tomar fotos para el gramo para hacer que todos tus amigos vuelvan celoso en casa… Dirndl establece € 70, Lederhosen establece € 90 en el sitio – 20% DE DESCUENTO SI PRE-COMPRA
                            • Duchas calientes: en Múnich puede hacer un poco de frío en esta época del año y qué mejor manera de calentar los huesos (y lavar los pecados) que con una ducha caliente. Sin embargo, para hacer esto, debes comprar fichas de ducha, así que ten tus monedas listas en 1 € por ficha, o si te sientes valiente, ¡las duchas frías son gratis! (1 ficha te dará 6 minutos de felicidad)
                            • Private 8 person teepees – Got a big group and want to be able to shack up together? Like the idea of Oktoberfest being one big cosy sleepover with all your pals? Jump into a teepee! €640 per night
                            • Entradas Oktoberfest 7s: Rugby 7 es una de las dos variantes de rugby que se juegan en todo el mundo. Lleva el nombre de la cantidad de jugadores, 7 por equipo, y es un muy buen momento para mirar. Si quieres experimentar algunos deportes en vivo con un ambiente loco entre sesiones de cervecerías, sube a bordo – € 29, disponible el 21 y 22 de septiembre
                            • Reservas de la mesa del Oktoberfest: ¿no quiere abrirse paso entre la multitud y mirar fuera de las mesas? Reserve su propio lugar en una mesa en una de las famosas cervecerías. No solo obtendrá un lugar garantizado en la mesa, el precio también incluye tokens de comida y cerveza: envíe un correo electrónico a info@stoketravel.com para obtener información sobre precios y disponibilidad de mesas

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            80/ Por Persona Por Noche

                            2 noches min., Condiciones flexibles, pagos grupales



                            • Carpas compartidas dobles o triples, todas configuradas para usted con colchón autoinflable y saco de dormir (actualizaciones individuales y tipis grupales disponibles)
                            • Brunch sin fondo todas las mañanas disponible de 8 a 11 am con comida cocinada, mimosas ilimitadas, té y café.
                            • Guías para dirigirlo a las cervecerías Oktoberfest con todos los consejos prácticos necesarios.
                            • Entrada gratuita al Oktoberfest
                            • Bebida de bienvenida y pretzel alemán extra acogedor para comenzar su estancia.
                            • Fiestas de camping toda la semana. Disfruta de las fiestas más grandes de jueves a domingo con DJs internacionales, bandas, artistas y magos.
                            • Food trucks, salón de shisha , burlesque alemán funhouse, bares clandestinos, lugares de reunión, beer pong y más entretenimiento
                            • Polvo para que las damas puedan prepararse fácilmente en el campamento
                            • Seguridad las 24 horas en el sitio
                            • Check-in las 24 horas
                            • Tapones para los oídos a su disposición


                            • Bebida ilimitada: barra libre de cerveza, sangría, vino, refrescos, té y café € 15 por día
                            • Actualización de carpa individual: ¿no quieres compartir tu carpa con un extraño? ¿Tiene la sensación de que traerá de vuelta a un extraño? Actualícese a su propia tienda de campaña individual y duerma fácilmente € 30 / noche
                            • Glamping: si eres un fanático de las cosas buenas de la vida, es posible que desees considerar la posibilidad de actualizar a glamping. Pasarás el rato en una tienda de campaña en la que podrás pararte, dormir en una cama y mantenerte caliente. Puede agradecernos más tarde … € 150 por persona por noche (solo, doble, triple y cuádruple disponibles)
                            • Trajes de Oktoberfest tradicionales: realmente sobresaldrás como un pulgar adolorido si no estás vestido con uno de estos, además, siempre es divertido vestirte con tus atuendos tradicionales alemanes y tomar fotos para el gramo para hacer que todos tus amigos vuelvan celoso en casa… Dirndl establece € 70, Lederhosen establece € 90 en el sitio – 20% DE DESCUENTO SI PRE-COMPRA
                            • Duchas calientes: en Múnich puede hacer un poco de frío en esta época del año y qué mejor manera de calentar los huesos (y lavar los pecados) que con una ducha caliente. Sin embargo, para hacer esto, debes comprar fichas de ducha, así que ten tus monedas listas en 1 € por ficha, o si te sientes valiente, ¡las duchas frías son gratis! (1 ficha te dará 6 minutos de felicidad)
                            • Tipis privados para 8 personas: ¿tienes un grupo grande y quieres poder juntarnos? ¿Te gusta la idea de que Oktoberfest sea una fiesta de pijamas grande y acogedora con todos tus amigos? ¡Salta a un tipi! € 640 por noche
                            • “Entradas Oktoberfest 7s: Rugby 7 es una de las dos variantes de rugby que se juegan en todo el mundo. Lleva el nombre de la cantidad de jugadores, 7 por equipo, y es un muy buen momento para mirar. Si quieres experimentar algunos deportes en vivo con un ambiente loco entre sesiones de cervecerías, sube a bordo – € 29, disponible el 21 y 22 de septiembre
                            • Recorrido en bicicleta por Múnich: ¿tiene ganas de subirse a una bicicleta y pasear por el pintoresco Múnich durante unas horas, hacer ejercicio y ver los lugares de interés? Tenemos un regalo para ti. El tour en bicicleta por Munich te llevará a todas las atracciones principales, es un viaje bastante plano y puedes parar para almorzar y tomar cervezas (no incluido en el precio), ¿qué no te encanta? 25 €
                            • Reservas de la mesa del Oktoberfest: ¿no quiere abrirse paso entre la multitud y mirar fuera de las mesas? Reserve su propio lugar en una mesa en una de las famosas cervecerías. No solo obtendrá un lugar garantizado en la mesa, el precio también incluye tokens de comida y cerveza: envíe un correo electrónico a info@stoketravel.com para obtener información sobre precios y disponibilidad de mesas

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            65/ Por Persona Por Noche

                            2 noches min., Condiciones flexibles, pagos grupales

                            Meet Us There


                            • Carpas compartidas dobles o triples, todas configuradas para usted con colchón autoinflable y saco de dormir (actualizaciones individuales y tipis grupales disponibles)
                            • Brunch sin fondo todas las mañanas disponible de 8 a 11 am con comida cocinada, mimosas ilimitadas, té y café.
                            • Guías para dirigirlo a las cervecerías Oktoberfest con todos los consejos prácticos necesarios.
                            • Entrada gratuita al Oktoberfest
                            • Bebida de bienvenida y pretzel alemán extra acogedor para comenzar su estancia.
                            • Fiestas de camping toda la semana. Disfruta de las fiestas más grandes de jueves a domingo con DJs internacionales, bandas, artistas y magos.
                            • Food trucks, salón de shisha , burlesque alemán funhouse, bares clandestinos, lugares de reunión, beer pong y más entretenimiento
                            • Polvo para que las damas puedan prepararse fácilmente en el campamento
                            • Seguridad las 24 horas en el sitio
                            • Check-in las 24 horas
                            • Tapones para los oídos a su disposición


                            • Bebida ilimitada: barra libre de cerveza, sangría, vino, refrescos, té y café € 15 por día
                            • Actualización de carpa individual: ¿no quieres compartir tu carpa con un extraño? ¿Tiene la sensación de que traerá de vuelta a un extraño? Actualícese a su propia tienda de campaña individual y duerma fácilmente € 30 / noche
                            • Glamping: si eres un fanático de las cosas buenas de la vida, es posible que desees considerar la posibilidad de actualizar a glamping. Pasarás el rato en una tienda de campaña en la que podrás pararte, dormir en una cama y mantenerte caliente. Puede agradecernos más tarde … € 150 por persona por noche (solo, doble, triple y cuádruple disponibles)
                            • Trajes de Oktoberfest tradicionales: realmente sobresaldrás como un pulgar adolorido si no estás vestido con uno de estos, además, siempre es divertido vestirte con tus atuendos tradicionales alemanes y tomar fotos para el gramo para hacer que todos tus amigos vuelvan celoso en casa… Dirndl establece € 70, Lederhosen establece € 90 en el sitio – 20% DE DESCUENTO SI PRE-COMPRA
                            • Duchas calientes: en Múnich puede hacer un poco de frío en esta época del año y qué mejor manera de calentar los huesos (y lavar los pecados) que con una ducha caliente. Sin embargo, para hacer esto, debes comprar fichas de ducha, así que ten tus monedas listas en 1 € por ficha, o si te sientes valiente, ¡las duchas frías son gratis! (1 ficha te dará 6 minutos de felicidad)
                            • Tipis privados para 8 personas: ¿tienes un grupo grande y quieres poder juntarnos? ¿Te gusta la idea de que Oktoberfest sea una fiesta de pijamas grande y acogedora con todos tus amigos? ¡Salta a un tipi! € 640 por noche
                            • “Entradas Oktoberfest 7s: Rugby 7 es una de las dos variantes de rugby que se juegan en todo el mundo. Lleva el nombre de la cantidad de jugadores, 7 por equipo, y es un muy buen momento para mirar. Si quieres experimentar algunos deportes en vivo con un ambiente loco entre sesiones de cervecerías, sube a bordo – € 29, disponible el 21 y 22 de septiembre
                            • Recorrido en bicicleta por Múnich: ¿tiene ganas de subirse a una bicicleta y pasear por el pintoresco Múnich durante unas horas, hacer ejercicio y ver los lugares de interés? Tenemos un regalo para ti. El tour en bicicleta por Munich te llevará a todas las atracciones principales, es un viaje bastante plano y puedes parar para almorzar y tomar cervezas (no incluido en el precio), ¿qué no te encanta? 25 €
                            • Reservas de la mesa del Oktoberfest: ¿no quiere abrirse paso entre la multitud y mirar fuera de las mesas? Reserve su propio lugar en una mesa en una de las famosas cervecerías. No solo obtendrá un lugar garantizado en la mesa, el precio también incluye tokens de comida y cerveza: envíe un correo electrónico a info@stoketravel.com para obtener información sobre precios y disponibilidad de mesas

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            15 SEPTIEMBRE - 4 OCTUBREComodidad PlusRegálate una estancia más cómoda
                            110/ Por Persona Por Noche

                            2 noches min., Condiciones flexibles, pagos grupales

                            Meet Us There
                            15 SEPTIEMBRE - 4 OCTUBREComodidad PlusRegálate una estancia más cómoda


                            • Carpas “Confort Plus” compartidas dobles o triples con espacio adicional y espacio para estar de pie. Todas configuradas para usted con colchón autoinflable y dos sacos de dormir (actualizaciones individuales y triples disponibles)
                            • Brunch sin fondo todas las mañanas disponible de 8 a 11 am con comida cocinada, mimosas ilimitadas, té y café.
                            • Guías para dirigirlo a las cervecerías Oktoberfest con todos los consejos prácticos necesarios.
                            • Entrada gratuita al Oktoberfest
                            • Bebida de bienvenida y pretzel alemán extra acogedor para comenzar su estancia.
                            • Fiestas de camping toda la semana. Disfruta de las fiestas más grandes de jueves a domingo con DJs internacionales, bandas, artistas y magos.
                            • Food trucks, salón de shisha , burlesque alemán funhouse, bares clandestinos, lugares de reunión, beer pong y más entretenimiento
                            • Polvo para que las damas puedan prepararse fácilmente en el campamento
                            • Seguridad las 24 horas en el sitio
                            • Check-in las 24 horas
                            • Tapones para los oídos a su disposición


                            • Bebida ilimitada: barra libre de cerveza, sangría, vino, refrescos, té y café € 15 por día
                            • Actualización de carpa individual: ¿no quieres compartir tu carpa con un extraño? ¿Tiene la sensación de que traerá de vuelta a un extraño? Actualícese a su propia tienda de campaña individual y duerma fácilmente € 40 / noche
                            • Trajes de Oktoberfest tradicionales: realmente sobresaldrás como un pulgar adolorido si no estás vestido con uno de estos, además, siempre es divertido vestirte con tus atuendos tradicionales alemanes y tomar fotos para el gramo para hacer que todos tus amigos vuelvan celoso en casa… Dirndl establece € 70, Lederhosen establece € 90 en el sitio – 20% DE DESCUENTO SI PRE-COMPRA
                            • Duchas calientes: en Múnich puede hacer un poco de frío en esta época del año y qué mejor manera de calentar los huesos (y lavar los pecados) que con una ducha caliente. Sin embargo, para hacer esto, debes comprar fichas de ducha, así que ten tus monedas listas en 1 € por ficha, o si te sientes valiente, ¡las duchas frías son gratis! (1 ficha te dará 6 minutos de felicidad)
                            • “Entradas Oktoberfest 7s: Rugby 7 es una de las dos variantes de rugby que se juegan en todo el mundo. Lleva el nombre de la cantidad de jugadores, 7 por equipo, y es un muy buen momento para mirar. Si quieres experimentar algunos deportes en vivo con un ambiente loco entre sesiones de cervecerías, sube a bordo – € 29, disponible el 21 y 22 de septiembre
                            • Recorrido en bicicleta por Múnich: ¿tiene ganas de subirse a una bicicleta y pasear por el pintoresco Múnich durante unas horas, hacer ejercicio y ver los lugares de interés? Tenemos un regalo para ti. El tour en bicicleta por Munich te llevará a todas las atracciones principales, es un viaje bastante plano y puedes parar para almorzar y tomar cervezas (no incluido en el precio), ¿qué no te encanta? 25 €
                            • Reservas de la mesa del Oktoberfest: ¿no quiere abrirse paso entre la multitud y mirar fuera de las mesas? Reserve su propio lugar en una mesa en una de las famosas cervecerías. No solo obtendrá un lugar garantizado en la mesa, el precio también incluye tokens de comida y cerveza: envíe un correo electrónico a info@stoketravel.com para obtener información sobre precios y disponibilidad de mesas

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            95/ Por Persona Por Noche

                            2 noches mín., Plazos flexibles, pagos grupales



                            • Espacio para su camioneta (sin motor)
                            • Brunch sin fondo todas las mañanas disponible de 8 a 11 am con comida cocinada, mimosas ilimitadas, té y café.
                            • Guías para dirigirlo a las cervecerías Oktoberfest con todos los consejos prácticos necesarios.
                            • Entrada gratuita al Oktoberfest
                            • Bebida de bienvenida y pretzel alemán extra acogedor para comenzar su estancia.
                            • Fiestas de camping toda la semana. Disfruta de las fiestas más grandes de jueves a domingo con DJs internacionales, bandas, artistas y magos.
                            • Food trucks, salón de shisha , burlesque alemán funhouse, bares clandestinos, lugares de reunión, beer pong y más entretenimiento
                            • Polvo para que las damas puedan prepararse fácilmente en el campamento
                            • Seguridad las 24 horas en el sitio
                            • Check-in las 24 horas
                            • Tapones para los oídos a su disposición


                            • Bebida ilimitada: barra libre de cerveza, sangría, vino, refrescos, té y café € 15 por día
                            • Actualización de carpa individual: ¿no quieres compartir tu carpa con un extraño? ¿Tiene la sensación de que traerá de vuelta a un extraño? Actualícese a su propia tienda de campaña individual y duerma fácilmente € 30 / noche
                            • Glamping: si eres un fanático de las cosas buenas de la vida, es posible que desees considerar la posibilidad de actualizar a glamping. Pasarás el rato en una tienda de campaña en la que podrás pararte, dormir en una cama y mantenerte caliente. Puede agradecernos más tarde … € 150 por persona por noche (solo, doble, triple y cuádruple disponibles)
                            • Trajes de Oktoberfest tradicionales: realmente sobresaldrás como un pulgar adolorido si no estás vestido con uno de estos, además, siempre es divertido vestirte con tus atuendos tradicionales alemanes y tomar fotos para el gramo para hacer que todos tus amigos vuelvan celoso en casa… Dirndl establece € 70, Lederhosen establece € 90 en el sitio – 20% DE DESCUENTO SI PRE-COMPRA
                            • Duchas calientes: en Múnich puede hacer un poco de frío en esta época del año y qué mejor manera de calentar los huesos (y lavar los pecados) que con una ducha caliente. Sin embargo, para hacer esto, debes comprar fichas de ducha, así que ten tus monedas listas en 1 € por ficha, o si te sientes valiente, ¡las duchas frías son gratis! (1 ficha te dará 6 minutos de felicidad)
                            • Tipis privados para 8 personas: ¿tienes un grupo grande y quieres poder juntarnos? ¿Te gusta la idea de que Oktoberfest sea una fiesta de pijamas grande y acogedora con todos tus amigos? ¡Salta a un tipi! € 640 por noche
                            • “Entradas Oktoberfest 7s: Rugby 7 es una de las dos variantes de rugby que se juegan en todo el mundo. Lleva el nombre de la cantidad de jugadores, 7 por equipo, y es un muy buen momento para mirar. Si quieres experimentar algunos deportes en vivo con un ambiente loco entre sesiones de cervecerías, sube a bordo – € 29, disponible el 21 y 22 de septiembre
                            • Recorrido en bicicleta por Múnich: ¿tiene ganas de subirse a una bicicleta y pasear por el pintoresco Múnich durante unas horas, hacer ejercicio y ver los lugares de interés? Tenemos un regalo para ti. El tour en bicicleta por Munich te llevará a todas las atracciones principales, es un viaje bastante plano y puedes parar para almorzar y tomar cervezas (no incluido en el precio), ¿qué no te encanta? 25 €
                            • Reservas de la mesa del Oktoberfest: ¿no quiere abrirse paso entre la multitud y mirar fuera de las mesas? Reserve su propio lugar en una mesa en una de las famosas cervecerías. No solo obtendrá un lugar garantizado en la mesa, el precio también incluye tokens de comida y cerveza: envíe un correo electrónico a info@stoketravel.com para obtener información sobre precios y disponibilidad de mesas

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            Complementos disponibles

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            Available During Booking
                            Oktoberfest Dirndl set

                            Looks good, feels good in this Oktoberfest Dirndl set

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            Available During Booking
                            Lederhosen (Traditional Clothing)

                            Looks good, feels good in this traditional Lederhosen set

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            Available During Booking
                            Unlimited beer & sangria

                            Add on unlimited unlimited beer & sangria to your booking

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            Available During Booking
                            Munich’s Best Bike Tour

                            2 hours bike tour
                            The Eisbach Wave, beer garden for lunch & a stein and much much more.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            Oktoberfest 2024 Photos

                            DJ Teletanko

                            Stoketoberfest mainstage
                            Todos los fines de semana

                            Mowgli Wild Boys

                            Stoketoberfest mainstage
                            Todos los fines de semana

                            Sex Cinema

                            Todos los fines de semana

                            Wicked Things

                            Stoketoberfest mainstage
                            Todos los fines de semana


                            Stoketoberfest mainstage
                            Todos los fines de semana

                            Shisa Lounge

                            Shisha marque
                            Jueves - Domingo

                            Sons Of Med

                            Stoketoberfest mainstage
                            Todos los fines de semana


                            Stoketoberfest mainstage
                            Todos los fines de semana

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)

                            The directions to the campgrounds were good as were the directions/transportation/beer bong sendoffs from the campgrounds to the festival. The camping in October is a little cold, but the tents were set up well with mattresses and sleeping bags so no complaints, the atmosphere was great, Oktoberfest was a party from the moment i woke up in the morning to the moment i put in my earplugs and tried to pass out at night!

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            Atmosphere was 10/10. Loosest , most fun weekend of my life! Could have been warned about how much f*cking fun it was!!! FOOD ROCKED. Being camping you expect pretty dodge food but it was great. Bacon made my life.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            One hell of a party, Would be nice if a pillow was included in the tent, but the food was tasty.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            The staff were some I the best people on the while trip, super friendly and welcoming. I found you through a friend who went last year. As promised by her it was awesome, and it sure was!!!

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            The check-in was good, I liked how the people took you to your tent. The atmosphere was awesome!

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            The booking process is really practical and fast. The atmosphere was amazing, the best experience that can had in Oktoberfest! The people, everybody is so helpful, nice and fun; who was working and who was just enjoying too, everybody was really nice! The breakfast is wonderful, really good! Big lines, but when I ate, make worths.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            Absolutely awesome! great staff and great people everywhere! i loved the Signs and Themes everywhere. Fun sayings everywhere! music was also very very nice.


                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            The atmosphere is why I’ll always use Stoke Travel. I felt welcomed, check-in was painless!


                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            The atmosphere was so good! Everyone was so friendly! And YES the food was perfect, much better than I was expecting. Eggs and bacon are the perfect pre-drinking/hangover food.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            The party you provided was awesome a real neat set up, we met some real cool people from all over the world! Way better than expected. We had a hamburger one night and the open bar was definitely worth the 10€.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            Let me say the beer bong on arrival was fantastic and the laid-back and friendly crew even better. Only suggestion would be keep doing what you are doing!

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            So fun, the rain bummed people out, so the music should have been cranked to 11 and to dance. Could have closed the bars at 1 instead of 12 also (which would really mean close at 2 because you guy are too awesome).

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            Oktoberfest with Stoke Travel was fantastic! The hosts were so welcoming and even helped me with cleaning up an unfortunate situation that involved vomit in my tent. The hosts wanted to make sure we were set from the start, and had an awesome time. The heated bathrooms are nice, and definitely search those out right when you get there because the temp drops at night. Snag a pair of earplugs for the sleeping at night, since you are mighty close to other tents. Overall awesome experience with stoke travel and thanks for the incredible hospitality!! Cheers!

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            Best friking time of my life. Thank you, Stoke!!!

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            The atmosphere was so much fun that I missed my flight! The best Oktoberfest experience. Ever.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            Our group met so many fun people at Oktoberfest. It’s probably the best party I’ve ever been to and the unlimited booze was a big bonus!

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            There was a real friendly atmosphere created by the Stoke Travel staff. It was a great way to get us in the party spirit before entering Oktoberfest.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            We loved everything about Oktoberfest; from the amazing energy at the campsite to getting drunk with strangers that became great friends! I can’t wait to go back.

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


                            The Stoke Travel campsite outside of the festival was as fun as Oktoberfest itself!

                            4.7/5 - (12 votes)


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                                  Oktoberfest 2024

                                  Start Date: 2024-09-20 End Date: 2024-10-07

                                  Select your package
                                  ULTIMAS AVENTURAS DE OKTOBERFEST
                                  ¡ALÓJESE POR 4 NOCHES Y 10 €/NOCHE! + TOUR GRATIS EN BICICLETA DE MÚNICH
                                  • €280 / Por Persona Por Paquete
                                  • 15 SEPTIEMBRE – 4 OCTUBRE

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                                  OKTOBERFEST POR DIA
                                  • €80 / Por Persona Por Noche
                                  • 15 SEPTIEMBRE - 4 OCTUBRE

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                                  • €65 / Por Persona Por Noche
                                  • LUNES A MIERCOLES NOCHES

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                                  Comodidad Plus
                                  Regálate una estancia más cómoda
                                  • €110 / Por Persona Por Noche
                                  • 15 SEPTIEMBRE - 4 OCTUBRE

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                                  TSP (TRAIGA SU PROPIO) PAQUETE VAN
                                  CONÓZCANOS ALLÍ Y DORMIR EN SU VAN
                                  • €95 / Por Persona Por Noche
                                  • 15 SEPTEMBRE - 4 OCTUBRE

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